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Keynote Speaker & Woodworker Everything Energy Daily Energy Report: Weekly:

Aug 26, 2022, 6 tweets

After spending hundreds of billions of dollars on wind and solar, 82.3% of global consumption of primary energy is still fossil fuel.. and it is going up in 2022!!
#Oil #Coal #Natgas #energy #FossilFuels

People think Europe is going green and different from the rest of the world! Well, it has more hydro and nuclear too! Europe's dependence on fossil fuels is 70.6%! #Energy #Euroep #Russia

I chose red for coal on purpose!

China's dependence on fossil fuel is 82.7%

Westerners who bragging about China's EVs: 🤣

India should use less coal and more natural gas.

India's dependence on fossil fuels is about 90%! Again: 90%! Good luck with #COP26!
#India #Energy #Coal #Oil #OOTT #COM

- If OECD countries +China + India double or triple their renewable energy, the impact on oil demand is minuscule!
- Only 2.5% was generated from oil! 36% from coal!
- 61.4% of global electricity was generated by fossil fuels in 2021
#Climate #COP26 #COP27 #OOTT #Oil #Coal

Germany’s dependence on fossil fuels is 75.6%. Its power generation's dependence on fossil fuels is 49.3%. Since little oil is used in power generation, doubling renewable energy will have no impact on global oil demand. #Germany was planning to eliminate that yellow 11.8%!

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