Tim White Profile picture
Journalist/Documentary maker. Ukraine specialist. Data expert (inc. Covid-19). Media trainer. Sports commentator. Buy me a coffee? https://t.co/MLLqpHi3vV

Sep 21, 2022, 63 tweets

We've reached Day 210 of #Russia's 3 day plan to topple #Kyiv.
#Ukraine fights on.

If you want to scroll through yesterday's news, it's here:


The important thing to say is that President Putin is making his delayed (recorded) speech now about the future of the illegal war

Putin announced only a partial mobilisation, which is what I suspected.

So anyone who's on the reserve will be called up due to #Russia's shortage of cannon fodder.

Among the usual rantings of a madman, we had the spectacle of Putin talking about the West's nuclear blackmail, and then tried to nuclear blackmail the west!

He basically threatened action if Ukraine tried to reclaim its territories which "don't want to live under Nazi regime"

Utter and complete b*****ks as usual from the tiny man in The Kremlin.
Not even a pretence of democracy in saying what the Occupied parts of #Ukraine "want" even before the fixed referenda happen.

My translation is basically "shit, we're in trouble. Let's try bullying again"

Could be an interesting session at the UN General Assembly.

#Ukraine's First Lady and Prime Minister have arrived in New York.

British Intelligence also thinks Putin is panicking.
#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

#Russia's Defence Minister Shoigu says 300,000 reservists will be called up (if they can find them 😉)

Why would they need them? They've only suffered a few casualties😅

Was this always part of the plan?

#Russia's number of soldiers sacrificed in this war now tops 55,000.

It can only rise.

The number of deaths, as well as combat vehicles, artillery systems and general vehicles all above the mean in the last 24 hours

(#Ukraine estimates)

You may have noticed I've been away for 3 hours.

I needed a lot more than 280 characters, so I've been writing this essay on today's developments and the future of #Russia's illegal war and the west's reaction.

Please share!

@melindaharing @fredkempe @edwardlucas @apolyakova

What a shame!
The MP who co-wrote the amendments to #Russia's Criminal Code on "mobilisation" says Members of Parliament won't be able to go to the frontline.
Dmitry Vyatkin says they are obliged to "convey the importance of the situation" to people.
#OneRuleForOne #PutinsRussia

After #Russia's partial mobilsation, dissident jailed opposition leader @navalny has called for protests this evening and that call is being heard as I'll detail in coming tweets.

Street protests against #Russia's mobilisation began in the far east where evening came first of course.

This is in #UlanUde

#нетмобилизации is the most popular hashtag used by protesters.

One person reports a demo in #Chechnya too where "mothers and wives are demanding their sons and husbands are not taken away"
However, I cannot verify this.

#Navalny said mobilisation will be the end of Putin - so will this be the partial end?

In #Irukutsk 12 people reported to have been arrested after crowds gathered in the city centre.

Russia's also said it's now illegal to talk about mobilisation unless referring to official channels!

#нетмобилизации #RussiaIsATerroristState

Protesters in #Irkutsk managed to keep recording as #Russia's police arrested them.

A crowd of people was demonstrating.
#нетмобилизации #StopRussia

20 now arrested in #Irkutsk according to independent journalists in the city.

Now photos from #Tomsk, where protests are underway. So far "around 10-15 people have been detained.

#нетмобилизации #NoToMobilisation #RussiaInvadedUkraine

This is from #Novosibirsk
Protests not even started yet, but already police vans gather in the centre

#нетмобилизации #NoToMobilisation #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine

all photos last 2 posts, credit to TG Borusio

UK + American media now reporting that flight prices have soared for anywhere leaving #Russia where no visa is needed e.g. Armenia, Turkey.

People even escape on foot too. This translated post on Telegram shows they're desperate to get to #Mongolia too!
#Buryatia #нетмобилизации

#Baranul's protest is underway. Even protesters remark they're surprised at the lack of police so far!

#нетмобилизации #StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

In #Novosibirsk the police got out of their vans to try to intimidate anyone thinking of protesting.

#StopRussia #mobilization #StandWithUkraine

Any new followers or passers-by, please support our fundraiser to help troops in #Ukraine continue the fight this winter.

For the first time since launch, the "projection" is we will miss the £10,000 target. Can you get us back on track?


#Novosibirsk - update
The police were soon in action. First of all shouting warnings and threats to the peaceful gathering.

"No to war" shouted by a few and then one protester is soon bundled away for standing up to the thugs in uniform.

#mobilization #StandByUkraine

More from #Novosibirsk as small nationwide protests take place in #Russia against today's partial mobilsation.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

A former Russian paratrooper has been arrested for holding a Dali painting!

Andrey Debu was detained in #Yekaterinburg despite clearly not breaking any laws. The painting is "The Face of War" and he wrote "how do you like this face?"


The cost of protesting against mobilisation in #Russia so far:

#Irkutsk 40
#Krasnoyarsk 30
#Moscow 1 (solo protester)
#Novosibirsk 3
#Tomsk 35
#UlanUde 4
#Yekaterinburg 2
#Zheleznogorsk 3

The big cities of St Petersburg and Moscow have yet to start their protests

Anti-mobilisation protests continue across #Russia - let's see how things develop in the two biggest cities.
Already arrests in both.

In #StPetersburg over 50 initially gathered near St. Isaac's Cathedral.

#StopRussia #StopPutin #StandWithUkraine

#Russia's police in #StPetersburg were not happy with protesters allowed to calmly stand near the cathedral

So they were penned in to a tiny section of the square, then arrests started.
More police than protesters - don't they have a war to attend to?

#StopRussia #mobilization

In #Moscow they have a great chant..
"Pitun v okopy" - which means Putin in the trenches!

Anti-mobilisation rallies gaining strength.

#StandWithUkraine #mobilization

#Moscow #Moskva
Arrests of anti-mobilisation protesters

#StopRussia #StopPutin

Over 10,000 are watching this guy's live stream in English from #StPetersburg's protests

In #Moscow police snatch squads are diving into the crowd of people protesting against #mobilisation.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia #mobilization

During his live stream, a YouTuber from #StPetersburg was assaulted on the street for speaking English.

The stranger tried to grab his camera and told him to speak Russian. When Niki Proshin responded with "in Russian" meaning he does, he was hit.

#RussiaProtests #mobilization

Some great photos from @Sota_Vision tonight - these from the protests in #StPetersburg

#mobilization #StandWithUkraine #StopPutinNOW

Excellent news from #Russia/#Ukraine

Aleksei @Navalny's team prank called the son of Putin's spokesman "Rolex" Peskov.

Little Dmitry casually says he won't be conscripted - he will solve this another way!

Over 500 arrests in #Russia this evening combining social media posts with reports from a Human Rights group.

The people are protesting against the partial mobilisation announced by Putin today.


Aiden is probably the most well known of the British captured by #Russia.

I understand all the foreigners given death sentences are released. As I wrote here, I was confident the death sentences wouldn't be carried out but the release comes as a surprise

War bloggers on both sides acknowledge that #Ukraine's army is in Drobysheve near #Lyman.

I believe they're already further.

Well, I guess they're not being sexist?

That's about the only thing I can say after watching the way the police in St Petersburg violently arrested this woman during the protests this evening

#Thugs #StopPutin #mobilization

Making new friends...

Inside a police van in #Moscow after arrests at the #mobilization protests

Over 750 have been arrested in #Russia

Watching live streams, arrest after arrest in Moscow in particular.

The total now declared 1,026 but I'm pretty sure it's over 1,200.

In Moscow over 400, in St Petersburg 376

Proests in #Kaliningrad too - the province surrounded by EU countries.

This woman was arrested for the colour of her coat locals report.

#NoWar #NoMobilsation #StopRussia

Still protests continue in #Moscow and #StPetersburg

Here's a flavour of the scene in the capital, from a live stream moments ago.

Ceaseless stream of arrests, the second one here violent after the young lad had been beaten.

#Russia's so brave riot police somehow managing to arrest a string of young women. Bravo. Your mamas much be proud of you.

As they are marched off, they all shout "No war"

#StandWithUkraine #StopPutin #mobilizacja

Police guard a bus full of prisoners following protests in #Moscow.

Safe in Saudi.
British (and other) prisoners of war arrive in Riyadh after being released by #Russia's proxy govt in #Donetsk earlier today.

Over 1,300 arrested in #Russia today for protesting #Putin's partial mobilisation.

500 people detained in #StPetersburg and now also in #Moscow. Next highest number of detentions came in #Yekaterinburg with 40.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine #нетмобилизации

In #Tatarstan reservists have even more problems.

Those under threat of conscription are not permitted to leave the territory, while the law also allows their private cars to be seized.


Thanks to @CarolynnePries1 and @MuffinmanMc for their tips today. DMs open if you spot any stories.

Hugely popular news in #Ukraine

One of Azovstal's women defenders has also been released today. Kateryna Polishchuk smiling for the camera.


It's known about 8 of #Ukraine's heroes of #Azovstal have been released in today's prisoner swap deal.

Also free is Head of #Mariupol's patrol police Mykhailo Vershinin.

#heroiamslava #StandWithUkraine

In #Kherson a few more invaders will be denied the chance to vote in #ShamRef

Until occupation, this was #Ukraine's State Emergency Service in the region, now used by the invaders (though not tonight)

#NoReferenda #StandWithUkraine

Fun times in #Yekaterinburg

A few minutes before, these two guys were spreading obnoxious views in favour of war and mandatory conscription. But the police arrested them too!

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

One more hero of #Azovstal is free.
You will probably remember his photo - one of the last pictures taken inside the #Mariupol' steelworks before the surrender.

President @ZelenskyyUa makes a little more history.

The #Ukraine leader is speaking right now to the 77th General Assembly of the #UN - the first time a ruler has been permitted to speak via video link.

#Ukraine freed Putin's mate Viktor Medvedchuk in exchange for the release of #Azovstal heroes and foreign POWs.

It's now been confirmed that #Azov battalion Commanding Officer Denys Prokopenko and his deputy Svyatoslav Palamar are among those liberated from captivity.

Over 1,400 people were arrested tonight by #Russia's police across the country.

They were protesting against the announcement of mobilisation made by Putin early today.

#Ukraine's @ZelenskyyUa receives a standing ovation from most of the hall at the #UN building in New York after wrapping up his speech.

His final words were to humiliate the 7 countries which voted against allowing him to address the General Assembly and #SlavaUkraini

Full details of today's Prisoner swap deal.

#Ukraine freed 55 Russian POWS plus Viktor Medvedchuk

215 of Ukraine's soldiers were freed.
The three #Azov commanders must stay in #Turkiye until the war ends, the others are home

This is confirmed by the President's Office.

Here's the moment that #Ukraine's released heroes were returned to the country, in #Chernihiv region.

#SlavaUkraini #HeroiamSlava

Finally for Day 210 a photo released by #SaudiArabia of the liberated foreigners who were Prisoners of War, held by #Russia.

Ten of various nationalities including Brits Sean Pinner and Aiden Aslin who, along with Moroccan Saadoun Brahim, had been sentenced to death

I should also confirm that the names of other captive British nationals Dylan Healy, John Harding and Andrew Hill are also on the list of released prisoners.

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