bsky: Profile picture
"in the land of the coins the man who makes it to dubai is king" (often held in The Shadows of Bǟǟn by The Brothren, you may not see me tweet unless you 🔔)

Jan 4, 2023, 12 tweets

It's been almost a month since our last episode of The More Than Seven Seals of #TheCryptocalypse listed way more than 7 really bad omens for the cryptocurrency "industry."

Well things have gotten a lot worse since then. #TheOracleOfTulips has more to reveal.


The contents of The Book of Fraudits were revealed by the prophet #Mazars in the form of number-free "attestations" about the financial state of #CryptoCom, #Binance, and #KuCoin.

Note that the #KuCoin attestation has never been seen by mortal eyes.

#Mazars LLP, one of the two quasi-legitimate accounting firms still auditing cryptocurrency exchanges not named @Coinbase or @Kraken, announced they would no longer audit crypto firms not named Coinbase or Kraken.

The Harrowing of the Bros: Crypto bros are rising from the dead.

Wallets linked to both #GeraldCotten of #QuadrigaCX and #HalFinney, long suspected IRL guy behind #Satoshi, sprang back into chain-life.

🐋 The War of the Whales🐋

The Parting Of The Stablecoin Waters kicked off the great east vs. west divide as #Huobi, #KuCoin, #ByBit, etc. shifted to exclusively $USDT and #CryptoCom went 100% $USDC.

🐋 The War of the Whales🐋

Paolo Ardoino from #Tether and #CZ, ruler of the empire of #Binance, started talking shit about @Kris Marszalek CEO of #Cryptocom in public. #PaoloToldMe

🐋 The War of the Whales🐋

Bro has set upon bro: Cameron Winklevoss went after Barry Silbert of DCG with a highly accusatory open letter asking where #Gemini customers' $900M went.

Silbert responded by making shit up. It escalated from there.

🐋 The War of the Whales🐋

Revenge of the chain: crypto bros who have their own chains like #BSC/#BinanceSmartChain and @Solana started throwing each other off of those private chains. #Cryptocom got tossed of #BSC and #OKX off #Solana.


#EvaKaili, the most pro-cryptocurrency left-wing VP of the #EuropeanParliament, was arrested with suitcases full of cash.

Kaili allegedly accepted bribes Qataris in exchange for telling all the Europeans that the Qataris were the nicest slave drivers she’d ever met.


VC and private equity funding for cryptocurrency businesses took a huge nose dive.


Avraham Eisenberg, the @mangomarkets trader, was arrested for behavior widely understood to be nothing more than a “highly profitable trading strategy”.


There's more ominous portents but you're gonna have to read about them over on Substack.…

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