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Emperor ๐Ÿ‘‘ Market Structure Wizard. Paradigm Shift ๐Ÿงฉ

Jan 27, 2023, 11 tweets


Read this comprehensive thread so you understand why this is the BIGGEST BULL TRAP that we have ever seen

#thread ๐Ÿงต

Let's start with JPOW & Interest Rates

Currently, Fed has been raising interest rates to battle inflation which puts downward pressure on the #StockMarket

So if Fed keeps raising rates, it's #bearish for #stocks & #crypto.

Raising Camign โ†’ Pause โ†’ Decreasing Campaign


We are in a #BearMarket and this recent rally has sparked a lot of enthusiasm from #investors and #traders.

Bear Market Rallies are a common phenomenon during the Bear Market and usually have multiple selling climaxes and declining volume on the rallies.


Now, I am going to dive into different charts to show you the confluence of what I am saying.

First up, $VIX ๐Ÿ‘‘


๐Ÿ’ก Look for divergence when #VIX makes a lower low, #stocks should make a higher high and when it does not happen, we can anticipate a turn in the markets.


๐Ÿ’ก Indicies Divergence

Monitor Three Major Indices: #DOW #NASDAQ #SPY and look for divergence, all three indices should follow each other and make higher highs and lower lows in tandem. When it does not happen, we can anticipate a turn in the markets.


๐Ÿ’ก International #Bonds Divergence

Monitor International 10Y Bond Yields: #USA, #British, #German bonds and look for divergence.

Yield ๐Ÿ“ˆ โ†’ Currency ๐Ÿ“ˆ โ†’ Equities ๐Ÿ“‰


๐Ÿ’ก #DXY Dollar Index at MAJOR support!

If the #Dollar bounces from its MID RANGE support, we could see a 6% rally which would be very #bearish for #stocks and #crypto.


#SP500 $ES_F $ES Technical Analysis

1. Liquidity Grab โœ“
2. Displacement โœ“
3. Structure Break โœ“
4. Retracement โœ“
5. Short inside Optimal Trade Entry โœ“


This new bullish sentiment across #stocks and #crypto is getting out of control, intelligent ๐Ÿง investors call it "Irrational Exuberance"

F&ck around...


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