India's inadequate surveillance systems & a history of 'mystery deaths'
From a 2003 article:
"A "mystery" disease in India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, that has so far affected 112 children and resulted in 43 deaths continues to baffle medical researchers. " 1/n
"The outbreak comes after a similar situation last year in Siliguri district in West Bengal and a suspected plague in the early 1990s. These outbreaks have highlighted India's serious weakness in identifying pathogens. "
" Ganguli's announcement that the Siliguri outbreak was caused by a measles variant was contradicted by researchers at the Delhi based National Institute of Communicable Diseases. "Six Siliguri samples were sent to [the US] CDC, and they turned out to be of Nipah virus," "
"Biraj Mohan Das, director of emergency medical services in India's health ministry, told the BMJ . But researchers at the national institute feel that the issue is still unresolved. "It very well could be a new virus, although we tend to think it is close to Nipah virus," "
Kerala's doctors have done a great job of getting the virus identified quickly, and it has helped the emergency response.
However, the question to ask is, how many Indians who died -over the last few decades - of sudden 'mystery diseases', may have actually does of #Nipah?
Im told that one needs to sensationalise things a bit, at times. Here it is:
During Gorakhpur tragedy last year, where many children died of JE and Non-JE Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES), one thing that was ignored in media was the number of adults who died.
Now, in terms of encephalitis deaths, AES is the universe & JE is a subset.
Studies show that in Gorakhpur, incidence of JE declined from 1.9 /100,000 in 2010 to 0.5 /100,000 in 2012, & incidence of JE-negative AES, which causes a majority of the deaths now, stayed stable
Non-Japanese Encephalitis AES deaths are caused by enteroviruses like Chandipura virus, and, you guessed right, #Nipah virus. If you look at data on Non-JE AES deaths (, you will see most are reported from near WB, where we had known Nipah outbreaks.
My doctor friends tell me that in an emergency situation, AES deaths -say Chandipura virus, Nipah virus or other enteroviruses- can look similar to a doctor. JE would affect mostly children, but Nipah for example, will have an equal prevalence over age groups.
So we can further narrow down the question to; how many of the Gorakhpur deaths, or similar deaths every year of children and adults could potentially be caused by #Nipah?
According to (severely underreported) official data, Japanese Encephalitis (the "villain" in Gorakhpur) killed 254 Indians in 2017 while Non-JE AES killed 1097 the same year. Actuals could be 50-100 times more.
Of these, how many could have been #Nipah deaths?
Just found this news from yesterday's paper.
"The districts of Gorakhpur & Maharajganj, experts suspect, are highly susceptible to the presence of deadly Nipah virus" , it says.
Gorakhpur vulnerable to Nipah, feel PGI doctors via @TOILucknow
A map from a 2016 study titled "Acute Encephalitis Syndrome in India: The Changing Scenario"…
"Known" endemic regions of various viruses reported to cause Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES)in India.