'We are living at the core of the problem and we should be at the core of the solution!' #GNB2018

'We can do it if we work together.' #GNB2018

*"Take every opportunity to share insights and suggestions with each other."
*"Connect with each other to learn & align.
*"Inspire each other to reach greater heights to achieve our goal of ending child marriages." #GNB2018
Very refreshing! 😉
It's all connected. This is why it's a must to work together; connecting, learning, inspiring and aligning!

We are pragmatic!
We are low on bureaucracy.
We consider all organisations equal.
We collaborate.
Girls are at the centre of our work"- @MabelvanOranje
"Let girls be girls not brides!!!!"

We must continue to strengthen our movement being youth led, girl led & for this meeting let's say #Africangirl "-@vanyaradzayi
With the right politics, right policies, right technical interventations and right private conversations, we can #endchildmarriages " - @vanyaradzayi #GNB2018
Here are some questions. Answer agree/disagree
1.Should the legal age of marriage for girls be 18
2.should the legal age of marriage for boys be 18
3. Should someone over the age of 18 be punished or prosecuted for marrying someone under 18 #GNB2018

We must think about What it is we're protecting girls from and how are we empowering them? Is it for our girls or for sustaining our cultural norms on marriage and motherhood." #GNB2018
"Danger in criminalising sex is that we create an environment where young people can't differentiate between abuse and desire." #GNB2018
*We have to recognise evolving capacities of adoscents. Recognise children as active agents in their own life while being protected. "

Would be interesting to know the definition of 'impact' (ahem...alittle sarcasm here).

The words trust and respect have been used alot by members of the @GirlsNotBrides which is commendable But how do members of the hold eachother accountable at country level?#GNB2018
Qns u should be asking;
*How many youth are part of the leadership team in your organisation?Why?
*why are u here & not them?
Very honest & refreshing. Enjoyed his remarks as a panelist on the role of multilateral organisations in ending child marriages. Thank you Dr. @ChandraMouliWHO for starting conversations we would usually push under the carpet! @HabibaRezwana

Everytime I see her, I'm refreshed, re-energised and inspired anew!!💜💜

Interesting session on teen pregnancies.
'Comprehensive sexual education is the way to go. If it doesn't have gender as a major component then it is not comprehensive.'

Have voice, choice and control!

Hey @_Nanzunga_
Reporting back!
I'm hanging with these two beauties @haddijatoujonga @musubakoto 😉😍🤗

We are well represented y'all!💪🏾 #GNB2018

Sharing experiences of the Malawi parliamentary women's caucus work in taking the law to the people particularly their work in #endingchildmarriages

Cc : @GirlsNotBrides

I say yes, as they should! Infact it must be their primary responsibility. Thank you.

'The more girl 'brides' share their experiences with girls still in schools, the more girls know the negative impact of child marriages, motivating them to stay in school.' #GNB2018

Food deprivation is at times used by mother-in-laws to control the girls.
Some chilling findings from Gaza on child marriages.

Some findings from Jordan.

The patriarchy is hard at work is maintaining it's power to police women's bodies! #GNB2018
Go to link and sign the petition!

They facilitate and even marry girls!
Key component was the recruitment of female members from the community who went door to door negotiating with gatekeepers ie. Husbands & in-laws to allow girls to participate. #GNB2018

Research in Ethiopia showed many girls previously married & ostracized by families have to move to urban areas to support themselves through any means necessary, usually sex work. #GNB2018
However, the problem is as demand increases, supply is not improving. #GNB2018

When decisions are made on reducing the family's economic burdens, it is the girl who suffers.'

☝🏾norms that must die! We have to work relentlessly & consistently! #GNB2018
These also lead to men looking for younger partners, easier to control etc

Reflect methodology has been proven to work for community mobilisation & transformative change.'#GNB2018
Interesting example of using mobile phones to court with no physical meetings.

Interesting one raised on weighing choices girls make to delay marriage to study.
What are the negatives & positives?
Me inside: why are there negatives?😖


Oky y'all, but behave your patriachial selves.
*Don't take over our narrative
*Listen to women
*Hold each other accountable
*Listen to women
*Nah, you can't say you will change on your own terms.
Have examples to share? Come let's discuss them, demystify them & advance an agenda of
Learning from those experiences!
Session starting at 2 in room 304.

