DOJ Springs a Leak: Rosenstein Blasts GOP Congressmen; “They’re Pieces of Sh*t”
Deputy Attorney General might want to plug the leaks in his own office before he keeps trumpeting how he is reforming the corrupt FBI.

“Rosenstein and his people have no respect for Congress, especially GOP,” the Justice source confirmed. “Most of the GOP go along quietly because they know Rosenstein will target them privately if
Apparently common insider knowledge in The Swamp.
During a recent internal exchange, a perturbed Rosenstein aired his frustration with Jordan and Nunes in particular but collectively framed his disdain for all
That revelation is significant. The source said Rosenstein’s feelings are echoed throughout the Justice Department. But that attitude matched his
Rosenstein does not respond well to pressure, based on his behavior at Thursday’s House Oversight showdown with Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray. CNBC reports:
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Thursday rejected Republican Rep.
Gowdy, who is chairman of the House Oversight Committee, made the remarks to Rosenstein during a hearing on the
But Gowdy focused on the special counsel, which he said was being used by congressional Democrats as
Rosenstein tried to keep his cool as Jordan continuously interrupted his answers, prompting some Democrats in the room to call for Jordan to allow
“Sir, I certainly hope that your colleagues are not under that impression. It is not accurate sir,” said Rosenstein before being interrupted by Jordan.
“It is accurate,” Jordan shot back. “We’ve caught you hiding information.”
“But your use of this to attack me personally is deeply wrong,” he finally declared at one point in the exchange.
Where in the hell is Jeff Sessions?