
ms rosia absolutely belongs on that board & i’m glad to see this change, but so does jeff fogel. so they got it half right...
“you’re welcome, bootlickers” — antifascist activists have been working hard to expose & destroy violent altright groups.
“i don’t know what y’all are doing, but i don’t like it.”
don’t mess with mary carey, folks.
i’m also really tired of hearing the word “blasting.”
🌈✨🙌w h i t e n e s s is m a g i c a l 🙌✨🌈
we laughed at him until he sat down.
“belmont is not the only area having an issue with housing.” she calls for the same compassion from councilors for other parts of the city facing serious issues.
“this city continues to display a narrative that this is a white only city.”
“until we can care for everybody in this city, we cannot and will not move forward”
tanesha’s entire comment was incredible 🔥
he closed by saying “thank you for being a friend.”

strong fuckin’ opener, lisa.
“things that would have been unthinkable became possible... and then desirable.”
she closes by asking folks to donate to @CvilleFund…

also most of the folks commenting about this issue HAVE LEFT and will not be here to hear the actual agenda item they care so much about.

“we will park friendship court adequately” but they can’t spent money on “unnecessary” parking. they will meet “determined need.”
no one stepped up during the offered public comment period.
(i’m falling asleep)…
wes motions to approve, heather seconds.
moving on to “Mixed Use Development Standards Zoning Text Amendment (1st of 2 readings)”
i usually read the background. i did not. i do not know what this means.
no takers on the public hearing for this agenda item. kathy moves they adopt the ordinance. heather seconds. no vote tonight.
no takers on the public hearing. heather moves they adopt the resolution, kathy seconds. no discussion, unanimous vote to approve.
oh becky, that’s a little melodramatic.
they’ve invited one of the concerned homeowners back up to talk some more.

i was at a planning commission meeting discussing this SUP back in march...
kathy is committed to profit over people & continues to couch it in language like this
kathy is uncritically supportive of the project & is also sundowning hard
(why is there no good gif of boot licking?)

pay me, charlottesville.
asst city mgr leslie beauregard
asst city mgr mike murphy
director of emergency mgmt
fire chief
police chief