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Apr 26th 2023
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#Alabama #Ohio #Illinois #Georgia
Thread 1/10 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#Florida #Ohio #Pennsylvania #NewJersey ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#PuertoRico #Connecticut #California #SouthCarolina ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Interesting tug or war between BQ.1.1 vs XBB.1.5

TOP lineages (#15DAYTRENDS):

23.3% BQ.1.1
15.5% XBB.1.5
10.8% BQ.1
2.9% BQ.1.1.4
2.8% XBB.1
2.1% BQ.1.1.3

#OmicronUpdates 01/06/2023

Sequence count by US State

Large share of sequences from outside NE States with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

The proportion of BQ.1*/BQ.1.1* >> XBB.1.5 outside NE states.

XBB.1.5 is expected to outcompete all other circulating lineages soon.

Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

Read 24 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Interesting tug or war between BQ.1.1 vs XBB.1.5

TOP lineages (#15DAYTRENDS):

19.4% BQ.1.1
17.0% XBB.1.5
10.8% BQ.1
3.3% XBB.1
2.8% BQ.1.1.4
2.4% BQ.1.1.3

#OmicronUpdates 01/05/2023

Note: Thanks to Emily Smith (tweet below), misassigned BQ.1.22s were reassigned now to BQ.1.1 or BQ.1.x.y (will check them again and update if there are any additional changes)

Sequence count by US State

Large share of sequences from outside NE States with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days. The proportion of BQ.1*/BQ.1.1* >> XBB.1.5 outside NE states. XBB.1.5 is expected to outcompete all other circulating lineages soon.

Read 19 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (#15DAYTRENDS):

18.9% XBB.1.5
14.5% BQ.1.1
9.6% BQ.1
6.6% BQ.1.22
3.2% XBB.1
2.4% BQ.1.1.4
2.3% BQ.1.3
2.1% BQ.1.12
2.0% BQ.1.1.3

#OmicronUpdates 01/04/2023

Sequence count by US State

New York, California, North Carolina, Washington, Virginia and Florida have submitted a large share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

Read 21 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Holiday season - Low seq count this 15day period!

TOP lineages (#15DAYTRENDS):

24.0% XBB.1.5
11.4% BQ.1.1
9.5% BQ.1.22
9.2% BQ.1
3.6% XBB.1
2.6% BQ.1.1.3

#OmicronUpdates 01/03/2023

1/n Image
Sequence count by US State

New York and California have submitted a large share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

Appears like a push-pull between BQ.1.1. vs XBB.1.5 as more sequences from outside NE USA are being submitted.

2/n Image
Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

3/n Image
Read 19 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Holiday season - Low seq count this 15day period!

TOP lineages (#15DAYTRENDS):

35.7% XBB.1.5
13.4% BQ.1.1
8.5% BQ.1
4.1% XBB.1
2.8% BQ.1.1.4
2.6% BQ.1.1.3

#OmicronUpdates 01/02/2023

Sequence count by US State

New York has submitted a HUGE SHARE of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

Read 18 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Wish everyone a Healthy New Year 2023!

TOP lineages (#15DAYTRENDS):

32.7% XBB.1.5 👀
14.6% BQ.1.1
8.9% BQ.1
4.1% XBB.1
2.5% BQ.1.1.4
2.2% XBB


#OmicronUpdates 01/01/2023

Sequence count by US State

New York has submitted a HUGE SHARE of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

Read 19 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Interesting tug of war between BQ.1.1 & XBB.1.5

TOP lineages (#15DAYTRENDS):

27.0% XBB.1.5 👀
14.7% BQ.1.1
8.4% BQ.1
4.1% BQ.1.22
3.9% XBB.1
2.2% BQ.1.1.4


#OmicronUpdates 12/31/22

1/n Image
Sequence count by US State

New York has submitted a lion's share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

2/n Image
Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

3/n Image
Read 20 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Interesting tug of war between BQ.1.1 & XBB.1.5

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

14.8% BQ.1.1
12.8% XBB.1.5👀
10.2% BQ.1
8.2% BQ.1.22
3.0% XBB.1
2.4% BQ.1.1.4


#OmicronUpdates 12/30/22

Sequence count by US State

California, New York and Texas have submitted a huge share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

[It appears like a tug of war between XBB.1.5 and BQ.1.1 mainly because of no. of sequences uploaded from West and South]

Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

Read 19 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Interesting tug of war between BQ.1.1 & XBB.1.5

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

14.7% BQ.1.1
11.4% XBB.1.5👀
10.7% BQ.1
9.2% BQ.1.22
3.1% XBB.1
2.3% BQ.1.1.3


#OmicronUpdates 12/29/22

Sequence count by US State

California, New York and Texas have submitted a huge share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

[It appears like a tug of war between XBB.1.5 and BQ.1.1 mainly because of no. of sequences uploaded from West and South]

Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

Read 18 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

Interesting tug of war between BQ.1.1 & XBB.1.5

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

16.3% BQ.1.1
13.5% XBB.1.5
10.7% BQ.1
6.7% BQ.1.22
3.3% XBB.1
2.6% BQ.1.1.4


#OmicronUpdates 12/28/22
Sequence count by US State

New York, California and Texas have submitted a huge share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

[It appears like a tug of war between XBB.1.5 and BQ.1.1 mainly because of no. of sequences uploaded from West and South]

Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

Read 18 tweets
Dec 28th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

16.6% XBB.1.5👀
16.5% BQ.1.1
10.4% BQ.1
5.2% BQ.1.22
4.0% XBB.1
2.0% BQ.1.1.4
1.9% BQ.1.1.3
1.8% BQ.1.2
1.8% BQ.1.3


#OmicronUpdates 12/27/22
Sequence count by US State

New York has submitted a huge share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

2/n Image
Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

3/n Image
Read 16 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

16.8% BQ.1.1
16.2% XBB.1.5👀🚀
11.0% BQ.1
5.5% BQ.1.22
4.4% XBB.1
2.3% BQ.1.1.4
2.1% BQ.1.1.3
2.1% BQ.1.3
1.6% BQ.1.2


#OmicronUpdates 12/25/22
Sequence count by US State

New York has submitted a huge share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

Read 16 tweets
Dec 25th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

16.1% BQ.1.1
13.8% XBB.1.5👀⬆️
11.3% BQ.1
6.4% BQ.1.22
4.3% XBB.1
2.2% BQ.1.1.4
2.0% BQ.1.1.3
1.9% BQ.1.2
1.9% BQ.1.3


#OmicronUpdates 12/24/22
1/n Image
Sequence count by US State

New York has submitted a huge share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

2/n Image
Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

3/n Image
Read 17 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

14.7% BQ.1.1
11.4% BQ.1
10.3% XBB.1.5👀
7.7% BQ.1.22
3.9% XBB.1
2.3% BQ.1.1.3
2.2% BQ.1.2
2.2% BQ.1.3
2.1% BQ.1.12


#OmicronUpdates 12/23/22
1/n Image
Sequence count by US State

California and New York have submitted a huge share of sequences with specimen collection dates in the last 15 days.

2/n Image
Granular details -#VariantDashboard #USA #15DayTrends

3/n Image
Read 20 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
1. A #Sikh friend from #Norwich #Connecticut sent me these photos. Apparently, an Indian American Sikh group made a digital presentation in front of the Norwich City Hall against Mayor Peter A Nystrom, accusing him of supporting and promoting supporters of #Khalistan terror group
2. Messages called on Mayor Nystrom to focus on the issues of #Norwich, including lack of development and an alarming opioid crisis, instead of supporting agendas of extremist groups that were responsible for one of the worst airline bombings in the world. (Kanishka bombing)
3. Friend told me that despite being a small town, Norwich has been facing infrastructure issues with power outages in the past month. Most people in the town he spoke to told him that were completely unaware of who #Khalistanis were and why the Mayor would be promoting them.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
2022 #Midterms Simulation: #ArtoftheGerrymander

A Republican House win will be built on gerrymanders (TX/GA/FL/TN/LA, etc.)

To illustrate the need for fair maps, I'm calculating the results using the 2022 votes, but if every state had a Democratic gerrymander. #ElectionTwitter ImageImageImageImage

I’ll apply the difference in Presidential margin to the House result. Thanks @davesredist @mikemathieu @vest_team + @DKElections @PoliticsWolf

Keen to see how my maps perform over the decade; tried to comply with state law if partisan intent were allowed to stand.
#ArtoftheGerrymander: #Alabama
Trump 62.0% - Biden 36.6%
Real delegation: 6R-1D
Gerrymandered: 5R-2D
Δ Share of D seats: 14% => 28%
Easy Democratic pick-up of a safe new African American seat.… ImageImageImage
Read 111 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
THANK YOU election officials/poll workers/volunteers who worked & continue to work to ensure that #Midterms2022 are carried out successfully. Nationally this election has been free of major issues, and Americans should feel confident about the voting/vote counting process. Image
While many are focused on the horse race for control of #Congress it is worth noting that #Midterms2022 produced a number of pro-democracy gains through ballot initiatives, many of which received strong majority support. #DemocracyWins
#Arizona: The “Voters Right to Know Act” (Prop. 211) brings transparency to elections by requiring election spenders to disclose the original sources of their funding. Thank you @TerryGoddardAZ for leading on this effort.…
Read 6 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
Please put yourself in my shoes: it’s a typical day of scrolling Facebook while not having a single thought about Jim Carrey. Image
Until you stumble upon a curious People magazine article concerning the suicide of Cathriona White, Jim Carrey’s ex:…
This article prompts you to remember a scene from Batman Forever when The Riddler stages his boss’ murder as suicide, and as well Jim Carrey having a real life obsession with the number 23 — years before his 2007 movie came out. (Batman Forever scene: )
Read 94 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Our Independent Agency & Local Office Near You (in MA & CT), the #Lunova Insurance #Agency, provides #best #cheap options/policies/coverage/quotes #forAuto, Home & Business Insurance" #website:…
Learn more about how to save on #MABusinessAutoCoverage with "Small business auto insurance company coverage and quotes in MA near #MarlboroughMA at #LunovaInsurance":
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St
Marlborough, MA 01752
Read 6 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
Tracking BQ* lineages (BQ.1* & BQ.1.1*) over time

Emerging Hotspots:

BQ.1* (aka #Typhon) : #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Denmark, #Canada, #Germany

BQ.1.1* (aka #Cerberus): #UnitedKingdom, #USA, #France, #Denmark, #Belgium


Updated 9/27/2022 12 pm
Tracking BQ.1* (aka #Typhon)/BQ.1.1* (aka #Cerberus) in the #UnitedKingdom over time

#England is a BQ.1/BQ.1.1 hotspot!

Please get #boosted and #MaskUp!

Note: Latest Epi Weeks are incomplete ImageImage
Tracking BQ.1* (aka #Typhon)/BQ.1.1* (aka #Cerberus) in #USA over time

#Texas, #NewYork, #NewJersey, #California, #Georgia #Maryland #Connecticut are emerging BQ.1/BQ.1.1 hotspots!

Please get #boosted and #MaskUp! ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Aug 20th 2022
🇺🇸#USA - Augmentation des décès par cancer.
Confirmation des excés signalés par @GabinJean3 (lire variation à la place de variance).
Les données brutes montrent qu'on est bien au-delà toute projection pluriannuelle.…
…/… Image
…Si on calcule l'évolution par rapport à la projection 2015-2019, on constate toutefois qu'il s'agit d'une augmentation significative mais pas d'une explosion (maxi +4%, à ce jour) Image
3/ Vision en cumul sur les 30 premières semaines
(Chiffres provisoires pour 2022). Image
Read 7 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
Today’s newsletter from my Congressman @jahimes: remembering #Stonewall
#TrueBlue #Connecticut
Dear Friends,
Fifty-three years ago, Stonewall Inn, a gay club in New York City, was the subject of a police raid: a pattern of explicit prejudice and bigotry targeting the LGBTQ+ community.
The subsequent riots are considered the catalyst of the United States’ gay rights movement. For that reason, we celebrate June as Pride Month. Pride in the joy and diversity found in the LGBTQ+ community,
Read 10 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

23.39% BA.2.12.1, <- Spike:L452Q
19.16% BA.2,
14.85% BA.2.9,
12.25% BA.2.10,
10.79% BA.2.12,
9.43% BA.2.3 and
2.33% BA.1.1

Tracker (by State):

#OmicronUpdates 04/30/22
#OmicronVariantUpdates #UnitedStates 04/30/22

Top circulating #sublineages: BA.2.12.1, BA.2*, BA.2.9, BA.2.10, BA.2.12, BA.2.3, and BA.1.1

* includes recently designated BA.2.x.y
Sequence count by Division - #UnitedStates 04/30/22

#NewYork, #NorthCarolina, #Arizona, #California and #Connecticut have submitted >125 sequences with sample collection dates between April 15 to April 30, 2022.
Read 8 tweets

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