I don’t talk “relationship” stuff, but the PATHETIC IMPOTENCE of incel manchildren like @JamesD505 suggests the epidemic of testosterone deficiency is getting to life-threatening levels.
An intervention is badly needed.

Low testosterone means low energy, low sex drive, and – in extreme cases – may result in CRIPPLING IMPOTENCE that can make you look and feel like @JamesD505.
Becoming like him is gruesome enough, so let’s leave it at that.
I’ve never injected or taken prescribed testosterone for the same reason I avoid xenoestrogens – because I prefer hormones my own body produces.
But there are many things to do & stop doing before injecking testosterone.
– Eat loads of eggs and butter.
– Eat nuts, esp. brazil nuts & walnuts.
– Eat other high-cholesterol foods like eggs & red meat (disclosure: I don’t eat meat).
– Eat salt.
– Drink water.
– Work out: HIT style.
– Stop eating soy.
– Stop drinking soy, including beer.
– Stop eating sugar.
– Stop eating refined carbs that metabolize like sugar.
– Stop porning & jerking off 23 times a day.
I will tell you my experience and how it works for me. – You do You.
What cued me that testosterone as a possible culprit was that my libido wasn't raging-madman level, like it had been before.
Within a couple of days, my energy level was back up – and I was getting wood like I was 15 all over again.
As a bonus, my hair also gained in strength and consistency. And I wore it long at the time, which meant a lot of shedding – before the testosterone "therapy".
– Butter is pure fat and cholesterol. When it comes to synthesizing Testosterone, it can hardly get any better than that.
– Brazil nuts & walnuts supply critical minerals: selenium & magnesium. And moar delicious fat.
They're a good source of cholesterol and fat, but also contain protein, which could work well with the other supplement – HIT exercise (lifting or cardio).
Best add supplements one at a time & monitor results.
– I suspect most people, esp. men suffer from chronic dehydration, which impairs brain function.
Dehydration is like a sledgehammer strike on your brain, your endocrine system – and Testosterone synthesis.
– Salt is ESSENTIAL for the nervous system. No salt = depression.
The glands that control the endocrine system need your nervous system to work properly.
Why? Because it's not the estrogen your body makes!
Yes, Gents, you make estrogen, too. And probably not a good idea to supplement that...
That processed food you got off the frozen "dinners" aisle probably is contaminated with estrogens. Be vigilant.
Sugary and carby foods destroy your liver and brain function, and cause inflammation all over. Hormonal balance goes off a cliff.
Get off the addiction.