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Five reasons why Pakistani origin @RishiSunak could be the most dangerous man on Earth right now: A thread 🧵 and a must-read opinion by @Profdilipmandal:

1. He is against “वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्” - One Earth, One Family - One Future, G20……
2. He is sealing off a small portion of land called the UK from the rest of humanity. He is utterly violating the following UN Laws on migration, refugees, asylum, citizenship by naturalization, and protection against forced eviction with impunity:

List of @UN laws

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)

Read 15 tweets
Καλή χρονιά με υγεία!

Happy new year ppl!

#σημερα εκτός από Πρωτοχρονιά στα κράτη που ακολουθούν το #gregoriancalendar και την #japan είναι η δεύτερη μέρα του #hogmanay στη #scotland, τελευταία μέρα του #kwanzaa για τους Αφροαμερικανούς, ημέρα Σύνταγματος στην #italy,

ημέρα ίδρυσης της Σλοβακικής Δημοκρατίας στη #slovakia, ημέρα αποκατάστασης της ανεξαρτησίας στην #CzechRepublic, ημέρα απελευθέρωσης των σκλάβων στις #usa και μερικά κράτη της #carribean, ημέρα της σημαίας στη #lithuania, ημέρα ίδρυσης στην #taiwan,

#παγκοσμιαΗμεραΟικογενοιας, ημέρα ανεξαρτησίας σε #brunei, #cameroon, #Haiti και #sudan, #kamakuraEbisu στην Ιαπωνία και ημέρα θριάμβου της επανάστασης στην #cuba.

#σανσημερα το 45 BCE η υιοθέτηση του Ιουλιανού ημερολογίου στη #rome, προκαλεί την πρώτη Πρωτοχρονιά.

Read 14 tweets
40 years ago, giant entertainment companies embarked on a slow-moving act of arson. The fuel for this arson was #copyright #TermExtension (making copyrights last longer), including *retrospective* copyright term extensions that took works out of the #PublicDomain. 1/ A montage of works that enter the public domain on Jan 1, 20
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Term extension put public domain works back into copyright for decades. Vast swathes of culture became off-limits, pseudo-property with absentee landlords, with much of it crumbling into dust. 3/
Read 50 tweets
Gorsuch's question suggests he is willing to limit dormant Commerce Clause to pure discrimination. Seems like Republican Justices did not take #Prop12 case to side with #hog industry, but to increase state's power to pass laws.
Gorsuch compares @NPPC & @FarmBureau to Lochner. That's the #SCOTUS equivalent of saying "come on man."
Also asks why courts should get into policy balancing as required by #BigAg's rule.
Calling it now #Prop12 stands, at least 6-3 (Dems + Thomas, Barrett, Gorsuch).
May get a dissent saying that the Courts should have applied Pike balancing by Alito and Barrett and saying it should survive a motion to dismiss. But, that's it.
Read 42 tweets
1. Si el #NAFTA se hubiera firmado hace un siglo (cuando el trabajo infantil era legal) eliminarlo hubiera requerido compensar por billones de dólares a las empresas "afectadas".

Obviamente esto estaría mal, pero como hoy muestra twitter, muchos lo defenderían.
2. Esto se debe a que #NAFTA tenía un mecanismo de resolución de controversias demasiado protector de inversionistas.

Tan protector que no se podía aprobar legislación democrática (por ejemplo, para proteger el medio ambiente) sin ser demandados.…
3. De hecho, Canadá fue demanda al menos 26 veces por cosas absurdas como la prohibición de productos riesgosos para la salud, de proyectos ambientalmente nocivos, etc.…
Read 7 tweets
1. While the recent unionization drive in U.S. workplaces is getting weekly headlines, folks need to pay more attention to what’s going in Mexico, where last week 1500+ Panasonic workers chose an independent union to represent them. Trade rules are helping workers for a change🧵
2. In 2019, Congress passed a revised version of NAFTA, which is the trade agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the United States. A key part were stronger rules to protect workers from union busting, to stop the race to the bottom over pay and working conditions.
3. Using these revised #NAFTA labor rules, the U.S. can look into labor rights violations in Mexico and impose sanctions on violating companies…
Read 16 tweets
Armando este hilo 🧵...🤦‍♂️
Sepan que las preguntas de los periodistas en #México 🇲🇽fueron más de una, y para #AMLO y #Beto, pero voy a ordenar.
La nariz de Pinocho 🤥 de Fernández con el relato del miente, miente, miente...que algo quedará, fue fatal y tragicómico, y ya verán además de la gravedad de hablar “de más” (política doméstica de #Arg 🇦🇷)
Empecemos. Igual guardo el crudo sin editar.

Las preguntas del primero:
Las preguntas también las voy ordenando porque además Don @lopezobrador_ (AMLO) es bastante aburrido.
Y acá empieza a responder y a tomar temperatura 🤒 #Beto🌡 ... Y así se empezó a poner lindo (en realidad es un mitómano)
Sabrán quién es “Axel” los medios acreditados del mundo?
Read 26 tweets
Ya estamos en Salt Lake City, Utah, listos para llevar a ustedes la cobertura del #VPDebate 

📺 @NTelevisa_com @Foro_TV
Este es el Kingsbury Hall, donde el #VPDebate entre @VP Mike Pence y @KamalaHarris, moderado por @SusanPage, tendrá lugar esta noche a las 8 pm tiempo México.
El #VPDebate empieza a las 8 pm (Mx)

Durará hora y media

9 segmentos de 10 min y cada candidato tendrá 2 mins para responder

4 mts. de separación entre moderadora, candidata y VP.

Habrá paneles protectores transparentes para Harris y moderadora pero Pence rechazó para él
Read 19 tweets
I hate DRM. A lot. And while I started off hating DRM because of the ways it restricted fair use, the more I worked on the issue, the more I realized that this was just the tip of the iceberg.

DRM is not really a technology - it's a law. The digital locks on your devices can generally be removed, because preventing the owner of a device from modifying it is really, really hard.

Which is why DRM was a longrunning joke - the subject of a million snarky warez crack-screens - until 1998, when the USA enacted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (#DMCA), whose Section 1201 makes it a felony to provide someone with DRM-removal tools.

Read 18 tweets
Well I woke up to the realization that the democrats have jumped the shark. They no longer have any compunction even pretending like they want to win the election. The decision to invite a cop onto the November ticket (even a 'black' one) cements their idiocy. #FuckBiden
I was delighted to watch #Tulsi2020 take down @KamalaHarris in the start of primary season. She's done little to defend working people from the banks. Failed to go after @stevenmnuchin1 for his part in the forclosure crisis. She thought the way to address truancy was to attack..
working parents and throw them in jail, rather than addressing the underlying systemic issues. She smoked pot for years while enabling her departments to continue to arrest black and poor people for the same thing. She is so out of touch with what needs to happen to accect..
Read 31 tweets
When Donald Trump tore up #NAFTA and replaced it with the #USMCA, Canada took it as an occasion to correct errors in its copyright law - defects that undermined free expression, privacy, cybersecurity and competition.

Mexico could have done the same. Instead, it rushed through a brutal copy-and-paste of the US copyright system (with Hecho en Mexico - but lobbied by US business- additions that make it even worse).…

Mexico's new copyright law is a disaster, with DRM rules that are even more onerous than US versions, providing for criminal penalties for bypassing copyright locks even if no copyright violation takes place.

Read 8 tweets
⚡️EXTRA! El #TMEC o #USMCA entrará en vigor justo esta medianoche, según el horario de cada región de 🇲🇽 🇺🇸 🇨🇦.

Sustituye al #TLC #NAFTA, que comenzó el 1 de enero de 1994.
⚡️Apenas está por entrar en vigor el #TMEC y más de 60 congresistas demócratas de EUA dijeron hoy que México está incumpliendo sus compromisos laborales.

Ay lo que le espera a México si gana Biden!

Ay lo que le espera a México si gana Trump!

Read 9 tweets
Meanwhile, here in #Missouri:

Despite a major spike in active positive cases of #COVIDー19 in #AudrainCounty (from 22 to 46 on Friday, alone, in a county of ~25K), testing numbers **WILL NOT BE REPORTED AGAIN UNTIL MAY 26**, because of #MemorialDayWeekend.

Also (per @MexLedgerCD): During this sudden uptick, Audrain Co.'s drive-thru testing site at St. Mary’s Hospital, in Mexico, Mo., "will be closed Monday in observance of #MemorialDay."

The next closest testing site is in Columbia — 40 MILES AWAY.

The outbreak in question centers around #AnimalFeedingOperations in Paris, Mo. and Thompson, Mo., owned by @BrennemanPork, which is based in Washington, Iowa.

Read 13 tweets
I am done with voting for one dumpster fire over another? FUCK IT. A vote for no one is a vote for everyone.STOP LOOKING TO SO-CALLED LEADERS to do anything REAL or LASTING to improve society. IGNORE THE POPULARITY CONTEST and #SHUTITDOWNNOW. #KEEPITSHUTDOWN #NoOne2020
#FuckIt Time to start to use their tactic of #ShockDoctrine to catalyze Revolution AKA How to use this crisis to everyone's advantage.
I know shit is bad. It's going to get worse, before it gets better. We know that. MUCH WORSE. We are going to have to accept that many of our friends and relatives won't make it through this shit show. We need to bite the bullet and make sure we #KEEPITSHUTDOWN #GeneralStrike2020
Read 28 tweets
@JohnMappin @PammyC10 @prayingmedic @Qanon76 I’ve done a lot of research on this I can share if you’re interested. ✌️❤️🇺🇸
@JohnMappin @PammyC10 @prayingmedic @Qanon76 Ok... I’m just getting over being sick but it gave me time to read up on secret societies . I’ll start with this but will continue to go through my files and will post here. #ForTheChildren
Read 11 tweets
The #NoBidenPledge:

We pledge to neither vote for, convince others to vote for, nor support the campaign of @JoeBiden in the event he becomes the Democratic Party nominee

Some of us are independents. Some are lifelong Democrats. Some were #ObamaToTrump voters in 2016. Some are @BernieSanders supporters, others @ewarren supporters, and others undecided.

All of us would have otherwise supported @TheDemocrats in the general election.
Our three major objections:

1) @JoeBiden’s history of support for right-wing policy

2) Concerns about Biden’s health and ability to defeat Trump and carry out the office of President

3) The DNC and media’s collective effort to smother a grassroots progressive movement
Read 24 tweets
1/ As part of our yearlong exploration on the future of Texas, we’ll be traveling to El Paso on Feb. 20 for a discussion on the future of the border region:

Follow this thread to see what we’ll be discussing! #ttevents
2/ In December, @elpasotimes reported that borderland business leaders applauded the agreement between the @POTUS administration and House Democrats on a new North American trade deal.
@elpasotimes @POTUS 3/ While the passage was uncertain at times, the Texas delegation unanimously supported the international agreement that will replace #NAFTA.
Read 10 tweets
1/25 #CDNpoli #Thread RE Implosion of #NDP

I accept several followers may block me after this statement, but that doesn't make it any less important to confront partisans with the truth, or spark debate when a Canadian political party becomes a threat to democracy & human life
2/25 #CDNpoli #Thread RE Implosion of #NDP

Once upon a time the @NDP repped the conscience of bleeding hearts, democracy & diversity, but that party exists no more

In its wake is a hollow shell that is now directed by disinfo campaigns on Facebook, in lieu of facts & reality
@NDP 3/25 #CDNpoli #Thread RE Implosion of #NDP

Curiously @theJagmeetSingh has proven to be out of touch with political events & indifferent to the best interests of his constituency

One example of this ego-driven defiance is opposition to the new #NAFTA at the direct cost of unions
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STARTING NOW: @ACLatAm's @jmarczak hosts @Antonio_OrtizM, @bakermckenzie's Peter McKay & @sabrod123 for a discussion of the #USMCA's finalization, and what the deal means for #NorthAmerica commerce. Access the dial-in details here ➡️… Image
@jmarczak @Antonio_OrtizM @bakermckenzie @sabrod123 @AtlanticCouncil @mfperezcr The #USMCA will bring a long-awaited level of certainty and stability to North American commerce at a time of global trade uncertainty and hyper political polarization, notes @jmarczak #ACMexico.
@jmarczak @Antonio_OrtizM @bakermckenzie @sabrod123 @AtlanticCouncil @mfperezcr What are the next steps in the #US regarding #USMCA ratification? The intention for House Democrats right now is to have a vote as soon as next week, but there are some technical questions of whether or not that's possible, says @sabrod123 #ACMexico
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This dam conference on hydro-impacted communities starts today! It's actually named "Ki Ta Ski Naw" or 'rise up' in Cree. For those interested in following along, I think hashtags will be #hydroimpacted #hydrojustice & I'll also try to use #SiteC #bcpoli…
Looking forward to the first panel which will be moderated by BC journalist @sarahcox_bc. Opening welcome now. Starting to regain feeling in my face from the walk here, hi Winnipeg!
We're in Treaty 1 territory for the #hydroimpacted conference. Welcome by local elder Dave Scott in Cree language. Speaking now about the treaty relationship, its history, the 'doctine of discovery', Trudeau's White Paper & ongoing devolution process.. cc #SiteC #treaty8
Read 178 tweets
America’s economic history is rooted in the exploitation of labor. It’s a lesson worth remembering, but not a history of yester-years alone. Our existing trade deals, like #NAFTA, impose an economic model built on cheap labor where profits matter more than people.
This system undermines the rule of law w/ a global race to the bottom. Trade is not just about goods. It's about people. It's about workers. It's about communities. Unfortunately, President Trump’s renegotiated NAFTA 2.0 does little to remedy the mistakes of the original NAFTA.
That's why I'm introducing the Independent Secretariat for Fair Trade Deals Act. We need a trade model that respects workers & builds strong mechanisms for labor enforcement. My bill will establish an independent Labor Secretariat to monitor & enforce transnational labor issues.
Read 6 tweets
Don't dismiss the threat against #Mexico as a cranky #Trump brain fart. He'd like to provoke Mexico's Congress, now voting on the new #NAFTA, to kill it. It requires US auto parts factories to double wages...…
The factories are owned by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. #Mexico's President #AMLO has the brains to play it cool. He's called for a Marshall Plan for Central America, which Mexico will help fund, so Hondurans and Guatemalans won't need to flee.…
...I'm packing for Mexico now, hoping to meet again with AMLO!
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What’s up, DC?!

This week is the 2019 IAM Legislative Conference. Follow along with #IAMLegConf19 as we hear from allies on Capitol Hill and go out in force to lobby on issues that matter to working families.
IAM Legislative Director Hasan Solomon kicks off #IAMLegConf19 by reminding us off the importance of making our voice heard on Capitol Hill. We’ll be 400 members strong in DC this week!
IAM International President Bob Martinez shares what we’re fighting for:

☑️ Fair trade
☑️ Workers’ rights
☑️ Good jobs
☑️ Universal healthcare
☑️ Retirement security
Read 21 tweets
I lived in England for years and as an investigative reporter I followed the creation of this monstrosity of globalization called the #EuropeanUnion. It's #NAFTA times 50!… #Brexit
My investigation into the EU began when I got the minutes of 14 secret meetings between all the top banking chiefs and international government operatives. They called themselves #TheInvisibles.… #Brexit
The Invisibles were writing the rules of the EU to smash unions and stop regulation of industry. We’ve just seen an example of this; Germany was about to vote to eliminate #RoundUp, but changed its crucial vote weeks after BAYER bought #Monsanto.… #Brexit
Read 3 tweets

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