They handle divorces, auto accidents, wrongful death, breach of contract and some other stuff. @NAACPMemphis
#VIP901 shelbycountytn.gov/223/Circuit-Co…

Criminal Court Judge Div. X, District 30 candidate Jennifer Johnson Mitchell says yes, but bails should be more reasonable. Making them more affordable could reduce overcrowding at the jail.
Were there any other judicial debates? #VIP901 tsc.state.tn.us/courts/judges/…

Yolanda Kight's campaign page: kightforjudge.com
David Rudolph's campaign page: judgedavidrudolph.com #VIP901

Is he a Paula White Christian or a Rev. William Barber Christian though? #VIP901
Bonner: The sheriff's department has made great strides. "It doesn't take the DOJ for me to do right by children."
Josh redirects and they both say no.
Lane doesn't really answer, but says: "Are we giving our very best to the most vulnerable in our community?"
His cheering section cheers.
Lane: Shelby County Jail should be reserved for the most violent offenders, and nonviolent offenders should be released. We must get the population down.
Bonner: He's not happy with the bill. says unfortunately they will have to do what feds say. State law requires them to ask about citizenship and notify ICE
If you cannot unequivocally state that as sheriff, you will NOT cooperate with ICE, then...
Dale Lane's campaign page: dalelaneforsheriff.com
Bonner: Yes.
Lane: Very indirectly gets close to a yes. Says he'd want to look at renegotiating the contract.
Bonner says he'll address the elephant in the room; says his case was thrown out (?) this week by a federal judge. Lane says he has no personal experience with sexual harrassment.