1) I am the original photographer of this image which was edited, subsequently retweeted by you, and has since removed from your feed. Here are the real facts of this photograph.
2) This photograph was taken in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada in Oct. 2015. I should know, I was there.
3) At the time, I was a reporter for a Saskatoon-based media outlet, writing a story about a local rally in support of Canada bringing in Syrian refugees.
4) A woman, whose name I do not know, was wearing an Amnesty International pre-made sign around her neck which, in the original photo, read "My door is open for refugees."
5) Unbeknownst to me, the photo was then taken, edited (poorly) and redistributed around the internet for various unrelated, primarily anti-immigration propaganda.
7) This photo (whether edited or original) has nothing to do with Cologne, Malmo, sex, sexual abuse, or rape, nor does it indicate so.
8) If you're going to criticize something, please make sure what you're distributing is authentic. As a fellow broadcaster, I think you owe it to the public to publish correct information, to apologize, and set the record straight when an error is made.