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Take Back America @Ritysayo
7 years ago, 14 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
1/ Hoo boy. I'm going to have to say some Words about that pelosi tweet, and it's going to take a few tweets.
2/ "I don't think it's in the interests of America's working families to focus on [impeachment]". Working Families. WORKING FAMILIES. That's white-people code for White People. That's one of the most well-known codes, alongside "Economic Anxiety".
3/ This president is actively seeking to destroy many "working families". Several thousand families seeking to enter the country have been torn apart. Millions face uncertain employment, housing and more, due to his rescinding of protection + codifying discrimination.
4/ To speak nothing of his Attorney General's policy of state lynching (even moreso than it was before, incredibly) on sons and daughter and fathers and mothers. And the top dog himself exhorting officers to brutality (banging their heads on the roof).
5/ Prospective gay families who can't adopt, and worry that they may lose the recently-won right to be a family in any sense. or who get disowned by their families, emboldened to do so.
6/ But those aren't the nice, wholesome, white, 2 parents and 2 kids families, so they don't really count as "families". They're just, like, "fmerlees" or something. Nah, FAMILIES aren't threatened, and they're the ones Dems want to appeal to, so ixnay peachmentimay.
7/ "I won't do stuff for political reasons" (paraphrased). But Republicans do it. All the time. Garland. 54 ACA repeal votes. And it gets their base ROARING because they believe they see their Reps FIGHTING tooth and nail for them.
8/ But I guess to be a Democrat is to be a cowardly craven capitulator whose greatest fear is to be seen as doing things for THEIR people. It's endless "bipartisanship" and "unity" and seeking the GOP's permission. So the last sentence:
9/ "I think it's not unifying to the country". You know what's not unifying? Having an entire political movement, comprising between half and a third of the country, whose sole impetus is to do harm to libs, Dems, coloreds, deviants, and handicapped.
10/ But somehow it's always up the Left to do acrobatics to comport with the Right. It's always up to us to be the "unifiers" while they go on a screaming tirade. It's always up to us to keep the peace while Daddy goes on a drunken bender.
11/ So I will emphatically say: FUCK THAT No peace. No unity, except when their side is driven i12/nto the ocean. They made this a war of Us or Them and I will see them drive before us before I complacently allow them to destroy us.
12/ Yeah, I don't like it either, and I wish that there was some way we could all come together and sing Kumbaya but the fucken world doesn't work like that, buttercup, and you fight the war you have, not the war you want. Or else you die.
13/13 Maxine Waters has it right. Our people are under threat, and if Democrats ignore that threat, then they will lose all the people pleading with them for protection. And then we will be doomed.
Addendum: Looks like the person I retweeted that from blocked me. Huh.
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