Fact check: Atilla would not have been eligible for transfer under the DOJ's program.
Here are the facts: The DOJ has participated in the International Prisoner Transfer Program since 1977. justice.gov/criminal-oeo/i…

That's setting aside the political fallout for the Trump White House for such a move.
Remember: Trump's high-profile allies - Rudy Giuliani and Mike Mukasey - launched a quasi-diplomatic campaign between Washington and Ankara to scuttle the case against Reza Zarrab. courthousenews.com/on-the-bench-i…
Those calculations aside, letting Atilla serve out the remainder of his term back in Turkey wouldn't have been feasible, even procedurally.
Folks ask me, what if Atilla drops his appeal?
Not enough. Federal prosecutors would have to drop their cross-appeal, claiming the sentence is too late. Don't assume Trump can make that happen.
Advancing past Step 1: Getting the parties to drop their respective appeals would be a hurdle.
While theoretically possible under different circumstances, the Brunson-for-Atilla negotiations as reported should be treated with extreme skepticism, though not dismissed out of hand.
Worth watching Atilla's appellate docket to track its progress.
That's a Friday afternoon with insufficient coffee typo right there.