1. Cycle paths designed as “how do we get bikes flowing through here” not “how do we get bikes out of the way of the flow here”. It’s just so *convenient* and that makes it quick even when cycling slowly.
Why do drivers not want proper cycle provision? Bikes separated and out of your way makes driving so much better too. Why would you want the bikes forced into your lane?
Yes far more people drive like they’re also cyclists. But in the few short bits of road we had to use, we had plenty of drivers who thought it was fine to close-pass a young child at high speed.
Continuous level priority across side streets
So smooth!
Safe, low kerbs
Bike phase at all traffic lights
Turning right? Here’s your own slipway
Dutch roundabouts are magic!
Massive multi-storey bike parks by stations
Crossing this motorway? Let’s make the subway ramp gentle and curved
Bus stop? Let’s bypass it
One-way road? Big bike lane in the other direction
Parked cars? You’ll want some clearance for those doors
Above all, the assumption that every road should be made safe and convenient for *all* users