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Cyrus Farivar @cfarivar
7 years ago, 28 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
Per a new report, Oakland has an equity score of 33.5. (Highly inequitable!)

Or, as the report puts it: “substantial room for improvement."…
"We found that for Prime construction and professional services contracts, 66.7% of African American contractors received contracts under $100,000, which was 3.42 times as often as White contractors (19.5%)."
"Citywide, one in ten youth were neither working nor in school (10.3%). African American youth were the most likely to be disconnected (14.8%), followed closely by Latino youth (13.2%)."
In Oakland, median white family income ($110k) is nearly 3x greater than median black family income ($37,500).
"African Americans were most likely to be living at or below the federal poverty level (26.1%), compared to 21.9% of Latinos, 15.0% of Asians, and 8.4% of Whites."
"Citywide, three in ten workers (30.9%) made less than the living wage. Almost half of Latino workers (46.5%) made less than the living wage compared to 12.3% of their White counterparts."
"Latino children were the least likely to have attended preschool with 23.6% not attending preschool of any kind. Asian children were next at 14.9%, followed by African American children at 10.0% not attending preschool."
"In Oakland, African American students were the least likely to be high school ready by the end of 8th grade with 71% not ready. Latino students were next with 55.4% not ready."
"We found that African American students had the lowest enrollment with 73.7% having never taken a single AP course in all of high school. Latino students were next lowest at 58.1% having no AP courses."
"Schools in OUSD with a majority African American student body had the highest teacher turnover, averaging 38.3% of teachers leaving between the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years."
"We found that African American children had much higher rates of asthma-related emergency department visits (4,093.3 per 100,000), compared to White children (407.4 per 100,000)."
"Among Latino Oaklanders, 23.3% lived in households that received SNAP benefits, compared to 4.3% of White Oaklanders."
"African Americans had an infant mortality rate of 11.7 per 1,000 live births, whereas Whites had an infant mortality rate of 1.9 per 1,000.”

(Holy shit. In America’s 45th largest city, black babies are at significantly higher risk of infant mortality.)
"We found that African American loan applicants were much more likely to have their applications denied by the financial institution (25.7%) compared to White applicants (12.1%)."
"Citywide, almost half of households were rent burdened, meaning they spent more than 30% of their annual income on rent. It was more common among African American and Latino households, with 58.4% and 52.7% respectively."
"Majority African American census tracts had the highest rates of eviction notices (141.6 per 1,000 renter-occupied housing units)."
"African American individuals were the most likely to not have high speed Internet access at home (40.8%), followed by Latino individuals (33.5%)."
"In Oakland, the adult felony arrest rate was highest among African Americans at 8,269.1 per 100,000 people. Latinos were second highest at 2,006.3 per 100,000 people. "
"The prison incarceration rate for African Americans was by far the highest at 1,856.8 per 100,000 people. The Latino prison incarceration rate was a distant second at 251.5 per 100,000 people."
"We found that African Americans were by far the most likely to experience a discretionary
stop with 197.8 out of every 1,000-people stopped in 2017 alone. Latinos were next most likely with a rate of 62.5 out of every 1,000."
"African Americans were by far the most likely to experience use of force with a rate of 244.4
people per 100,000 in 2017."
"We found that White people were greatly overrepresented with a rate of 246.1 White sworn staff per 100,000 White people in Oakland. African Americans were the least well represented with only 129.9 African American sworn staff per 100,000 African American people in Oakland."
"African Americans had the highest rate of homicides at 55.7 per 100,000 people in Oakland. The homicide rate for Latinos was next but much lower at 10.9 homicides per 100,000 people."
"The rate for Whites was 3.4 homicides per 100,000 people and the rate for Asians was the lowest of all at 1.5 homicides per 100,000 people."
"The percent of registered voters who did not vote in the 2016 general election was highest in District 7 (34.8%) and was lowest in District 1 (18.5%)."
I really hope that this report is assigned to all Oakland high school students. (Paging @OUSDNews.)

mentions PS: Hi @CUNYISLG, thanks for the report on Oakland. Do you have any policy ideas as to how to mitigate this inequity? Thanks.
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