I'm still waiting for her mugshot w/out her hijab which is another violation under the very law she advocates.
It looks like they released her just as they did in NY when she was arrested at Trump Tower
She openly promotes Jihad against our government
How is she not listed as a #RadicalLiberalTerrorist ?

#Q uestion
Who gave her a pass to get into the #KavanaughConfirmationHearings ?
Linda Sarsour "Fighting Trump is JIHAD, Muslims have NO need to assimilate"
Women's March Organizer Linda Sarsour complains about 22 states opposing Sharia Law
What is Sharia?
Sharia is the Islamic canonical law based on the teachings of the Quran (Koran) & the traditions of the Prophet (Hadith & Sunna), prescribing both religious & secular duties & sometimes retributive penalties for lawbreaking.

#WomensMarch Leader(s) Linda Sarsour, Donna Hylton, Maxine Waters, Yvette Falarca, Rasmea Odeh, Rosie...
Here is Kamala Harris & Shelia Jackson Lee sharing the stage w/ Rasmea Odeh at the Women's March:

"Blasphemy is a highly sensitive topic in Muslim-majority Pakistan, where insulting the Prophet Mohammad is a capital crime."
If I was a betting man, I would bet that Linda Sarsour got her #KavanaughConfirmation hearing pass from Senator Kamala Harris of California or Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey.
How many times can some1 be arrested while protesting w/o a mugshot?
Are these stories being conflated & this is all a show?
Are the DC & NY police escorting them to the Police Dept. & only issuing a citation?
Why the arrest if only a citation?
Muslim Brotherhood describes Abortion as unconditionally prohibited
Her right in 18 yrs doesn't matter?