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Thread by @Marianne_M_B: "One of the many reasons I hate the C(I)A so much is because S@tan worshipping freak Hugh Hefner, one of my Handlers when I was […]" #pedopredator #childporn #childsextrafficking #MKUltra

6 tweets, 3 min read
One of the many reasons I hate the C(I)A so much is because S@tan worshipping freak #pedopredator Hugh Hefner, one of my Handlers when I was a child, was their man.
My timing on speaking out about Polanski Oct 13, 2017 wasn’t a coincidence, it coincided with Hef’s timely death.
It’s comforting to know that Hef suffered from debilitating back pain, which left him confined to a wheel chair inside his Los Angeles house, during his last year. At least that’s something.

I will not forgive nor will I forget.
@FionaBa47662575 here is an article that covers some of what I was telling you about Hugh Hefner/Playboy’ #childporn magazine and Sugar & Spice.
As you can see, all little girls had their Beta programming triggered for photo shoots:…

#MKUltra Beta = sexual alters Programmers create using primitive part of brain, “Sex Kittens”
Beta programming develops sexual abilities that are far beyond what public is aware is even possible.
My memories of my Beta #mindcontrol programming start at 18 months old.
”What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And everything nice that’s a vice
That's what little girls are made of.”
The above tweet has a link to my artwork
“Sugar and Spice”
It’s mixed media using painting, collage, digital manipulation, iPhone photography and Instagram.
I coined the term #Collagephoneography for this process which results in no hard copy original only a digital image.
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