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Thread by @Marianne_M_B: "It is time to wake up now. It is time to wake up now. Wake up now. No more sleeping we have work to do. Everyone needs to help. FBI announci […]" #MKultra #mindcontrol

7 tweets, 4 min read
It is time to wake up now.
It is time to wake up now.
Wake up now.
No more sleeping we have work to do.
Everyone needs to help.
FBI announcing they found Ruby Slippers is meant as mass triggering of all #MKultra #mindcontrol victims programmed with Oz “Return to Home” programming. They’re seeking to stop victims from waking up and/or cause those that are awake to go back to sleep.
The Movie, “Return to Oz” portrays the heinous process of trauma-based #mindcontrol as experienced by a young girl. #MKULTRA mind control subjects victims to trauma that is so intense it causes them dissociate, or disconnect, from reality.
Through fantasy, “Return to Oz” describes the #MKultra #mindcontrol programming process of a young girl that has dissociated from reality into a world created by her Handler.…
The Wizard of Oz is one of the base #MKultra
#mindcontrol programs done at a very young age, infancy - preschool.
We had full set of 📚 books by L. Frank Baum,
my mother’s from childhood. They were used at home to reinforce the trauma based programming.…
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