#Kiwicon @attacus_au

Super poisonous. But in makeup! Colour pigments! And rat poison.
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

People would go to the seaside to feel better. And they did. Because no arsenic!
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

#Kiwicon @attacus_au
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

#Kiwicon @attacus_au
Sextortion emails with real passwords from old data dumps.
Trying to scam folks out of money.
They've gotten nearly $1mil NZD!
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

Greater sentiment of mistrust or distrust of how data is being used.
#Kiwicon @attacus_au
We need more awareness to drive resistance to the problem.
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

They developed a test for arsenic. Now producers had to clean up their act because people could find out they were putting arsenic in their products!
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

But other countries did. And the public wanted non arsenic products. So they moved on.
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

#Kiwicon @attacus_au

Time. We need to keep pushing and keep moving forward.
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

Not everyone needs to be a leader.
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

Keep the pressure on.
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

Optimism isn't cool, but we need it so bad! We need that energy and drive to keep moving forward.
#Kiwicon @attacus_au

When you put code in control of millions of dollars it REALLY matters when it fucks up.
They make attackers' lives super easy!
#Kiwicon @syngularity0
Train yourself to think like a red team so you can figure out how to counter them.
#Kiwicon @syngularity0

#Kiwicon @syngularity0
This is what I look like! (although you probably already know)
Feel free to say hi if you see me around. I love Twitter peeps.

With normal devices we're defending the user from an attacker.
In game consoles the attackers usually ARE the users!

But... What about the drivers?

Become really familiar with FPGAs. Need security co-processors that handle all secure data/computations.
Also PUFs - physical unvunerable functions

They chose this place because he thinks NZ is the best place to build systems for a global market.
He wants to move from gaming consoles to solving problems for IT.

@Metlstorm shows up. Implies @kiwicon lives!
Maybe he should submit a talk on his tooling!
#Kiwicon @mubix


I'll add the tag #TW to my tweets on this talk so folks can mute that hashtag
#Kiwicon @Zemmiph0bia

#Kiwicon @Zemmiph0bia #TW

We have to be better.
We built this shit. We have to fix it.
#Kiwicon @Zemmiph0bia #TW
Looks in the DHCP packet, removes the option length, then does some other stuff that leads to memory corruption.

How does this affect the rev count?
What about the option length?

Maybe the XXX comment means some developer already thought this was a bad idea

Nobody uses DHCPv6 but everyone supports it. 🙄

Firs buy some escooters... Wait soz. Wrong talk. @mjg59
#Kiwicon @IAmMandatory @LittleJoeTables

Github report available
#Kiwicon @IAmMandatory @LittleJoeTables

Basically a table of pre reversed password hashes
#Kiwicon @IAmMandatory @LittleJoeTables

Just a few hundred million rows.
MongoDB - snapchat for databases?
Nah, well use Big Query. Its... "Web Scale"
#Kiwicon @IAmMandatory @LittleJoeTables

#Kiwicon @IAmMandatory @LittleJoeTables

#Kiwicon @IAmMandatory @LittleJoeTables

When you install malware on a system you're just adding features
As we connect things here things become vulnerable there.
They got in via the internet connected fish tank. 😱
Its outrunning us.
Attackers adapt and get smarter.
This is where we get arms races.
Expertise flows down hill. Today's NSA exploits are tomorrow's normal attacks.
- Patching - we have teams of people who are agile about fixing issues we know will exist.
This does exist for embedded systems. A lot of these devices have no means of patching, or anyone issuing patches.
How often do you replace your car?
Your refrigerator?
Your thermostat?
We have no idea how to secure 30 year old software.
You don't know, and you probably don't care.
Passwords are terrible. And almost all backup authentication is much worse than the primary authentication.
We'll see the rise of thing to thing authentication. They will authenticate to each other without people involved.
You're not going to manually set up 10k authentication.
It works now for 10-25 things.
Doesn't work at scale.
Its always been a disaster but it's becoming impossible to ignore.
Kaspersky and Huawei are just the tip of the iceberg.
Who is making the chips? Who is writing the firmware?
We have to trust the update mechanism.
We have to trust the shipping mechanism.
How do we validate this stuff?
You can't trust anybody, but we have to trust everybody.
Bruce thinks this is a policy problem. We need to use law to subvert tech.
Goes over well in airports.
We all use the same stuff.
Either everyone gets security or nobody gets security.
Wr can't have security, but deny it to our adversaries. We're all too interrelated now.
Can we have a things monitoring other things.
We NEED sensible policy. The risks are too great and the stakes are too high
Your choice is no longer between gov intervention or no intervention. It's between smart gov intervention or dumb intervention
Equifax learned: skip security, hope nothing bad happens, if it does then weather the storm & continue on.
We need regulation to add real cost if you don't take security seriously. Otherwise why would it change?
The EU is looking this way.
Software isn't that way. Tends to be write once, sell everywhere.
So if one jurisdiction forces security, it'll be rolled to everyone
We NEED to get involved. We have knowledge & expertise that NEEDS to be reflected in policy.
Global warming, the future of work, automation, these all have massive tech components
Tried to capture as much as I could. Hope the themes came through!