We need a more participatory environment that listens to & empowers all views - Marianne
How do we co-design better processes that allow everyone to participate in government & public service? - Pia
It is incumbent on the schools that students get a variety of choice.
We need to focus on the skill, not the product.
We need a mechanism where people can contribute to projects where they have specific expertise.

Has much more flexibility around how that is developed.
Vodafone, Spark, & 2Degrees sre all equals partnering with Crown Infrastructure to make this happen
We need make this funding go as far as possible.
This means connectivity can be deployed much mlre efficiently as they can all share the same equipment.
Looking into the space of 5G
Uh oh! More concerning use cases for @ryankurte's flying death machines...
Wow, that's way less than I was anticipating.
The problem with rural connectivity is that the cost effectiveness of putting in networks are proportional to the population density.
So rural is not cost effective.

More than 80% of NZ homes will get fibre to the door. Almost all the rest will get connected via world class wireless providers. The rest by the best satellites avaliable.
Or are the ones we're implementing already the best ones avaliable?
Should we stop whinging about problems we've solved?
If we don't solve those problems alongside connectivity we'll never have universal access.
Digital economy
Digital divide
Digital rights
Independent public service media
Open Digital Government
Oh no, now we're breaking into small groups! 😱
#Nethui #DigitalFuture
#Nethui #DigitalFuture
#Nethui #DigitalFuture
Genealogy: the heroin of the internet
There is an asymmetrical factor as some share much more than others.
100% disagree. Its democratised access to information while removing editorialising intermediaries
If you're old all the stupid things you did when you're young are all forgotten.
If you're young now, all the dumb things you do will live on forever
"We need to be able to forget what was done before 16 to protect our kids"
People are now only reaching out over social media.
"They're fantastic! Phone people up! It's cheap!"
Many people use social media grudgingly or with some suspicion.
Twitter and Facebook are for old people!
Why aren't we talking about Roblox?!"
But the debate is more complex & nuanced than that.
Everything that is happening on the internet are things we're doing to ourselves.

Jamison Johnson
Vanessa Blackwood

It is looking a lot like cold war era cyops
We don't need to be needlessly fretting or worrying about the wrong things. But we need to be vigilant.
How do we identify systems that are trustworthy or untrustworthy? - Jamison
How do we encourage people to think twice?
It just takes one mistake for you to get fall victim.
Jamison thinks its something everyone needs to take personal responsibility for
You have the right to ask them to correct false or incorrect information. If they won't correct it you have the right to attach a statement alongside that.
Even the big services that you'd think we can trust (Facebook, Twitter, etc).
Does it actually require a username/password?
Does it ACTUALLY need to know my gender (as the Skybus wifi login asks)?
Need to move from who is at fault to what do we need to do to fix it?
"We need to have best practices - 'this is the best way we know how to do this at the moment'"
For infosec or tech folks, perhaps. But that is WAY too much for the vast majority of users.
Much thanks to everyone for an awesome and insightful #Nethui!