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#MentalHealth #MentalIllness #TW #Suicide
A desire to pick myself up, 'carry on', focus on future goals; balanced/contrasted with the need to stop the denial; accept the reality of just how serious things have been. ARE. STILL.
My discharge letter uses the words 'fatal'.
1/17 ImageImage
2 Mental Health Act Assessments in 7 days.
4 nights in an acute general hospital. For treatment.
*They* can't all be wrong. Exaggerating. Coercive. Risk averse.
*I* have to take responsibility for causing concern.
Responsibility but not blame.
*I* have had to revisit my
Safety plan; again and again and again. And right now that means 'family supervision'. But in my own home. Where I want to be. Where I am safer. At the moment: change is constant and I must also acknowledge that.
And I am still p*ssed off at the way the #MHAA was undertaken
3/17 Image
Read 18 tweets
"DiE vErLaSsEn tWiTtEr Weil SiE kEiNe AnDeRe MeInUnG vErTrAgEn."

Ich verlasse Twitter nicht mal. Aber das hier ist mein Alltag auf dieser Plattform. Wenn das die so geschätzten anderen Meinungen sind, dann brauche ich sie tatsächlich nicht in meinem Leben.
Ihr könnt das natürlich als Meinungsfreiheit bezeichnen, wenn Leute jeden Tag durch Beleidigungen waten müssen aufgrund dessen, wie ihr Körper ist oder ihr Geschlecht oder wen sie lieben. Aber das vernichtet Meinungsvielfalt in Wirklichkeit.
Es ging nie um Meinungsfreiheit. Es ging immer um sowas. (CW Rassismus) #tw
Read 3 tweets
#AusGegebenemAnlass zum #Polizeiproblem
#Polizei tötet zu 50-66% Menschen in psychischen, suizidalen, emotionalen oder Lebenskrisen!
Ausschnitte aus #rbbReportage "Tödliche Polizeikugeln - Wenn psychisch Kranke Opfer sind" von 2014 belegen ein strukturelles #Ausbildungsproblem
...einerseits ist die #Polizeiausbildung vordergründig gewaltbasiert und setzt beim Thema #Selbstschutz auf "sichere (terminierende) Gefahrenabwehr" - andererseits scheint es an einer objektiven Aufklärung zu tatsächlich tödlichen Angriffen auf Polizeibeamt*innen zu mangeln:
...neben Defiziten in #Deeskalationstechniken ganz allgemein, verhindern deutsche Innenpolitiker wie #Henkel_Berlin oder #Reul_NRW ("christliches Weltbild"?) offenbar proaktiv entsprechende #Aufklaerung zum Umgang mit Menschen in #Krisensituationen
Read 6 tweets
As #Kissinger shouted at 1969 football game, "On what theory?"…

An alternative possibility—the "Ducks in a Row" approach:

Ambitious but failure averse, #Xi faces strong incentives to max forces before attempting one of (recent) history's greatest gambles.
"Ducks in a Row" model ≠ theoretical speculation.

#Xi himself has charged #PLA w/ achieving 2027 "Centennial #Military Building Goal" (#建军一百年奋斗目标).

DoD: "this would provide Beijing w/ more credible military options in a #Taiwan contingency."

>>… ImageImageImageImage
"Ducks in a Row" model allows ZERO room for complacency.

#Xi may well PREFER +-5 years more #PLA prep to attempt max-stakes mark on #history.

But many factors now in play, stakes high, margins thin.

#PRC rhetoric re @SpeakerPelosi trip suggests growing tensions moving forward. ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Yesterday I asked you what your neuroatypical superpowers were.

Let me do a small-ish thread on my superpowers.

Some of them are very similar to what you shared.

A thread.

1) I love big data and I cannot lie.

I am not a statistician. It is not heavy duty maths.
But often, for work (and sometimes for fun too), I have to look at patterns.
I tabulate judgments and analyse them.

Even though the content is very #TW-ish, I love doing this so much.
2) My "special interest" changes every few months.
But when I'm in that zone,I am obsessed about it.

Suddenly, one day, I cannot look at it anymore. Until few months later, when I am again interested in it.

I call it "Jhum irrigation" of brain…
Read 8 tweets
Question for #NEISvoid #SpoonieChat #MedTwitter #TeamClots

Does anyone know what might cause *intermittently* fragile & hard-to-access veins other than differences in medications?
Sometimes I get blood drawn with zero issues, but at other times…

#TW blood, bruising, IVs next:
Photos #1 & 4 are from blood draw attempts. Photo #2 is the only successful IV my entire first week in the hospital. Photo #3 is from a blood pressure cuff seemingly rupturing a blood vessel in my arm.

All of these happened at times my INR & PTT were clotting on the quick side. Photo of a freshly blown hand vein from a blood draw. Some bPhoto of a (functional!) forearm IV that looks like it is stClose-up photo of an upper arm with a “band-shaped” bruiPhoto of an arm with a number of deep purple bruises on it f
This kind of reaction & being an “impossible stick” happens almost every time I’m sick enough to go to the ER, but only rarely when I get blood tests at home/in the community. In fact at home I’ve been a relatively easy stick.

Correlates w/autoimmune flares & reticular patterns.
Read 9 tweets
#TW Suicide: Dr. Phillip W. Schnarrs was just ten years old when he first attempted suicide. This #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, Schnarrs tells his story, looking back at life as a gay youth and sharing his research into LGBTQ+ mental health.…
Recent findings from @TrevorProject show that 42% of LGBTQ+ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth.
LGBTQ+ adults are more likely to report having experienced adverse childhood experiences compared to cisgender heterosexual adults. This includes child abuse, neglect and exposure to domestic violence.
Read 7 tweets
#TW!!! 🧵 “Sarah, why are you so hard on the @GovStitt” I take on a lot of personal passion projects. They normally center on the NDN experience, women, kids, mental wellness and sex worker rights.

Supposed to write what you know, right? /1
I write about NDN life because it is my responsibility to keep fighting for the honor of my ancestors and to protect my future generations from Yt supremacists like @GovStitt (worth noting, he’s also fighting for his ancestors legacy 🙃) /2
I fight for women’s rights because I won’t disrespect myself or dishonor my ancestors by allowing the same colonizers’ country who forced sterilization on nearly 25% of NDN women/girls in a 6 year period to tell ANY OF US what we can do with our bodies. /3
Read 15 tweets
#TW #Grooming

Saw this video a few weeks ago on Aaron Taylor Johnson's relationship with his wife and decided against sharing it as soon as I finished it because it was too triggering for me.

But I think it's important to address how normalised grooming is here, despite it being a crime in Brunei. I know I keep tweeting and retweeting about this subject matter-and yes, I am aware that I do come off aggressive in trying what little I can so ppl would talk about it more
I don't believe I owe anyone a "personal excerpt" to validate why I feel so strongly about this, but yes. I was a victim of child-grooming before and I also strongly feel that we do not need more kids to be victimised before this becomes a real concern in our community.
Read 9 tweets
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Zuck ist Medizinrechtler für "besondere Therapieeinrichtungen" wie homöopathische und #anthroposophische "Medizin".

Mit einem Gutachten für den anthroposophischen Ärztebund #GAÄD half er esoterischen Impfgegnern, die als Ärzte STIKO-Schutzimpfungen verweigern. Image
Im Buch "Impfen Pro&Contra" des Impfgegners Martin #Hirte wird Zuck zitiert: Besonders hom. und anthrop. Ärzte hätten das Recht, aus "persönlichen Überzeugungen" heraus und gegen den "medizinischen Standard" Impfungen zu verweigern: Kein "Maulkorb" für Alternativmediziner. Image
Read 8 tweets

На скрине речь о трансгендерном мужчине Назаре Гулевиче, обвинённом в мошенничестве.

Его пытались убить в одном из СИЗО. Он пытался покончить с собой.
Над мужчиной издеваются, его унижают, а СМИ внимание уделяют его прошлому, операциям и личной жизни.
"[…] изначально Гулевича отказывались принять несколько изоляторов, в одном из них его едва не убили заключенные.
[…] во время медосмотра пришлось раздеться при всех арестантах. […] В итоге Назар провел два года в «одиночке» женского СИЗО, где едва не наложил на себя руки".
Сам Гулевич "опасается, что выжить ему не удастся ни в мужской, ни в женской колонии".

Последние публикации о нём в СМИ были ещё летом этого года.
Больше о Назаре не упоминали.
Read 6 tweets
#TW #CharnierParisDescartes Vous êtes plus de 20.000 à suivre ce compte Twitter. Je vous en remercie et vous demande de #RT ce fil si comme moi, cette affaire indigne vous interpelle
Pendant des dizaines d'années l’université Paris Descartes @Univ_Paris a abrité un charnier : corps démembrés, empilés les uns sur les autres, putréfiés dans d’un tel état qu’ils étaient souvent inutilisables pour la science. Certains ont même fait l’objet d’un trafic
En Novembre 2019, @JouanAnne1 révèle l'affaire dans @LEXPRESS…
Read 24 tweets

Неоднократно сталкивался с мнением, что домогательства от мужчин - это ужасно, а вот от женщины - ерунда и вообще "вы не понимаете это другое".

Неа. Когда речь идёт о нарушении личных границ, то абсолютно не важно, кто их нарушет. Это в любом случае отвратительно.
Со мной происходили всякие ситуации разной степени паршивости, но вот люди, которые приставали, не обращая внимания на моё "отвали и не лезь ко мне", были одинаково мудаками вне зависимости от того мужчины они или женщины.
Один такой персонаж из прошлого всплыл на днях. Вот лучше б эта сволочь не всплывала.
Есть такие люди, которые парой слов могут испоганить даже самое хорошее настроение. Эта сволочь как раз из их числа.
Read 3 tweets
#TW: суицид

Принесло в ленту это. Сижу и офигеваю.

Если человек не болен неизлечимой болезнью и не попал в из ряда вон выходящую ситуацию*, то нет у него на самом желания умереть.

Подобное "желание" - показатель, что человек нуждается в помощи, у человека нет сил бороться. Image
*под такой ситуацией я подразумеваю похищение маньяком, взятие в заложники, крушение судна посреди океана и прочие ситуации, где выхода нет, помощи ждать неоткуда, но есть реальная угроза долгой и мучительной смерти.

Но, опять же, о желании тут можно говорить очень условно.
И тут не про "истерию вокруг суицида" говорить нужно, а о проблеме обесценивания ментальных расстройств и стигматизации факта обращения к психиатрам или психотерапевтам.
Read 5 tweets
La #totolo è una che si spaccia come dottore in sociologia e giornalista, titoli che non ha mai ottenuto. Spaccia #FakeNews e bufale razziste e pubblica “libri” con editore fascista. È una poveraccia ma quando caga fuori come in questo #tw andrebbe come minimo sanzionata!
PS la #Totolo si è spacciata per specializzanda alla Bocconi cioè laureata e studente della laurea specialistica mentre non era più neppure iscritta. Inoltre aveva presentato il suo lavoro come giornalista ma non è mai stat iscritta all’albo…
La #totolo ha preso le critiche con filosofia e pacatezza. (Poi grida all assalto maschilista e fascista, da che pulpito! quando le evidenziano qualche suo difetto fisico).
Read 4 tweets
ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ-ʙᴇɴ, ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ-ʀᴇʏ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴄʀᴇᴅɪʙʟᴇ ᴘᴀɴᴅᴇᴍɪᴄ ʀᴇᴠᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ - 𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙪

when co-workers rey & ben are suddenly working from home, they both come to some realizations about their relationship.
some notes:
- this is my first attempt at twitter fic! please be gentle.
- this will probably get NSFW, but i'm not promising smut
- hey @textfichub i think I'm supposed to tag you?
- #tw for corona-inspired events (see next tweet for details)
#tw: while this fic is corona-inspired, there will be minimal references to global conditions beyond the gang working from home, and my in-universe illness is fictional. i totally understand if this makes anyone uncomfy, feel free to unfollow or mute as needed for your health!
Read 46 tweets
Risk assessment, latest news on confirmed cases, #preparadness checklist, geographical distribution and information on coronaviruses.

Find all relevant latest news on the outbreak of the #NovelCoronavirus #nCoV2019 on our dedicated page.

Info ➡️ Image
#RiskAssessment 22.01
• potential impact of #nCoV2019 outbreaks is high;
• further global spread is likely;
• moderate likelihood of infection for EU/EEA travellers visiting #Wuhan;
• moderate likelihood of detecting cases imported into EU/EEA;
Report: Image
@WHO @WHO_Europe @ECDC_EU @EU_Health @EU_Commission Daily update of the #nCoV2019 situation - 24.01
• 897 lab-confirmed cases
• 26 fatalities
• imported cases in: #HongKong, #Macau, #Taiwan, #Thailand, #Japan, #SouthKorea, the #US, #Singapore and #Vietnam
More: Image
Read 333 tweets
Okay, enough people are interested. I'll try tokeep it brief. But, be warned, the story is pretty bad, there's no happy ending, and victims of sexual violence might be triggered by it. So when I put in #TW I mean it.

Grover Cleveland (1837-1908). 22nd & 24th President. 1/
Historian Allan Nevins (no relation) praised Cleveland's "honesty, courage, firmness, independence, and common sense." Of course, he wrote that in 1932, when white male historians generally thought of women as objects & impediments rather than human beings.
In 1873 Cleveland is Sheriff of Erie County (NY). While shopping in a department store he sees Maria Halpin, a store clerk. He thinks she's very attractive and begins pestering her for a date. After *several months* of rejecting him Halpin finally agrees to a date. 3/
Read 22 tweets
Balls to it

I've long dealt with people dismissing my takes on #mentalhealth as I'm an aloof academic who only deals in 'the science'. Ergo I rank lower than someone with 'real experience' (e.g. Hari), apparently

You want to know why I'm so invested? I'll tell you


And yes, there is talk of suicide in this, so #TW and so forth. Apologies in advance for any distress, feel free to mute/block/unfollow if that's a bit much.

Why do I care so much about mental health being covered/explained correctly & compassionately, when I've no (known) issues myself? Other than 'It's obviously the right thing to do and only a heartless prick could think otherwise', that is?

As ever, it started in childhood

Read 33 tweets
Sobre saúde mental na academia. Já contei essa história algumas vezes, mas vamos lá. Trigger Warning. #SetembroAmarelo
Fiz meu doutorado em Cambridge, com bolsa CAPES. Era um fudido, pois a bolsa era OK mas a cidade era cara. Isso acabava me juntando com outros fudidos: africanos, latinos e russos.
Eu dividia a primeira casa com 14 pessoas, era o menor aluguel do College. O casarão tinha sido do Fisher, BTW. A primeira pessoa que me recebeu foi o Alex, um físico russo. Foi um dos meus melhores amigos de Cambridge. A gente era uma dupla que trabalhava muito e gastava pouco.
Read 8 tweets
"If you're sitting in the front row beware your eyebrows. Apparently they're not 'pyrotechnics' they're 'flame-fans'"

Interpretive dancing from @Metlstorm

Now its @mjg59 talking about what fun you can have with electric scooters!

Read 263 tweets
So I’ve been wanting to be play this game..Finally going to do it... Image
1. (#Damon & #Elena) #Delena |You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger..#TVD
2. (#Liam & #Steffy) #STEAM | No one can stop us. You know why? Because we are written in the damn stars.
Read 140 tweets
Vote #DougJonesForSenate #Alabama like your lives depend on it because it does! #FlipAlabama and be the change you seek. 🇺🇸 is counting on Alabama to #FlipItBlue and upset the GOP balance of power in the Senate. Yes it is THAT important! #GOTV and #RollTide
Doug Jones is Alabama's Democratic nominee for US Senate.
Follow him at @GDouglasJones.
Vote Dec 12
#DigDoug #TW
Hey #Alabama, mark your calendars! You have an important special election coming up on Tues. Dec. 12. #DigDoug #TW
Read 28 tweets

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