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Jason Danner @jpdanner
, 370 tweets, 229 min read Read on Twitter
Ready for #Kiwicon Day 2!

This will be an interesting angle... I blame @rafaelmagu

I have JUST discovered that the #Kiwicon screens are rear projection.

Now @Metlstorm is (finally) thanking the sponsors.

Starting with @InternetNZ!

Even on a Saturday @kiwicon attracts a full house of hacker to laugh at @Metlstorm's jokes.

Now its @kellyxvx talking about how to Appsec without being a Fascist

Turns out @slack is pretty popular.

Who knew?

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Slack today is getting BIG

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Slack - the engineering org:

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
150 deployments today! What could go wrong?

Security weeps.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Ideally the relationship between devs and security should be more like this

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Should we implement a security development lifecycle?

Process? Lifecycle? Frightens developers.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Devs often think the security team are the fascists trying to keep them down.

Thanks Orwell

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
We can fix this.

We're standing on. The shoulders of giants.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
We need to implement transparency.

Need visible scope from the outside. Internal conversations create the documentation going forward.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Trust your developers.

Be the bungee cord you want to see in the world.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Develop a culture of empathy.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Develop a culture of trust & collaboration

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Implemented a self-service SDL tool

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
What the SDL tool looks like

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Initial risk assessment: terrifying or zen?

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Next step is the component survey

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Checklists save lives!

They DRASTICALLY improve the likelihood things actually get done.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
All these disciplines use checklists.

Doctors using checklists literally saves lives.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Security triage channels use checklists to triage.

Emoji are great to put into processes.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
This feeds into prodsec review

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Power of Feature Channels.

Can add feedback with full context.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Practice ongoing feedback.

Talk to engineers!

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Unsolicited and solicited feedback.

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Solicited includes external bug bounties

#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
No, thank YOU @kellyxvx!


#Kiwicon @kellyxvx
Now, how to make cyber defence cool?
By Raimo
How do we do cyber exercises?

Everything that works is right.

Everything that doesn't work is wrong.


OOo! A video on a giant cyber attack exercise!

Locked Shields is an international live-fire cyber exercise.

Very dramatic

Created a fake nation to attack/defend.

Teams and interactions

(Almost) all the teams

Holy shit. This is just ONE network one Blue Team was given to defend.

The Locked Shields ops centre
We need to join our forces.

How can consolidate these systems and make it understandable?

Apparently this is "simplified" 🤨

Physical representation of visualised electric grid.

What are the attack vectors?

They implement an ACTUAL 4G mobile network to attack.

And a virtualised water purification system.

An oft forgotten critical system


No, VIRTUAL drones!

Business IT is very easy to virtualise.

Special systems are MUCH harder to virtualise and even harder to scale.

How do you scale a Tesla?

Just buy physical cars?

How do you scale a jet fighter?!

Special systems takeaways

A few numbers from Linked Shields 2018


Much examination of the fire boxes

A rare sighting of a thought @bogan

Hasn't the sheep suffered enough?

Protect it from @Viss!

I hate to admit it, but @Metlstorm's mixtape isn't terrible.

All glory to the all-seeing flat-faced @kiwicon alpaca.
Now its @xntrik & Dylan getting shells from JavaScript

And @kiwicon has helpfully provided them with a self-driving car.
#Kiwicon @xntrik
They're a great fusion of Australian/America ingenuity
#Kiwicon @xntrik
SOOOOO many features being released in browsers.

Toooo many?

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Appsec & Red Teams need to combine forces

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Back in the past, single client were pretty easy to ignore.

There were easier ways to attack.

Malware framework changed the game - chain a bunch of minor vulns to achieve the same goal

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Sony breach is good example of a massive breach due to malware framework
#Kiwicon @xntrik
Most organisations stuffer from lobster security fallacy: tough security outside, soft delicious inside.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Get a foothold and then move laterally in the soft, delicious inside.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Are client attacks lame? This makes @xntrik very 🔥😡🔥

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Users are more likely to click a link than open an attachment.

How bad could it be?


#Kiwicon @xntrik
Beef's Ping Sweep.

Keeping them ping all nice and tidy.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
BeEF gives you pretty views & port scanning.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Does same origin policy save us?

Ehhh. No.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Cross-site Request Forgery has been around for 50 years or so. 🤔

#Kiwicon @xntrik
CSRF attacks against users are broke
CSRF attacks against infrastructure are woke

#Kiwicon @xntrik
What can you do with XSS?

#Kiwicon @xntrik
New frameworks are making XSS go away right? RIGHT?


#Kiwicon @xntrik
Reflected XSS can be bad internally.

Really bad.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Will Same Origin Policy save us?

#Kiwicon @xntrik
BeEF has limitations. What if they close the tab?

#Kiwicon @xntrik
But what if you do recon ahead of time prior to targeting the browser?

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Let's try this using these principles against Netflix!

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Let's look at subdomains of

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Some delicious internal domains.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
If you find the open source things in their infrastructure, we can inspect the source to find exploitable bugs!

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Tools running in production are probably also being run locally.


#Kiwicon @xntrik
We can spray looking for Jenkins

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Ping while spraying.

If you find something, after 60 you can target everything that you find up and rebind the DNS

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Almost everything without SSL becomes "external"

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Rebinding scariness

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Can rebind to CNAMEs we find with recon.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Examples unrelated to Netflix

#Kiwicon @xntrik
A company using review board

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Lots of XSS vulns!

Steal all the source code!

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Let's do this again

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Oooo! No auth by default!

Web bugs allow us to build things internally.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Malicious code that, if clicked, puts ducks in your environment.

But, from my experience, @duckalini's are very GOOD for infrastructure. So likely an improvement.

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Can't SOP protect us?


#Kiwicon @xntrik
Service Workers also exciting!

Can run up to 30 min (!) after tab closure!

#Kiwicon @xntrik

#Kiwicon @xntrik
Thanks @xntrik and Dylan!

Now Wayne talking about his Overwatch Cyber Espionage Tool
Wayne is expressing his passion.
The difference between script kiddies and professionals is merely using tools or building them

So many awesome tools. Building one is Wayne's digital Everest.

Why does he want to build a Command & Control?

C & C wish list:

Implant Wish List

One day, Wayne decided to do it.

So he wrote down the infrastructure sitting at a conference (and not paying attention?)

Looking at building the implant Wayne started to wonder if it'd be easier to steal one from the CIA

Developing the Command & Control server
Developing the beacon
Developing tasking
Communication: what if I use a Java web token? 😂

Uh... This is getting a bit complicated.

AND system survey

First policy document Wayne found interesting.

SOOOO long. Many many do's and don't's

WTF was Wayne thinking?

Resulted in pain. Suffering. Agony. More pain.

But everytime Wayne tried to compile VS gave him a red line. Fail.


Then somebody said: "Have you tried compiling it statically?"

Statically?! WTF! That wasn't in Vault 7!!

Now it compiles! Wayne feels like Ironman ignoring Jarvis's warnings on testing new equipment.

Still lots of work to do.

Infrastructure deployment.

Now... It's Demo Time!

Let's hope Wayne made the appropriate sacrifice to the Demo gods.

Seems to be going well!

Neat tool!

It works!


"If you want to achieve something, just go do it. Don't let anyone hold you back."

Pray for my beard #Kiwicon.

May it remain unsinged.
Let there be light.

And you may ask yourself: how did I get here?
Next up: Tracing the Watchers - Practical Tooling with Paul

Here is Paul. Just a person human. No affiliation. 😬
Oooh! Let's look at listening into some gov radio networks!

Mobile unit specs

Paul has built a capture network that is distributed around his city.

You want an antenna that is good for use without a ground plane

The filters you need

The brains:
How does it all go together?

Use only one global navigation as a time!

GPS disciplined oscillators

The precision we're seeing on the GPS triggers

Alternative approaches

Difficulties in capturing samples.

How to avoid dropped packets

Some USB3 chipsets just don't work

Radio config

File conversion
We've captured some samples, what do we do with them?

Signal detection
GNU radio doesn't support loops

Once we have our samples, use frequency detection

Frequency detection

Centre and demodulate signal
Moar demodulation
Now we line up the samples we've got
Other exciting techniques
What the data looks like:
Signals captures from multiple radios

Putting it all together:

What it looks like when it doesn't go well

In the future, Paul wants:

Awesome! Thanks @PaulM!

Now @_sarahyo is talking about arbitrary code execution
She's travels a lot and has a Jesus author alter ego
#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
Now talking about a chip vulnerability in the Nintendo switch

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
How does this exploit work?

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
I just nearly shat myself.

Those flames! 😲😲😲

What can you do with this vuln?


#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
Now we're going back in time.

Lockout chip on the NES

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
Atari decide to wreak some of Nintendo's shit.

They get a hold of Nintendo patents!

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
This is why we need to be sure to secure our soft systems.

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
Then much suing ensued

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo

We need to tell the non-technical people stories so they understand the issues.

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
Good thoughts

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
"Please take a picture of this"

Done. 😊

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo

#Kiwicon @_sarahyo
Now its Chris - a stealth Maori!

Talking about translating tech terms into Te Reo

To hack:


Its a malicious entity whose primary purpose is to gain control or prevent a user from obtaining their goals
Man in the Middle attack

Buffer overflow attack
Social engineering

Penetration Tester
Risk Register
Virus scanner
Patch management
0 day attack

Thanks @ranginui & @kiwitoa
Awesome work @ranginui!

Now its Brendan talking about Mimicking Threat Actors for Realistic Responses

Brendan is doing neat security stuff at Google

Google gets LOTS of cyber attacks

What is a Red Cell?

Different from a Red Team.
Threat Actors have TTPs

Differences between Red Cells & Red Teams
Red Cell will pick an actor to mimic

Detection & Response Xero-Knowledge

Each exercise has referees

Test detection & response capabilities
Reactions to Red Cell exercise.

Lots of learning under pressure

"Purple Teaming"

Imitating time zones are tough

Exercises make hand off smoother

Attribution can be difficult.

Hard to fully pretend to be the particular adversary

One person almost got kicked out of Google before the referee got involved!

Post mortems
What can you do?

Thanks Brendan!

Now its @pruby

Oh no. We're talking about math. 😱
For all D in my dumplings, D means pork & chives. Leads to om nom nom

#Kiwicon @pruby
"Thats not a company, that's a social club" - people from overseas
#Kiwicon @pruby
The obvious solution for security is to fire all your staff. Oddly, this is not a popular option.

#Kiwicon @pruby
This isn't a talk about phishing. It's a talk about set theory.

#Kiwicon @pruby
OOo! Pretty pictures!

This doesn't look like math!

#Kiwicon @pruby
Yes. That follows.

*nods head vigorously*

#Kiwicon @pruby
Yo Squirrel! Can we have an air strike, please?

@Metlstorm #Kiwicon @pruby

#Kiwicon @pruby
Hacking and the law with @FelixGeiringer
Let's look at hackers.

At the time there were no computer crime statues at all!

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
Oh no! Legalese!

🔥My eyes!🔥

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
Section 249 is where almost everyone gets charged for computer crimes

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
DAYUM these definitions are broad

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
Is AKILL NZ's ZeroCool?

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
These laws require that our judges understand computer crime?

As far as Felix knows none of them do.

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
Oooh! Conspiring to access Labour Party's computer systems.

Somehow, it wasn't prosecuted as there was no "hacking" - WTF.

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
The basis of NZ legal theory is that information/knowledge/data isn't property.

This confuses people who think that intellectual property is property, its not.

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
Here is where everything is bizarre.

To get rid of @KimDotcom they tried to turn copyright infringement into a criminal offence instead of a civil breach.

BUT they turned it into a COMPUTER crime issue.

Its completely nonsensical

#Kiwicon @FelixGeiringer
Now Martin is talking about digital identity while wearing a wifi enabled tiara

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
What is identity?

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
Models of identities: accounts

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
Identity & relationships

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
Using key exchange to communicate identity

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
You accumulate badges in your wallet.

You hold the data and can control it.

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
Bad news: blockchain is not a trust root.

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
Blockchain for digital identity is not good

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
Blockchain MIGHT be good for some things?

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
What we need

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
So Martin is building a platform

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
Drag and drop trust.

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
You can use this for reputation as well

#Kiwicon @martinkrafft
Now @Thoughtfulnz is talking about the day the carnival came to town

The response when fascists are coming to town.

Sooo... He downloaded Twitter (for a specific time frame) and did some analysis

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
Who supported the decision of Auckland to keep them out of council spaces

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
Amazing spectrum of folks responding from all over.

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
Analysis of tweets.

Going right means more pro fascist.

Going left means more anti-fascist.

Down means folks don't care.

Interesting to see differences per country.

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
We started seeing a lot of Twitter activity from people we don't normally see activity from.

Very suspicious.

New Zealand has strong Twitter communities.

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
There were significant discrepancies between times activities were active. There are also differences in the language used.

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
Kiwis use "we" and "are" while Americans use "I" and "me"

Many languages differences

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
We need to be think about how we'll deal with things in the future.

How can we build resilience into the networks to support folks & keep them from being run off the internet.

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
Accounts on the far right are far more likely to be anonymous than on the left.

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
Suggested solutions:

All along the watchtower - aggregating block lists

Pick on someone your own size - align with someone bigger (EU?)

Burn it all down - fuck it all. Make a network NZ local

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
What values do we want embedded in the networks we affirm?

If we're trying to push against fascism, should we be promoting Green & Maori voices?

#kiwicon @Thoughtfulnz
Thanks @Thoughtfulnz!

Excellent thoughts. ♥️

Its fine. Everything is fine. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

✨ ✨
You WISH you could be as cool as this alpaca.
Now its @0x446f49's @kiwicon intro!
History of Ducati in less than 2 min!
#Kiwicon @0x446f49
What about Ducati security?


#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Also, hello!

Now a live demo on hacking your Ducati.

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Normally you need a key to get access to the cambus.

Or... You can use an allen key to remove the seat!

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Plug into the cambus and...

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
How does it work?

We start shouting louder than the immobiliser over the cambus until it starts

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Read the firmware?

Options are slimy or not slimy

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Or... The diagnostics port

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Buy the Ducati kit for thousands of American rubles?
#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Or... A $4 cable from Aliexpress? 😂😂😂

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Looks like we can read from this!

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Shall we write to firmware?

What shall we modify?

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Fuel map! Let's get MOAR POWER!

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Its open sourced!

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
If you want to ensure that your kids never have enough money for drugs, introduce them to motorsports. 🏍
#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Every vehicle is at least 10% shitter than it needs to be.

You can always get 10% more fun.

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
The plan:

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
What did we get?

More then 10% improvement!

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Where is this all going?

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
SOO much is getting plugged into the cambus. This... Is not good.

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Or we can limit what devices can pass to each other over the cambus

Reduce the attack surface

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
There are two kinds of people - those that buy a Toyota or...

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Now its Logan telling us about physical security stories!

#Kiwicon @0x446f49
Physical security depends on physical controls and people.

Security awareness needs to extend beyond the perimeter.

Just because they're through the barrier does mean they should be there!

Target number 1:

HID prox makes Logan very happy.

Its the equivalent of locking your bike with a ziptie

Used lumpy to skim some cards.

One worked!

Go time!

They went in but couldn't find the lights...

But got into the server room!

But... Then the lights turned on!

Someone else was in the office who was SUPPOSED to be there.

Used bash bunny to grab some creds.

They tried to log into the email provider on this. Sent a 2FA call to the user at 2am!

User changed their password but didn't report it. 😔

They went pivoted through the system and pwned the network.

Shows physical access can lead to remote network compromise.

Leads to... Server room selfies from dodgy fuckers.

Next client:

Looks like strong security controls

Recon time!

Needless to say, there were more server room selfies.

Onto the 3rd client.
Oooh! LAN cable plugged into the reception touch screen
Time to hide in the bathrooms again!

Only for a couple hours this time.

Got network access, but could only access it from the toilet.

Tailgate time!

Talking on the phone with an upside down visitor sticker means nobody bothers you.

Hung around the kitchen drinking tea and looking busy

Asked an employee if they could help them get a visitor pass as they were doing work there for a couple days

Visitor card had 24 hour access.

So they went in at night, found the default code for employee lockers, opened the IT admins locker, and...

Awesome! Thanks @InfoSnekNZ.

Great talk as always!

Its the prize giving time!
@kiwicon #Kiwicon
In which @Metlstorm teaches @Sputina the badger dance!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Thanks @kiwicon Crue!

The money stats
@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Wow! It was another @kiwicon!
Achievement unlocked: @purpleconNZ!

Awesome job team!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
We can't inflict our old man memes on people.

What the hell were those limes about?!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Who! Kuricon!

Great success

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Thanks everyone for getting into the aesthetic!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
The Te Reo achievement!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
This is fine.

Only a few things caught 🔥🔥🔥

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Fan art!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Thanks for all the speaker mentors!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Badge challenge!

@_devalias crew wins!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Te Kuiti Warrior lock picking challenge has the youngster every high scorer.

Way to go Emily!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Go Emily!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Go Emily!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Go Emily!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Emily wins!! 👑

The crowd goes wild!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
CFP 3rd place!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
CFP 2nd place!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
1st place CFP!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Repnop wins per-head point total!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Excellent work on the CTF folks!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Best dressed:

Everyone who wore tiaras!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
And @mjg59 wins the "Above and Beyond the Call of Duty" award for taking the first slot at the last minute.

Awesome prize!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
And Pepe wins best prop!

And @Metlstorm chugs beer.

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Most disturbing talk

@libNex @claudiocontin!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Most egotistical stage setup!


@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Best presenter: @attacus_au!

Fuck yeah!

And a book of actual skin diseases?

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Thanks everyone!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Thank you volunteers!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
A very @Metlstorm thanks!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
A @mikeforbes volunteer thanks.

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Thanks sponsors!

@InternetNZ @SparkNZ Quantum @Bugcrowd @Google Catalyst @axenic Endace & others!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
After party Leroy's!

@kiwicon #Kiwicon
Is there another @kiwicon?

"Putting on a con is like having kids. After a while you blank out all the horrible bits and then it seems like a good idea again."

@Metlstorm #Kiwicon

Thanks Squirrel!

Thanks @kiwicon for finally giving @rafaelmagu a way to remove those peaky fingerprints.
"Stick your hand in the fire"

With @Metlstorm it's dodgy but we trust Sharrow.
@kiwicon #Kiwicon
And... It's over.

No more @kiwicon until...?

See you all at the after party!

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