> unsettled
> angry
> confused
> distracted
> annoyed
> helpless
> lonely
> desperate
> bored
Clean up your fucking living space!
Every time.
What is this insanity everyone is talking about?
Your space is your kingdom.
If you can't control that, what can you ever control?
Cleaning your room, kitchen, basement gives you a DIRECT and IMMEDIATE experience of control.
You're in charge!
Critical step to getting the top mental payoff.
Take the garbage out!
Literally & figuratively.
The release is immediate & visceral. Infants take CONTROL for the first time by throwing away, breaking & "losing" things.
If you're glued to your dumbphone, you need this.
When you're tidying up a space, your attention moves across different physical tasks
with a singular systematic goal - organize things in a certain way.
99% of people live in total misery.
Because attached, fixated, dependent on the result.
They won't accept that outcome independence gives you godlike POWER.
They just won't let go and WIN.
But ANYONE can get an easy win by mowing the lawn.
You can't clean while rolled up in bed depressed.
Mind is of movement and when you clean, you have to MOVE.
You might even crack a window and get some AIR.
You improve your mental health through physical action.
Woo-woo nonsense for the lo-awarenes mass.
Creativity you engineer deliberately.
Into your environment, into your Mind.
Sign up and level up.