• Their blog post (lacks the most interesting details): cnil.fr/fr/application…
• Their high-level legal decision: legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCnil.do?…
• The full notification: legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCnil.do?…
I've read it so you needn't!
1) Consent obtained directly in apps that embed Vectaury as an SDK, using Vectaury's CMP (Consent Management Platform). You can see it in action in this video:
Both are found to be failing — the second one in very interesting ways. Keep reading!
1) The consent is not informed;
2) The consent is not specific;
3) The consent is not affirmative.
Given the high-risk nature of the processing and its opacity, this isn't even a very strict interpretation.
You cannot pass consent to another controller through a contractual relationship. BOOM

This is huge.
Also, Google has said they won't use a clear definition of valid consent. This shows they will have to.
That might be a fight for another day 😊🤗