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As a concept, it's far more interesting than Rose wanting to save her father. Barbara wants to alter the path of an entire culture and not out of some self-interest, but out of a desire to correct a society, to instill "proper" beliefs in the Aztecs.
Her arc in this episode is the same of all of Western colonialism. The idea that West Knows Best. A little Christianity and a lot of servitude go a long way toward making a great society.
Barbara is about to put all of her friends and herself at great danger to "save" a society. All she has to do is condemn one man to death and they're safe. THIS IS COMPELLING. #DoctorWho
There's so much going on in this story (except for Susan). Barbara wants to undo an entire society. Ian is beating up Aztecs. #DoctorWho is making eyes at a pretty widow. what could possibly happen next??
Long day at work and a longer couple of days ahead mean less Jodorowsky and and more 55 year old television with...THE AZTECS. Part 2. Episode 2? Whatever. #DoctorWho
I love John Ringham's bombastic and sinister performance, but, god, this story would have been so much more amazing had he and Ixta been portrayed in more nuanced lights. #DoctorWho
The scenes between Barbara and Tlotoxl are among Barbara's best moments on the show. Their verbal sparring is far more interesting than Tlotoxl's grimacing at the camera. #DoctorWho
Ian's going to pay for that cocky bit of nonsense later. In every way, whenever the time team thinks they are more advanced than the savage society they're in, they become outfoxed or trapped by rules they do not know nor respect. #DoctorWho
Can't help but adore the First #DoctorWho and his wooing of Cameca. He can be a jerk at times (especially in the first season) but he does have his moments.
Pretty sure that if #DoctorWho wasn't a family show, Ian could have ended the fight at this point by breaking Ixta's arm.
THE AZTECS definitely holds up. It continues to work because colonialism and its brutal effects on the world are still being felt, but it's hard not to sympathize with Barbara's attempts to stop the bloodshed. #DoctorWho
Streaming buffering is adding some noise to this one. Yay. Anyway, third episode of THE AZTECS. Strangely exhausted today. Let's get some #DoctorWho in here.
Barbara does not mess around in this one. The culture clash keeps everyone on their toes. The Aztecs really don't know what to make of the Time Team and the Time Team keep floundering around and just manage to scrape through it all. #DoctorWho
I love the First #DoctorWho. His response to Tlotoxl's attempts to weasel information out of him is just bored rejection. Bless the curmudgeonly Doctors.
The constant power shift between the characters is what keeps this interesting, unlike MARCO POLO, where our protagonists are almost always scrabbling to keep up. I also like how Ixta throws Ian's words back in his face and Ixta has a legitimate point. #DoctorWho
Once again, #DoctorWho's ignorance of their customs and his refusal to acknowledge this, causes a problem, although the show treats it as more of a comedic beat than a true problem.
It is interesting that Barbara chooses this moment, when she has Tlotoxl beaten and exposed, to finally tell the truth and give up the one, slight edge she has over the man. #DoctorWho
One more episode (I think it's just a four parter anyway). Onward! #DoctorWho
This is probably my personal favorite out of all of the historicals, barring any revelations when I rewatch THE REIGN OF TERROR or THE ROMANS. Glad I let this one linger a little bit. #DoctorWho
I love the genuine joy #DoctorWho has when he first sees that Ian is actually alive. See?! Time Team coming together.
Oh look, it's Susan. Lord, they really did not know how to write her or make use of her character in these stories. #DoctorWho
"Do you ask yourself where Ian is? I can tell you: he is dead!" Dude. What? Like...learn to lead up to your gloats a little better. You gloater. #DoctorWho
Look at Ian creeping on this gloater. Pretty satisfying moment. #DoctorWho
There's so many little moments where all of the characters (except Susan) get to shine. It's a fantastic Barbara story, but Ian and #DoctorWho also have their moments to broaden themselves to some degree.
I adore the matte painting here and I think it does the job nicely. #DoctorWho
Goodbye, Ixta. You were....an interesting villain, in your own, special way. #DoctorWho
You know, it's no wonder that #DoctorWho has so many outfits in her TARDIS. Each adventure they run in there with period appropriate clothing. Seriously miffed that Ian didn't grab that sweet eagle helmet.
Woof, the ending does NOT age well, however. They broke the faith of a single man and he exiled himself into the jungle. That is not a win, in my book. #DoctorWho
Up next, one of the most reviled stories in the First #DoctorWho 's era. Stay tuned for....THE SENSORITES.
It's been a month and a half, but here comes...THE SENSORITES. Every time, EVERY time, I get to this story, my #DoctorWho marathons go right off the rails.
I was doing a deep dive in #Transformers for the last few weeks because my pop culture obsessions run in cycles I cannot predict. But it's ok, because now I have Grimlock cuddling with the First Doctor on my desk. #DoctorWho
I find it weird that both Susan and #DoctorWho are confused about the possibility that the TARDIS has landed inside of a moving object. This is not the most confusing thing that's happened to them this season.
"It started out as a mild curiosity in the junkyard..." this is sort of a nice moment, until we recall that it really started out with #DoctorWho kidnapping Ian and Barbara and threatening to leave them in the past with a bunch of cavemen.
I love it when they do one long tracking shot from the TARDIS interior to wherever they've landed. I think...I THINK....they only did it two or three times, but it was cool when they did. #DoctorWho
It's such a great start to the story and again, another weird moment where #DoctorWho sees a ship with dead people on it and just decides to leave cause there's nothing they can do. They're still manufacturing reasons to keep the Time Team locked in.
As the astronaut applies the revivification drug, there's an audible heartbeat as he recovers and comes to. Nice aural touch there, #DoctorWho.
And here's this week's reason why #DoctorWho will be sticking around to save the day. I was just about to say I can't imagine a story where a non-Galifreyan can just maim the TARDIS like this, but there's House in "The Doctor's Wife" and other examples of TARDIS tomfoolery.
There are genuinely creepy and unsettling moments that I don't think The Sensorites gets enough credit for. This is definitely a story that suffers from "too many parts" syndrome, but I genuinely don't think it's a bad one. #DoctorWho
This man has seen some things, right here. I think the main problem people have with the story is the lack of menace with the Sensorites themselves. There's a lot of buildup to this evil menace and then they turn out to be more goofy than anything. #DoctorWho
See, that's....that's genuinely creepy. Such a good way to kick off the story. One crewman driven mad by the Sensorites, the TARDIS disabled and apparently the Sensorites can survive in the cold vacuum of space. How will #DoctorWho and his team get out of this one?
I'm glad #DoctorWho is back on Twitch. I'm not sure what the reception is this time, but I hope there's not a bunch of fans telling people not to thoroughly enjoy Planet of the Giants.
Compassion is, as always and forever, the defining characteristic of #DoctorWho and her companions.
I mean, Susan and Barbara are putting the squeeze on these chumps, but compassion is still the prevailing approach to their problems. #DoctorWho
I love this little moment, where Carol asks them why they're traveling, what their purpose is. It's a moment that comes up fairly often in later years, where the Companions explains themselves in relation to #DoctorWho.
When Ian went to go into a dangerous situation, he didn't ask #DoctorWho to come with him, he asked Barbara, because Barbara is awesome and can get things done.
The Sensorite design is pretty effective, I'd say. Better than most of the other alien designs during this era. And nice to see a non-robotic alien. #DoctorWho
The last gasp of Susan as an alien....#DoctorWho
Still rocketing along as Susan volunteers to go down to the Sensphere. Sensesphere? Whatever. And to think, in a few stories, #DoctorWho will willingly abandon Susan in the ruins of a devastated Earth.
Not sure when I'm going to stop watching #DoctorWho tonight, but looks like I'm going to watch episode 3 of The Sensorites tonight.
I love the idea of a race of beings this incapable of being threatening that all they can do is resort to mental tricks and posturing. They're unwilling to be truly violent, at least right now, and that's what makes them interesting. #DoctorWho
And this is another moment where we see #DoctorWho as who he will be become. He shows them that he has a weapon against them, tells them he will only use it to defend themselves and gives them the chance to make it right.
Enjoy this image of #DoctorWho and Grimlock while drama plays out with The Sensorites.
I'm having trouble thinking of things to say about The Sensorites, which might be the biggest issue with this story. What is it trying to say, beyond just its fairly simple story? #DoctorWho
It's a society that truly does not know how to handle conflict and seems to believe that obsequiousness is the natural order of things. #DoctorWho
Looks like William Russell is getting a vacation. #DoctorWho
I think I'm going to keep going. Maybe...maybe I'll finish The Sensorites....tonight! #DoctorWho
Episode 4 of The Sensorites! I didn't wait long enough to see what the title. Let's say it's...THE DEVIL IN THE DARK. #DoctorWho
Close enough. #DoctorWho
I was worried that it'd be an embarrassingly long time before #DoctorWho figured out that it was the water that made Ian sick.
The First Doctor was such a jerk. Ian is dying on the floor, but #DoctorWho pauses long enough for a dramatic close up and says...."Will they let me into my ship?"
This Sensorite is so low level evil, but in this society he is capable of doing serious damage because of how harmless they are. I kind of dig that the Ood are a part of their species in some way. #DoctorWho
Carol tells the City Administrator that she can't tell them apart and his response is a sinister, "I never thought of that." I find it hard to believe that a species would evolve that can't differentiate between individuals. ALTHOUGH, that might explain why they're so...mild.
I really wish Susan had been handled better. I feel like it's part of the reason why New Who has never bothered to bring her back. She's such an anomalous blip in the show's run. #DoctorWho
I feel like something could be made more out of a race this passive. The one individual who is capable of doing terrible things, because he happens to be more aggressive than everyone around him. #DoctorWho
Gods, I feel like this would be better as a 45 minute New Who episode, rather than a six parter. There's an interesting story here, but it's not the one they're telling. #DoctorWho
No matter the face, I love it when #DoctorWho pieces it all together.
We're hitting the homestretch on The Sensorites. Two more episodes! #DoctorWho
I feel like any #DoctorWho episode where he's in the sewer using a magnifying glass HAS to be a good episode.
I will say that the City Administrator, the villain of this story who...doesn't have a name?, is pretty two dimensional. This is a frustrating story on a few levels. #DoctorWho
I believe in explaining "plotholes" by using the story itself. The fact that the Sensorites do not use proper names, but just titles is very telling about their society and makes them more interesting. #DoctorWho
I love how badly #DoctorWho's plans backfire on him when he decides to meddle in local politics.
We're reaching the end of the story and I can't say how I feel one way or the other. It's kind of sitting there for me. NEXT EPISODE. #DoctorWho
It's the final episode of The Sensorites and I'm pretty ambiguous about things, which is how I always feel when this story ends. It's not awful, it's not even bad, but it's not gripping. #DoctorWho
Barbara is the reason why the first Time Team didn't just die on the first story. #DoctorWho
When the only threat is to the main characters of the show, the emotional impact is minimal. By not giving the Sensorites names and identities, they minimized audience interest in the story. #DoctorWho
It's weirdly ominous that Susan is trying to convince the Sensorites that blind trust is bad. #DoctorWho
Also, this MUST be the first time that someone describes the orange skies of Gallifrey. #DoctorWho
The human antagonists here are almost entirely inconsequential. They have no real bearing on the events that play out. #DoctorWho
Poor Susan. She's told at the end of this story that her gifts will go away and #DoctorWho says it's good that there's not a busybody in their thoughts. BUT....but....he says they should develop her ability. It's not ALL bad for Susan.
Whoa, #DoctorWho just went 9.9 on the Richter Scale for Bananas.
And we're back with the first episode in THE REIGN OF TERROR, the last story in season 1 and one of my favorite historicals. Let's go! #DoctorWho
After #DoctorWho's psychotic break at the end of the last story, things are a little tense in the TARDIS. It's interesting how they kept pushing the notion that he's almost the antagonist toward Ian and Barbara, even after they have supposedly made peace with their travels.
#DoctorWho is delightfully cocky that he's got them back home and I love how...delicately Ian tries to put it that he doesn't not believe for a second that they've landed in the correct place.
Didn't take long for Ian and Barbara to become expert #DoctorWho wranglers. The difference between their interactions now and their interactions at the start of the season are fantastic.
Ian pulls what is clearly an 18th century street urchin from the bushes and #DoctorWho is still pretty convinced they're in 1960's England.
Time travelers are the worst about just rummaging through people's things. "I've become untethered from time itself! Time to break into this house and steal these clothes!" #DoctorWho
Bam and there's the title, courtesy of Barbara. The Reign of Terror, also known as #DoctorWho's favorite time period (????).
Guys, those clothes belong to someone. You can't just....sigh. #DoctorWho
I love how our heroes, in most of the historicals, are relegated to a role of just trying to stay out of trouble. It's more akin to a disaster flick, where the time team just needs to ride out the storm that's roiling around them. #DoctorWho
This is the expression of a time traveler who is watching his designated driver being burned alive inside of an old French farmhouse during the Reign of Terror. #DoctorWho
I do love historicals. See you next time for episode 2 of THE REIGN OF TERROR. #DoctorWho
REIGN OF TERROR, the second part! I have a confession to make: I don't really remember what chumblies are. I'm pretty sure Vicki called them that because they chumble around? This has nothing to do with anything. #DOCTORWHO
This story ranks pretty high for me. I generally prefer the less farcical historicals, though THE ROMANS is pretty awesome. These tweets are easier when I'm about halfway through a bottle of Jack, no lie. #DoctorWho
The main takeaway from any of these early stories is the fact that Barbara is the best of them. Until she starts playing with rat poison. #DoctorWho
Still trying to wrap my head around the French kid with the cockney accent. Trying to decide if it'd be better or worse if they tried an unconvincing French accent. #DoctorWho
Look at the glee on #DoctorWho's face as his bloodlust for cracking skulls is finally sated after being denied in AN UNEARTHLY CHILD.
Pretty sure all of Ian's segments were pre-filmed prior to everyone else so William Russell could go on vacation. If so, this was a much better way to handle it than Jacqueline Hill's vacation in THE SENSORITES. #DoctorWho
I love the First Doctor stories that let Hartnell loose without his companions and they happened so rarely. He gets room to breathe that the other Doctors Who got much more often. #DoctorWho
Time for Episode 3 of THE REIGN OF TERROR, the last episode before things get cartoony. I've got a long weekend ahead of me, so I might be watching a lot more #DoctorWho this weekend than normal. Also, snow storm. Woo.
Intrigue in back alleyways, Ian, Barbara and Susan in prison and #DoctorWho on the loose; bring back the pure historicals!
Leaving the keys in the door of a prison is the sign of an executive mind. Forward thinking. #DoctorWho
Bless the First Doctor. He has gone from buying a coat (with no money) to selling his coat to the shopkeep. #DoctorWho
And one of Hartnell's finest moments as #DoctorWho.
I love how this story is playing out. #DoctorWho is doing his own thing, trying to locate Susan and the others. Ian engineers an escape to meet a contact. Barbara and Susan are enveloped into a resistance movement. The weakest part is Susan's role, but that is always the case.
All things considered, animating lost episodes would be my preferred method for viewing any lost #DoctorWho episode. So I guess I'm about to get lucky with the fourth episode of THE REIGN OF TERROR.
It's very interesting animation, certainly. #DoctorWho
I was hoping there was a special feature about how they did the animation, but I don't see one. It's very kinetic, lots of varied shots and nothing is ever still for very long, most likely in an attempt to keep the viewer engaged. #DoctorWho
I just realized in my last screengrab that I managed to catch someone blinking, which is pretty damn hard to do in animation normally, but these cats won't stop blinking, winking, nodding or shifting. #DoctorWho
It's very dynamic. Unfortunately, I've spent more time thinking about the animation than the actual story. #DoctorWho
The William Russell animation model is not quite spot on, but the others are great and it's easy to tell everyone apart. Also, Ian just got nabbed by the French police, so that's the end of Episode 4! #DoctorWho
It's time for Episode 5 of THE REIGN OF TERROR, one of my favorite Hartnell stories. Not as great as THE GUNFIGHTERS, but still, pretty awesome. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho is becoming more and more like the Doctor Who that we know and love. I'm much more comfortable calling him the Doctor than I was back at the start of the season.
He's running circles around the guards and doing....Doctor things. Even with Barbara rolling her eyes at him the entire time. Because she's amazing. #DoctorWho
I love how often Ian and the others tell people they're time travelers. It never goes well and Ian just...keeps on doing it. #DoctorWho
Going back to the animation, I love how they do the action scenes, with a calm, deliberate fluidity. It reminds me of how Eastwood's character moves in the final gunfight in UNFORGIVEN. #DoctorWho
Cracking skulls left and right without Ian to stop him. Won't somebody think of the children? #DoctorWho
Gripping! Now that #DoctorWho has betrayed his friends, what will happen next?!?! They all survive and get away at the end of Part 6, don't worry. MOVING ON.
And we're back to boring old live-action with the sixth part of REIGN OF TERROR and the LAST episode of Season 1 of #DoctorWho.
Not bad. Here's a side-by-side comparison of the shot. #DoctorWho
Plot twist! And one I completely forgot about. I love it when #DoctorWho pulls off the political intrigue.
Ian pretending to be an old timey innkeeper is an amazing thing to watch. #DoctorWho
I was going to say this is the first appearance of a famous historical figure on #DoctorWho, but that's only because I completely forgot that Robespierre was already in this story. Also, I forgot about Hur, who was a key figure in the discovery of fire.
I wonder if it would even be possible to have a key part of a modern #DoctorWho story take place as a drama our heroes witness through a peephole, rather than as active participants.
Woof, Robespierre getting shot in the mouth is pretty grim for any era of #DoctorWho. I forgot just how much they end up cramming into this last episode.
"Our destiny is in the stars, so let's go and search for them." Great way to end a strong first season for the first #DoctorWho.
Why not do one more episode? PLANT OF THE GIANTS is next up on #DoctorWho.
The idea behind PLANET OF THE GIANTS is shockingly bold for a show that had trouble depicting icicles only a few stories back. #DoctorWho
This had to either be an awesome episode to do the set design for or infuriating. I genuinely don't think they did a bad job. #DoctorWho
I love the pullback shot showing that the TARDIS doesn't just LOOK tiny, it's actually supposed to BE tiny. This ain't THE CURSE OF PELADON. #DoctorWho
Very gentle bickering in this episode and it's cute. Considering they were just made an inch tall due to "space pressure" they're taking it very well. #DoctorWho
That's a good dead bee. ALSO....the fact that there's a murder mystery happening around them makes this feel just like a historical: our heroes are sidelined while a drama takes place. #DoctorWho
I can't imagine that's a very pleasant place to stand if you're an inch tall. And then Ian whips out a tiny handkerchief to check his breathing...#DoctorWho
This ending reminds me of that one #StarTrek episode and I think it's partly the cat and partly the heavy use of strings in the soundtrack. MOVING ON. #DoctorWho
Now that I've killed my responsibilities for the rest of the day, it's time for more #DoctorWho. Gonna see how deep I can get into THE DALEK INVASION OF EARTH tonight, which means we need to burn through the last two episodes of PLANET OF THE GIANTS. So let's get to it.
#DoctorWho's strategy is to not look the cat in the eyes and I am... struggling to figure out how that's going to help the situation.
The First #DoctorWho laying down some truth by stating they can't expect help from a criminal who just committed murder. It's interesting that Louis Marks felt the need to spice up the story about tiny time travelers with a murder.
The actor playing the heavy has a VERY dry reading, but I kind of like the weird, emotionless affectation he has. There's a weird amount of depth in this side-drama that's taking place. #DoctorWho
The sets are all clearly recognizable for what they are supposed to be and it's fantastic. If this was longer than three parts, I can see being a little bit grumpy about this story, but for the most part it's just some light fun. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho just gave Susan a little speech about how important it is to go help Ian and Barbara, a speech he would not have given last season. God, I love character development.
Annnd immediately after that, not a great use of Barbara's character. She, out of everyone else, would have communicated that she had touched the poison grain. I could see #DoctorWho or Susan hiding it, even Ian to some degree, but not Barbara.
Ok, I know it doesn't look great in the still shot, but the motions on that fly are...gross. It's gross and off-putting and I don't like it. #DoctorWho
This really is NOT the Barbara we got to know throughout Season 1. Unhappy about this aspect of the story. #DoctorWho
God, that is an amazing drain. #DoctorWho
Never before has a full sink represented the potential for so much death! Find out what happens next time on #DoctorWho!
It is time for the FINAL part of PLANET OF GIANTS and then we're going straight into my favorite Dalek story of the Hartnell years. #DoctorWho
Considering how filthy #DoctorWho and Susan got climbing up the pipe, I can imagine worse fates than for them to be covered in soapy water.
I'm sure the handkerchief trick is going to go over like gangbusters, especially since the villain is incapable of inflection. #DoctorWho
Barbara, just tell them! You can tell them about your plans to completely reshape the Aztec culture to conform to your colonialist attitudes about what makes a good society, but you can't tell them you accidentally touched bug poison?! #DoctorWho
Not going to lie: spent the last five minutes of this story trying to see if I could get my Roger Delgado's Master figure to hold the Nestene egg. And, yes, I can.
#DoctorWho, proving once and for all that you can't use a handkerchief to alter your voice over the telephone.
And that brings us to, I think, the last of the sideways stories and into the best Dalek story of the Hartnell era! #DoctorWho
This is a story I've been waiting for since I started doing this back in October. It's pretty high up there on my list of favorite Dalek stories, especially since I'm not a huge fan of Daleks in general. #DoctorWho
God, what a great establishing shot to set the scene for this apocalyptic world. #DoctorWho
Goodness, what happened to the windows on the TARDIS? And that's before the rubble fell on it. #DoctorWho
This is a nice moment between Barbara and Susan and interesting because Susan is trying to convince Barbara it wouldn't be so bad if they all stayed together, but we all know how that turns out....#DoctorWho
The Daleks are notorious for their hoarding. Even though this Roboman is clearly beyond repair, they still stuck him in the attic, "just in case." #DoctorWho
The soundtrack, which is heavy on the percussion, is fantastic. I love a scene a little later on that makes excellent use of bongos...#DoctorWho
From the very beginning to now, #DoctorWho is always trying to get the others to be just as interested as he in the surroundings and the situation. And even now, Ian is just noping out of exploring.
It took 150 years, but they finally got rid of the Republican party. In Britain. #DoctorWho
I don't care how silly it is that there's a Dalek in the water, it's still a great way to end the episode. #DoctorWho
This may be the last time Terry Nation wrote a good Dalek story. Let's enjoy it. #DoctorWho
I double checked yesterday. THE DAY OF THE DALEKS was written by Louis Marks, so I was right in saying that THE DALEK INVASION OF EARTH is Terry Nation's best Dalek story. Part 2! #DoctorWho
That's the look of a man that has learned to hate the Daleks. I'd say that this is the story that made #DoctorWho and the Daleks inextricable from each other.
The show trounces the movie on many levels, but one of the main ways is by having women actually taking part in the resistance against the Daleks. Jenny seems to be in charge of this small group and that lady appears to be making future bullets. #DoctorWho
It's frustrating seeing this script from Nation where the characters are believable and interesting and I want to know what's going to happen to them and then I compare them to the Thals in THE DALEKS and I want to know where he went wrong. #DoctorWho
I love how excited #DoctorWho is here. He's been captured, the planet is overrun with Daleks and he's excited because he's deduced something about them.
The Robomen are a little more horrifying than I originally remember. The idea that they will eventually just break down and destroy themselves essentially is pretty grim stuff. #DoctorWho
This is giving me a strong urge to watch SURVIVORS and see what Nation's non-#DoctorWho work was like.
The plan Nation comes up with actually makes so much sense: The Daleks bombard the planet with meteors, once the infrastructure has taken a pounding, they unleash a virus on the populace, further weakening the planet and THEN they land and invade. #DoctorWho
It's fascinating thinking about this story knowing that twenty years before, the UK was facing the very real possibility of an invading force occupying their country. I know, it's a shockingly original thought. #DoctorWho
"Hold that and shut up, will you." God bless the first #DoctorWho.
William Russell needs a BAFTA for his ability to act with nothing. I've seen the man pretend that Styrofoam weighs hundred of pounds, that polystyrene walls are solid steel and now that two lumps of inert metals are, in fact, highly magnetized. #DoctorWho
Nation is doing a great job holding the tension here, showing both attempts by the rebels and #DoctorWho failing. Good stuff. MOVING ON.
Episode 3 of THE DALEK INVASION OF EARTH. Been a slow day for me today, might as well burn some more daylight with some #DoctorWho.
Even in the B&W days they had color coded Daleks. #DoctorWho
I'll have to double-check with the missus, but I'm pretty sure that was a Judo move that Ian just pulled off here. Looked good to me. #DoctorWho
Ahh, the immortal love between David & Susan. They do set this up much better than a few other pairings down the line. In terms of Companion Exits Due to Romance, this ranks below Jo Grant and that hippie dude and well above Leela and that Gallifrey dude. #DoctorWho
I'm not saying that the characters in this serial aren't a little tropey, but they're still engaging. I love David's response to Susan when she says they could just go some place else, and keep traveling without end. #DoctorWho
This is my favorite sequence in the whole serial: Barbara on the run with bongos as the Daleks swarm over London. #DoctorWho
I love the little details like the Dalek graffiti on some of the walls and just the overall eeriness of the empty city streets, save the Daleks and Barbara's shrinking crew. #DoctorWho
And we hit the halfway point with a ticking bomb about to blow up our heroes! Excitement: palpable. NEXT UP: Episode 4 and The End of Tomorrow...
Might as well jump right into Episode 4, cause here's where the serial starts to go a little sideways on me. #DoctorWho
Pretty chilling scenes of what slavery under the Daleks looks like. Pretty sure DESTINY OF THE DALEKS cribbed this bit. #DoctorWho
Can't believe it took me until this viewing to recognize the man on the left. I watched a LOT of ARE YOU BEING SERVED while I was growing up. #DoctorWho
Nothing like watching Barbara run down a Dalek to really kick off your evening. #DoctorWho
Looks like the Daleks are trying to figure out the secret to the #DoctorWho opening title sequence.
I'm probably reading too much into it, but I feel like Terry Nation is fixated on the ideas that would become SURVIVORS, a series I really, really want to see now and I might end up buying the DVD when all is said and done. #DoctorWho
That crocodile looks adorable. Susan, just take it with you, it looks small enough to be carried. #DoctorWho
And it's the introduction of the Slither where things go a little sideways, at least in my opinion. Still, good story overall and on to Part 5!
I've seen this title card a LOT recently, and it's starting to bother me that the name of the show doesn't really become clear until it starts receding into the distance. Anyway, episode 5 of THE DALEK INVASION OF EARTH. #DoctorWho
I like the Slither! I'm not sure what it's supposed to be, but I like it. #DoctorWho
Oh my God, the Slither just made the saddest sound as it fell to its death. Ian, you know who the REAL monster is? It's you, Ian. It's you.
Oh! I forgot about #DoctorWho. What's sad is the last two episodes were an unplanned absence for Hartnell, as he did himself a mischief escaping from the Dalek ship.
God, these creepy women. There's so many little cruel and awful characters in this overrun world. I'm going to order SURVIVORS now. #DoctorWho
This episode is pretty grim all things considered, as two brothers kill each other in the middle of this Dalek slave camp. #DoctorWho
Barbara is rocking this story. Oh! and I just remembered her best part, but I think it's in episode 6. #DoctorWho
Up next is the concluding chapter to THE DALEK INVASION OF EARTH. Which is the second best Dalek Story in classic #DoctorWho.
The last part of THE DALEK INVASION OF EARTH. I keep seeing Dalek underlined as being misspelled and now I'm worried I've been misspelling Dalek this entire time. And now the word looks funny. Great. #DoctorWho
There's not a LOT of interesting shots in this serial, but I do like how Richard Martin is shooting the Daleks from below. Definitely more imposing. #DoctorWho
And now here goes Barbara, about to give the Daleks a history lesson. God, she's great. #DoctorWho
This scene, as #DoctorWho stands up without fear against the Daleks, is just...one more piece of him becoming The Doctor. It also reminds me of a similar scene in THE WAR MACHINES.
Pretty satisfying shot right here of the Daleks being picked up and thrown away. I love in the old series how the Daleks were basically harmless as turtles once enough people were able to tip them over. #DoctorWho
Oh god, here it comes. And I've been in the whiskey bottle again, too. Time for unabashed weeping. #DoctorWho
There's something affecting about David keeping his back to his camera while he's asking Susan to stay, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just the idea of him keeping his face from the camera...dunno. #DoctorWho
Not gonna lie, that hit me. I hope one of the Doctors Who does go back, eventually. #DoctorWho
Aww god, she left her key to the TARDIS behind too. I forgot about that. #DoctorWho
Ok, I need a minute to shake that off. maybe I'll watch AN ADVENTURE IN SPACE AND TIME or something. #DoctorWho
We're kicking off tonight (and probably finishing tonight, honestly) with Part 1 of THE RESCUE, which introduces my favorite companion of Hartnell's era. #DoctorWho
I always feel like a bad fan when I can't remember the individual episode titles of these early stories. And then I just move on. #DoctorWho
I adore Vicki and I love it when she and the first #DoctorWho are together. I've honestly just been waiting for her to arrive.
I find it a little unnerving when Ian says, "The Doctor's never slept through a landing before." as if he's always napping in the middle of piloting the TARDIS, but this is the first time he fell asleep while landing it. #DoctorWho
Ahhh, darn it. That was a small gutpunch as #DoctorWho calls for Susan and then Barbara asks him to show her how to open the doors instead.
Honestly, there is no episode of #DoctorWho, for me, that's ruined by cheap costumes or lackluster sets. It's more about the story or the acting or the writing itself, at least for me. I'm not mentioning this for any particular reason at any particular moment.
Pretty sure this is the first instance of #DoctorWho stating he's been to a planet before. I'd love to know just how old the first Doctor Who is before he regenerates and just how much he's done before we arrive on the scene.
The basic underlying premise to the story is fascinating, but it...doesn't...quite...click. There are lots of small moments that are satisfying on their own, but the overall story isn't quite there. #DoctorWho
Tune in tomorrow for Desperate Mesaures, the final part of THE RESCUE, which crams in a lot more than I remember. #DoctorWho
Time to wrap up THE RESCUE! I know, I'm excited too. #DoctorWho
It's always great to see monster designs that aren't just misshapen bipedal creatures. It's cool that they made this some sort of mermaid....crawdad...thing. #DoctorWho
For me, this is always one of the more interesting aspects of this story. The idea that Barbara, out of fear and to protect Vicki, kills an innocent creature is a little shocking. And Vicki's enraged response is such a stark contrast to how Susan might have reacted. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho and Vicki is one of my favorite pairings on the show and I wish she had been there longer. Also, the LOOK Barbara has. God, love it.
#DoctorWho does so well getting Vicki to open up and getting her to help him and this is, I feel, the final tick over into who the Doctor is and who they always will be. They find someone in trouble, they help them and then, sometimes, they take them on amazing adventures.
I love this little interaction! The bonding between Vicki and the time travelers from 1963. David Whitaker knew his stuff, by golly. #DoctorWho
The ambient sounds and music are what makes the setting, more than the dressing. It's eerie and alien and #DoctorWho seems right at home.
#DoctorWho does like to park on the edges of cliffs, on occasion. Tune in whenever for....THE ROMANS.
You know what, I'm in the mood for THE ROMANS. Let's get it started. #DoctorWho
It's great to see the Time Team just....hanging back for once. Especially this Time Team who, 50% of which, came along for the ride involuntarily. #DoctorWho
Eeshk. That was our first death in this farcical visit to Roman times. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho: I didn't know I was under any obligation to report my movements to you, Chesterfield.
Barbara: Chester-TON.
Doctor Who: Oh, Barbara's calling you.

I adore the First Doctor.
Guys, I think Ian and Barbara are an item. Just a thought. #DoctorWho
I love this story, it's weird emotional dissonance between the story lines, notwithstanding. Next time: Some episode title that's probably Roman themed. #DoctorWho
Episode 2 of THE ROMANS. I'm feeling like I'm either going to finish THE ROMANS tonight or I'm going to pass out at the end of this episode. The excitement....is palpable. #DoctorWho
Totally called the episode title, by the way. In case you were wondering. #DoctorWho
Watching #DoctorWho single-handedly disarm a sword-wielding assassin makes me think he MAY have been sandbagging in the earlier episodes when fisticuffs are required.
And here's our definitive proof that it was the first #DoctorWho who learned Venusian Aikido.
And back to the grim and depressing aspects of the time travel adventure. I don't remember these bits as much as the #DoctorWho and Vicki bits.
William Hartnell shoulda got more comedic bits to play as #DoctorWho. He excels at them and I just read that he was even improvising lines about the Mauler of Montana. Bless him.
The LOOK that Nero gets as he uses his aid's toga to wipe off his hands is....amazing. All of this is amazing. Thank god it wasn't lost. #DoctorWho
I'm going for it. Starting Episode 3 of THE ROMANS...shortly. #DoctorWho
THE ROMANS episode 3. I'm both impatient to get on to the other Doctors and other stories and also wanting to linger. Season 2 is the last (mostly) complete season for the 60's Doctors, and I'm trying to enjoy it leisurely.
Not to get all political, but I'm gettin strong Trump vibes off of this Nero. Just....yeah. #DoctorWho
Again, I wish Vicki was around longer, or, at least, that we had her final story. She has pluck. #DoctorWho
Ooo, I liked this bit. Ian's name, constantly, is referred to as being an odd and strange and that's across multiple stories. Here, it helps another slave remember that Barbara was waiting for Ian. Dig it. #DoctorWho
Woof, now I can't let go of the Trump comparisons and I wish he would let go of Vicki. #DoctorWho
Another comedy death. I'm ignoring the god knows how many who died on the slave ship when it sank. #DoctorWho
I don't care that this bit is a riff on the Emperor's New Clothes. Hartnell and the rest of the cast played it well and I loved it. #DoctorWho
And the punchline, "He's all right, but he's not THAT good" is what sells it. #DoctorWho
Such a good story. Will Ian's current BFF murder him with a sword? Probably not. NEXT EPISODE. #DoctorWho
Rounding out tonight's entertainment with the last part of THE ROMANS. I'm excited. I hope you are too. #DoctorWho
To all future #DoctorWho writers out there: It's best to avoid using the word Inferno in your stories at this point. The BEST case scenario is that your story gets compared to this story.
This is only the FIRST time that #DoctorWho is somehow responsible for burning down a thriving metropolis.
"You'll be getting some of that alligator treatment" will be now folded into my management techniques. #DoctorWho
Vicki's pure joy in just witnessing history is nice to see. Granted, it's her excitement at watching Rome burn to the ground, but at least she's interested in history. #DoctorWho
I think this is the first time also that they've begin to blur the idea that history cannot be changed. #DoctorWho's presence actually nudged something. That's a pretty important change in terms of what the writers can do with their historicals.
All the misery Barbara and Ian have been through is worth it for the fact that #DoctorWho and Vicki refuse to believe they've been doing anything but napping for the last week.
And that brings THE ROMANS to a close, with THE WEB PLANET coming up fast. Stay tuned for #DoctorWho
THE WEB PLANET is a story I don't remember that well, but what I do remember concerns me. But who cares cause #DoctorWho is better than whatever travesty Fox is doing right now, apparently.
I am digging this music right now. Might actually wait through the credits to see who the composer is. Very bad at remembering who does what and plays what in anything, much less #DoctorWho.
I feel that if you're watching #DoctorWho, you watch it knowing that they are doing their best to represent the script. No, it doesn't look like real giant ants on an alien planet, but aesthetically, it looks pretty darn cool and that's a win, in and of itself.
I wonder if Vicki hearing the WHO KNOWS WHAT is a holdover from Susan being the companion and more of Susan's latent telepathy. #DoctorWho
This might be the whiskey talking, but I'm in love with this story already. Bring on the Zarbi! #DoctorWho
Vicki is sporting the same outfit as the Ainley Master. COINCIDENCE? #DoctorWho
Is aspirin supposed to help you sleep? I've never heard that before, but I'm not from the Dark Ages like Ian and Barbara. #DoctorWho
That looks fantastic. I love it when they try to stretch the boundaries of what #DoctorWho can do.
"We nearly had the remnants of a Coalhill schoolteacher in there instead of this retched ol, raggedy ol tie." I love the first #DoctorWho when he's let loose.
The look on his face, the way he delivers his lines, once he realizes that the TARDIS is gone, is heartbreaking. #DoctorWho
Episode 2 of THE WEB PLANET! Woo! Excitement! #DoctorWho
Oh my god, this is a six parter? My enthusiasm waned sharply. #DoctorWho
I would have loved to see what this story would look like in full color. Especially the wings. #DoctorWho
Whenever #DoctorWho gets to explore some place truly strange, truly unearthly, it does make me happy. I feel like he's actually exploring strange and new worlds.
This story increases the boundaries that #DoctorWho, as a show, can explore. The only thing that even vaguely resembles a human are the Menoptra and their behavior is so odd that the fact that they're bipedal is the only thing that reminds the audience of their humanity.
Also, I dig these roly-poly guys. #DoctorWho
The TARDIS Team can't interact or communicate with the Zarbi because on a very basic level, there's nothing for either species to connect on. There's nothing inherently hostile in what the Zarbi are doing, but that's not really a comforting thought. #DoctorWho
So far, I'd have to say that as long as you get over the effects, you've got an awesome story on your hands. Still debating doing Part 3 tonight. #DoctorWho
Episode 3 of THE WEB PLANET! I'm actually falling a little bit in love with this story. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho is becoming more and more the hero and less the time travelling scientist who wants to bolt the moment trouble arises.
#DoctorWho is a treat in this episode. He doesn't take guff. He's knowledgeable about many things. He has control of the situation (to a point).
They still don't know what's really going on in this situation or what they've gotten themselves into, which is interesting in and of itself. #DoctorWho
Not going to lie, I don't know what's really going on either, but thing are still piecing themselves together. #DoctorWho. Sometime in the near future, it'll be time for part 4 of THE WEB PLANET.
It's time for Part 4 of THE WEB PLANET. This is a story I had mixed feelings on, but I'm enjoying the ride on this one so far. So let's get the ball rolling. #DoctorWho
Vrestin (I think this is her here), played by Roslyn DeWinter, is doing a fantastic job of maintaining the weird animalistic aspects of the the Menoptera and still being relatable to some degree. Which isn't surprising given that's what she was hired to do. #DoctorWho
Character Options REALLY needs to release a bunch of plushy...whatever these things are. They'd sell like hotcakes. To me. And pretty much only me. #DoctorWho
Every time I think I'm getting used to this story, it just throws yet another insect design at me and I fall even more in love. #DoctorWho
The implications of the larvae gun is a little horrifying. And then the destruction of the larvae gun more so. They're weaponized babies! #DoctorWho
This storyline is vaguely reminding me of THE MUTANTS at this point, with the just discovered connections between the primitives and the higher forms. Two great stories for the price of one! #DoctorWho
And that's the end of Part 4, with the invasion of butterfly people failing to defeat the antlike people controlled by the inhuman intelligence, The Animus. This story is...amazing. PART 5! #DoctorWho
Part 5 of THE WEB PLANET. This may be the only #DoctorWho story that truly makes me feel like we're on an alien world and it's partially that I have no real idea what's going on.
Did I mention I love Vicki? She's what Susan should have been, on several levels and I hate to say that I don't really miss Susan at this point. #DoctorWho
I'm going to assume that the Animus is the same species of being as The Great Intelligence. #DoctorWho
I swear to God, I'm going to starting bawling if #DoctorWho's pet Zarbi dies at some point.
"Zombo." I don't know what I think of Vicki's naming skills. So far, she's come up with Sandy and Zombo and then later...Chumblies. #DoctorWho
"It will speak more light." I love random language nonsense. Give me more alien twisting of English and I will be happy forever. #DoctorWho
That got very dark, very fast. The self-sacrifice of the Optera by jamming her head to block the flow of the chemicals is...genuinely upsetting. Woof. #DoctorWho
Still digging the first #DoctorWho and his refusal to give his ring over to the Menoptera...until Barbara intercedes. And even then, he's crabby about it.
This story just does not let up on its truly alien organisms and their functions. Also...this is just gross. #DoctorWho
Tune in tomorrow for the final part of THE WEB PLANET, which is spelled incorrectly as "THE CENTRE"?? #DoctorWho
It's time for the final part of THE WEB PLANET, the #DoctorWho story I thought I didn't like, but it turns out I do.
No clue why the Menoptra are calling out "ZAAAARBI" like they're at a hog calling contest, but I'll go with it. #DoctorWho
Whose larva is this? Is it a Zarbi larva? Menoptera? Optera? Are they born with nose cannons? #DoctorWho
Effective. I guess the Animus is not related to the Great Intelligence after all, unless the Great Intelligence was once a space jellyfish as well. #DoctorWho
I don't think I'll ever know the finer points of what's going on with any of this, partially because of the whiskey, partially because the ecology of this planet is seriously disrupted, but I love it. #DoctorWho
Oh my god, the Menoptera are attracted to the Animus like...moths to a flame. #DoctorWho
And it's Barbara for the win! #DoctorWho
In such a thin atmosphere, I wonder how it is that the Menoptera achieve lift with their wings. It's possible that the atmosphere is just oxygen deficient and not just light on gasses. #DoctorWho
The physiology of the Optera is reminiscent of the larvae guns (dorsal plates, tentacles, large, forward facing compound eyes), but that could just be a successful strategy on this planet. #DoctorWho
It really is a very happy sound. #DoctorWho
Time for another historical! And, I think, the only incomplete story of this season. Let's start THE CRUSADES tonight. #DoctorWho
I've only listened to the missing stories, even the stories that still partially exist, but this time round, I'm going to watch the reconstructions and whatever episodes still exist. This will be the first time I've seen THE CRUSADE, just like MARCO POLO #DoctorWho
I just mentioned how much I love the TARDIS sound and it was...severely truncated just now. Depression. #DoctorWho
I love the continuity between the stories, like the fact that they're still dressed the way they were in THE WEB PLANET (my most favorite story of all time). #DoctorWho
I love how wary Ian and Barbara are when they step off the TARDIS and how excited Vicki is. And #DoctorWho is just Doctor Who about it.
I love that #DoctorWho knows how to fight, because that's the important thing. She knows how to fight with a sword. She knows hand to hand combat. She knows how to shoot a gun. The point is that she doesn't unless she absolutely has to.
I want to read several papers written on Barbara. Her character is fascinating in an era when women characters get short shrift. #DoctorWho
Woof, the quality on these images...#DoctorWho is getting there...more and more....
Oh. Oh no. This is unfortunate. #DoctorWho
The ONLY saving grace is that he is portrayed as a person and not a caricature. Otherwise, this is pretty awful. #DoctorWho
The basic story is good. The casting is unforgivable. #DoctorWho
First reconstruction in a while. Honestly, the casting took the wind out of my sails on this one. Just gonna try and burn right through it. #DoctorWho
Whoa, getting a little Luke and Leia in here. #DoctorWho
Honestly, I think you could do a whole series around Barbara traveling through time just by herself and it would be amazing. #DoctorWho
It sounds like he's eating the ENTIRE TIME, which I did not think would be possible. #DoctorWho
Pretty sure that this image isn't taken from the knighting scene, since it looks like Richard is about to behead Ian. #DoctorWho
The brownface is...less visible in the still images. But ugh, won't be returning to this story, if I can help it. #DoctorWho
Interesting that Saladin would allow Sir William the latitude to attack someone in his court, no matter how much that person is in the wrong. #DoctorWho
Oh good, the only actual person of color is playing a silent, villainous guard who's scored with heavy BOOM BOOM threat level music. Fantastic. #DoctorWho
What's frustrating about this story is that the characterization of Saladin is not awful. He's intelligent and level-headed and not a villain. But he's played by a white man painted brown and god, that's hard to overlook. #DoctorWho
And I'm finally back with Part Three of THE CRUSADES. I feel like listening to some of these stories in audio-only format helped me bypass some rough truths about '60s #DoctorWho.
I do adore Viki's outfit in this story. Which is something. #DoctorWho
Honestly, I don't know that you can blame #DoctorWho if you were tricked by Vicki's clever disguise.
This story is an odd blend of larger court politics and small dramas and intrigues. Because of the scale of the budget and the sets, the two do blend well. Also, I fell asleep before finishing the story yesterday. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho is fascinating in this story. He has completely inserted himself into the court and he's acting less like a time traveling alien and more like one of the king's advisers.
It's uh...not every #DoctorWho story where you see a companion contemplate a murder/suicide pact.
Barbara does not generally have a good time in the historicals, which is probably accurate to some degree. Last part coming up and it's missing. #DoctorWho
I don't know if I'm just in a mood or if it's the story itself or the racism, but THE CRUSADE has been rough. Let's get this over with. #DoctorWho
Ian's had a pretty easy time of it this story. He sat much of the last episode out and now he's just relaxing under the studio lights. #DoctorWho
The ideas behind the story are compelling. The fundamental difference in cultures is the real barrier and both leaders are not really willing to make the extra effort needed to understand one another across this barrier. Also, #DoctorWho is getting more and more assertive.
Spent the last five minutes putting together my schedule for #gally1 instead of paying close attention to the episode. I think Ian made a new friend who seems to be an increasingly offensive stereotype. #DoctorWho
This story just kind of petered out at the end. I'm not sure if Whittaker was really sure how to handle the crowded TARDIS. And it won't be long before they solve that problem....#DoctorWho
Gasp! THE SPACE MUSEUM! I remember liking that one, in spite of myself. Looking forward to some moving pictures again, too. #DoctorWho
I'm really looking forward to THE SPACE MUSEUM, especially the first episode. It rivals EDGE OF DESTRUCTION's and THE MIND ROBBER's first episodes for brilliance. #DoctorWho
Starting off strong with a weird tableau, which foreshadows what the time team will find once they land. #DoctorWho
I love how #DoctorWho just waves off their concerns that they're wearing completely different clothes than what they were wearing just a few minutes ago. It's not a huge flashing red light of something not right.
Vicki is still a new enough time traveler to think that a glass unbreaking itself and jumping back into her hand is a weird thing. #DoctorWho
Apparently, this was voted the tenth worst story of all time, which is nonsense. Do better, internet polls. #DoctorWho
"I've always associated extinction with extreme cold, such as the dark side of the moon." Ian...you're the science teacher. What are you even saying? #DoctorWho
Goodness, #DoctorWho just told them he wants them all to stick together. He's come far from the days where he'd ditch Ian and Barbara at the drop of a fluid link. Also, I love that Vicki has already started to wander off.
No footprints, the guards didn't notice them, got the makings of a great mystery here...#DoctorWho
This scene is so good for a few reasons, but the main one being that Vicki says, "So THAT'S what a Dalek looks like." I love the implication that the others filled her in on their adventures before she joined the Time Team. #DoctorWho
Sigh, never mind, the dangers of live tweeting. She just read about them in history books. Which apparently didn't have photographs of Daleks. #DoctorWho.
That's pretty macabre right there. #DoctorWho
I love the idea that they've seen their fate and now they know they must do everything in their power to prevent that. To know that in one timeline they've failed should be a heavy weight. #DoctorWho
Such a great start! Where can the story possibly go from here?! #DoctorWho
It's 12:30am on a Sunday night. I have a fairly important meeting tomorrow and I said, NO, I will watch some #DoctorWho before I sleep. So, if I lose my job tomorrow, it's because of THE SPACE MUSEUM, which is worth it.
I feel that there's no way this episode can live up to the opening premise, but whatever, it's #DoctorWho. Might as well enjoy the ride. And I have whiskey.
The idea that an alien race can be defined entirely by widow peaks and side burns is....bold. Very bold. #DoctorWho
Kids today and their unwillingness to have widows peaks. How could we have steered them wrong? #DoctorWho
I love the fact that you can look at this show from many different angles and get different messages, even at this early stage. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho in a Dalek. I don't see how you could get more meta.
I do love this story. In spite of its faults. #DoctorWho
Episode 3 of THE SPACE MUSEUM. I think. Not gonna lie, when I say I've been horkin' whiskey during these live tweets, not lying. #DoctorWho!
It's times like these that I miss the badger hair of THE MONSTER OF PELADON. #DoctorWho
And it is here when Vicki realizes her true calling as a rabble rousing unionist. #DoctorWho
Vicki is so goddamn awesome. #DoctorWho
Ya know, when I set out to do this, I meant to keep it clean for the most part, but I failed. I failed miserably. Moving on! #DoctorWho
One more episode of #DoctorWho before I leave for #Gally1 tomorrow. The final episode of THE SPACE MUSEUM.
"There are no tricks in science. Only facts." Unless you're an anti-vaxxer, apparently. Whoops, I made it political now, something #DoctorWho never did.
Did I mention that Vicki is awesome? This is a great story for her, which means it's a great story. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho is rallying strongly here. I love it when he gets all fired up.
#DoctorWho raises up the fascinating idea of the paradox that they're caught in. Are they locked into the fates they witnessed earlier? Have they changed the future or are they on course to be turned into museum exhibits?
I can see why maybe this was the story that made Jacqueline Hill decide that she wanted to leave #DoctorWho. She doesn't get a lot to do and a lot of it seems to be carrying this whelp around.
Ahh, these young revolutionaries remind me so much of the like-minded young men in LES MISERABLES. #DoctorWho
I love this show. I love how Barbara and Ian really a team with #DoctorWho. I'm sure they'll stay this way forever.
I wish Vicki had a longer run on the show. Or, at the very least, that we had her final story. She's everything Susan should have been. #DoctorWho
THIS was a great cliffhanger that...doesn't...really...pay off. The Daleks are back and they're after #DoctorWho and I'm sure this won't just turn into a comedy runaround. Anyway, probably my last live tweeting of #ClassicDoctorWho and I hope to see you at #Gally1.
So! In order to keep from getting burnout at #Gally1 (especially since I'm going to try and be social later tonight), I'm going to hide in my room and....watch #DoctorWho! Excitement.
Something interesting to note: the Daleks aren't fixated on #DoctorWho, they hate the whole TARDIS team in general. It's nice of them to include Barbara and Ian among their greatest enemies.
After this dire proclamation that the Daleks are going to hop in their time machine (???) and go after #DoctorWho and his time team, we cut to an adorable model of the TARDIS and cue some snappy, jazz music. Not...not what I was expecting in tone.
I love these little scenes of downtime in the TARDIS. It's nice to see them as a weird little family unit. A family unit that will never be separated. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho has a machine in which he can go anywhere in time and space at the flip of a lever....and he's excited that he now has a time television.
Ian, you fought an Aztec with your bare hands! You spied on Napoleon during the Reign of Terror! He's so excited about seeing a tiny Abraham Lincoln on a low-def screen. #DoctorWho
I feel like this is the first time the main characters spent an extensive amount of time on location, but my memory is terrible and I'm usually in my cups while I'm watching these. Also, Vicki forces the issue of exploration. #DoctorWho
I NEVER noticed that during the "awful noise" gag here about #DoctorWho's singing, Barbara does confirm that his singing is, in fact, awful noise.
Oh Ian, you should have listened to Vicki's odd little story and never pulled that ring. #DoctorWho
This seems....like it might be a bad idea on many different levels. And I remember a time when Ian would have needed #DoctorWho to lose a fluid link before he'd go exploring.
This is a pretty bleak situation: #DoctorWho and Barbara with no way to locate the TARDIS on a desert world with no other signs of life.
Terry Nation really loves the Dalek popping out of strange places trope. Tune in next time for THE CHASE....part 2. #DoctorWho
Now that I'm back home from #Gally1 and running on three hours of sleep, I think it's time for THE CHASE....Part 2. #DoctorWho
It's adorable that this little Dalek makes little grunting, growly noises as it digs itself out of the stand. Not a dignified look. #DoctorWho
Well, that...was a waste of an alien design. Five seconds of screen time and then Dalek-zapped. #DoctorWho
Aridians. That's right. I forgot about Mr. Nation's naming conventions. Still, makes it easier to remember who is on what planet. #DoctorWho
This is definitely a story I have some trouble recalling, for various reasons, but it reminds me a lot of THE KEYS OF MARINUS, in terms of how they shift locations and stories throughout. #DoctorWho
I like some of the design elements of the Aridians, particularly the striping and the lobes on the sides of the heads, which I'm assuming are gill structures. #DoctorWho
The music as these Aridians are heartlessly gunned down by the Daleks is...inappropriate. Not sure who the composer is on this one or if they are using stock music again. #DoctorWho
It's the mix of different textures and the matte and glossy finishes on the Aridians that helps to sell them. #DoctorWho
Ian just asked Barbara to borrow her cardigan. Barbara's response is, "Not again." Ian's rebuttal is, "It's for the Dalek, not for me." I can't remember anything in show that explains this exchange and I don't want to know. #DoctorWho
Some handsome looking Daleks. I certainly hope that there's nothing in this story that's going to diminish their effectiveness as villains. #DoctorWho
The concept is great. #DoctorWho and his companions on the run as they're pursued through time and space by the Daleks. I think it would have been better if there was more of a sense of urgency, like in BSG's 33.
I don't care that I have a long day tomorrow and I'm running on no sleep, I am watching another episode of THE CHASE, because I'm really digging it right now. #DoctorWho
I think this has to be the first exterior shot of the TARDIS flying through the vortex. God bless you, THE CHASE, for being historic for more than one reason. #DoctorWho
While listening to a Dalek have trouble with math, all I can think about is how effective RESOLUTION was at telling a truly scary Dalek story. #DoctorWho
Vicki is a proto-Zoe. She's not quite as "computerized" as Zoe, but she's intelligent, she knows more than the present day companions and she can unman #DoctorWho.
If ever anyone complains about the American accents in THE GUNFIGHTERS, just remind them that it could be worse. #DoctorWho
Peter Purves isn't too bad though. I think this just proves (along with ANGELS TAKE MANHATTAN) that #DoctorWho should steer clear of NYC and come to Boston instead.
I genuinely laughed at the following exchange:
Barbara: You're from Earth!
Morton Dill: No ma'am, I'm from Alabama.
"It's The Chase, you know." Lookit #DoctorWho dropping the title as big as life.
Woof, this might also be the first on-screen baby death on #DoctorWho. if they had just...pitched this a little differently, what a story this would have been.
This is a story that does not necessarily improve as it goes on, but so many interesting ideas! Next time, THE CHASE...Part 4. #DoctorWho
I'm going to say something radical: my mindset when I approach these stories has a definite impact on my enjoyment of these same episodes. I was never a huge fan of THE CHASE, but after all the feel goodness of #Gally1, I'm really enjoying it. PART 4!
I find it hard to believe that Ian is losing his cool over a haunted mansion. Although, it would be pretty weird to be dropped into an animatronic house of horrors without being aware of it. #DoctorWho
This really is the era of "What CAN'T We Do?" on #DoctorWho. The fact that the Time Team is acting more like Scooby and the Gang than seasoned veterans of time travel (remember that episode that Barbara ran a Dalek down with a semi?) is bizarre.
Christopher Lee makes a brief cameo. #DoctorWho
I do love that Dracula's voice is clearly a recording, which foreshadows the episode's ending reveal. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho's answer to the weirdness around them is that they have visited a plane of existence made possible by the combined fears and nightmares of all of humanity, reality from thought. The real answer is...actually, hilarious in that light.
I can understand if they forgot Susan, but Vicki?! #DoctorWho
Yes, of course it's your fault, #DoctorWho. Cripes, they legit just ditched a companion in a haunted spookhouse filled with Daleks.
I'm not the best at remembering or noticing faces, but, good lord, that's clearly not Hartnell. #DoctorWho
I think this is the episode that everyone remembers when they really start hating on THE CHASE. It's pretty uneven all across the board. And they ditched Vicki! One more and then, I dunno....#DoctorWho
It's THE CHASE, Part 5, entitled THE DEATH OF #DOCTORWHO. So, yet another piece of evidence that this was the main character's ACTUAL NAME.
I feel like we're back on track here. There was a definite divot in the story, but now, alien world, fungoids and a mystery. #DoctorWho
The Robot #DoctorWho, when actually played by Hartnell, is spookily effective. I can dig it.
See, this is Terry Nation actually trying. After watching the first episode of Survivors, I feel like he could write, but he was lazy and would rather just fall back on what he knew would work. But when he TRIED, he could be very affecting. #DoctorWho
This is #DoctorWho at his most cold blooded as he steps over the defeated remains of his duplicate.
Enter the mechanoids in the thrilling conclusion of THE CHASE! #DoctorWho
It's time for the final episode of THE CHASE, a story I enjoyed a lot more the second time around. It's goofy and weird and fun. #DoctorWho
That awkward moment when you're stuck in a long elevator ride with a complete stranger. #DoctorWho
Look at that tiny adorable mechanoid! Why can't I buy that!? #DoctorWho
This may be one of my favorite models in all of #DoctorWho. It's utterly fantastic and it's so beyond our time. Great, great design.
It's Steven! My...third...favorite First #DoctorWho companion! Wait...maybe fourth after Polly.
This episode is basically the plot of SMILE, but without emojis. #DoctorWho
This story doesn't do much for Ian's intelligence as he nearly falls to his death for no discernible reason. #DoctorWho
Kind of wondering how Steven didn't notice the hundreds of feet of thick, cable wire that could have gotten him down to the ground. #DoctorWho
Speaking as someone who does not like heights, I have to say that Vicki's look of "I want to vomit" when she says, "I'm not very good on heights" is pitch perfect. #DoctorWho
I do not know how I feel about the fact that the Dalek screams "Am Exterminated!" when he is blown up by #DoctorWho's device.
If you're going to toss me off a building with a 1500 foot drop, you'd better wrap the wire around me a few more times, by God. #DoctorWho
This battle scene is a visual cacophony. #DoctorWho
I'm going to miss these two. Leaving behind an era and at this point, I feel like #DoctorWho hits a turning point. The ties to the beginning are mostly gone, with the exception of Doctor Who himself, but now, even the new companions are not from present day.
I feel like the visualizer was just there so that #DoctorWho could see that his friends had arrived home safely and I think that's worth some of the silliness.
This was almost as heartbreaking as when Jo Grant left the Third #DoctorWho, especially knowing the genuine sadness of the actors being left behind.
Since the next story is high on my list of favorite stories of all time, I think we're going to start that one right on the heels of THE CHASE. #DoctorWho
God, this is a big one in terms of importance to the #DoctorWho mythology and it's just a great story on top of that. Let's watch episode one of...THE TIME MEDDLER.
Look! LOOK! It's another Time Lord, even though they aren't called Time Lords yet and none of that mythology has been written, but STILL. #DoctorWho
Vicki and Steven together is a small pleasure. They really only had three stories together and I thought they bounce off of each other nicely. #DoctorWho
THE TIME MEDDLER is worth watching for this little moment of sheer poetry, my dear boy. When Hartnell is on, he is ON. #DoctorWho
Crap, I suddenly and crushingly remembered the really, really dark aspect to this story. #DoctorWho
"A space helmet for a cow?!?" I feel like this is the period when Hartnell really had it, really knew the role of #DoctorWho and how to play it.
File this under: #DoctorWho enjoys an alcoholic beverage. (It's mead.)
I thought I recognized Hur! I mean, her. It's Alethea Charlton, who played Hur in AN UNEARTHLY CHILD. Glad to see her back. #DoctorWho
This whole sequence is beautifully shot as #DoctorWho explores this decrepit monastery.
Such a great buildup to this story. I will see you next time with Part II of THE TIME MEDDLER. #DoctorWho
Time for Part 2 of THE TIME MEDDLER. I'm just flat-out refusing to use the episode titles at this point. #DoctorWho
Gotta say, that's quite a spread that The Monk is laying out for #DoctorWho. Definitely better than what Barbara and Susan were getting in that French prison.
I feel like the one thing #ClassicDoctorWho did best is plunking our travelers into the middle of some OTHER historical society. They had the space to develop the culture. Which is funny, because their alien races were often....ah...two dimensional. #DoctorWho
Still can't get over the fact that this is the first Time Lord other than #DoctorWho and Susan. I do understand why the Monk hasn't come back since the those early years though.
Vicki is the best thing about this story and I say that about a story that's already filled with awesome things. #DoctorWho
Gods, this story goes to such a dark place. This is maybe the third instance of when they think it's acceptable to show violence that's explicitly against a female character in a family program. #DoctorWho
This is a really well done in-studio forest. Also, still can't get over how bleak this story went. #DoctorWho
Both Vicki and Steven say, "Follow me." and then head off in different directions. And then it's Steven who runs after Vicki. Perfect. #DoctorWho
God, I love this story. Except for the really and truly unnecessary bit of sexual violence against the only other female character in the story. #DoctorWho
Episode 3 of.......THE TIME MEDDLER. We still haven't learned much about him or his plans. #DoctorWho
"Who's a clever girl then?" Shut up, Steven. #DoctorWho
I like how The Monk, in spite of his ideas about altering all of space time by disrupting key moments in history, is taking the time to help this wounded villager with some anachronistic penicillin tablets. #DoctorWho
I love The Monk's "to do" list and I, too, often have to position an atomic cannon during my job. #DoctorWho
There are a coupe of reasons why I think The Monk hasn't been brought back. Partially because The Master fills the same role nicely. Partially because The Monk doesn't make as much sense as a character once it's shown that #DoctorWho isn't human.
The idea of a Time Lord from Gallifrey farting around in Medieval England for personal gain is harder to believe than a future human doing the same. For the most part, The Master focuses on more grandiose plans or his vendetta against #DoctorWho or just trying to live.
The First #DoctorWho does not take guff from The Monk at all. It's a shame that he didn't get a crack at a Master, though I don't know which one would be best to pair him with.
This is such a fantastic reveal was Steven and Vicky discover that The Monk has a TARDIS. #DoctorWho
All I can see is the typo in the last tweet. I need to bury it with the final part of THE TIME MEDDLER!
I do like that it does look different from #DoctorWho's TARDIS and that they made some effort there.
It is the fourth and final episode of the story and we only know now what The Monk's plan is, but I don't think that's a flaw in the story at all. It feels well paced. #DoctorWho
This is exactly how the interior of my TARDIS would look like: the inside of an antique shop. Well, more like the inside of a flea market, in my case. #DoctorWho
Oh that's perfect. The Monk has already been playing with history and gave Leonardo Da Vinci the idea behind powered flight. #DoctorWho
And this is exactly why you don't generally do a bullet-point list of your sinister plans and then leave them lying around. I will give The Monk credit for using period appropriate materials for his plans, though. #DoctorWho
Hartnell needed more comedic actors to bounce off of. This has been a great story for him and the first #DoctorWho.
This is exactly what happens when Time Lords start interfering in local history: mobs, riots and angry shouting. At least, #DoctorWho isn't trapped on a space bus with this lot.
It's a funny bit of irony that The Monk is actually trying to help the villagers by blowing up the Vikings and #DoctorWho is trying to have history play out the way it should, but it's Doctor Who that they've rallied behind, unwittingly.
I'm going to pretend that Edith is definitely one of Hur's descendants. Honestly, the odds are pretty good of that being the case anyway. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho warns Vicki to keep her nose out of the electronics or she'll get a shock and she promptly covers her nose. She's a DELIGHT and she doesn't need to be blended with anyone to be considered a great companion (#Gally1 in-joke).
Steven seems to think that he should be treated differently than Vicki because he's older, but #DoctorWho shuts him right down.
This is a low blow, even for the most cantankerous of #DoctorWho's. Also, pretty clever.
Pretty surreal way to end the season, but what a great story. Next up, we're getting to the really hairy period of #DoctorWho, where there are fewer and fewer complete stories and more and more reconstructions. Woof.
So I figured, since I have today off and I feel like crap, I might as well keep on trucking with GALAXY 4 and the first reconstructed episode. Thbbbbb. #DoctorWho
Aww, a chumblie. Chumbley? Chumblee? Whatever. I'm just glad they made it move. #DoctorWho
I always love the idea that aliens have matching hairstyles, as if the same level of variety you'd find on Earth wouldn't be present in an alien society. Although, in this case, you could argue they're part of a military organization and DO have matching hairstyles for a reason.
What an adorable reaction to having a light net thrown over it. Also, the captions informed me it's spelled "Chumbley". #DoctorWho
Whoa, we've got motion, people! I wonder where they got this clip from. Might need to do some research here. #DoctorWho
So according to Wikipedia, 6 minutes of footage was retained to be used for a documentary about #DoctorWho in the mid-70's and was discarded, but saved by a fan. BBC, what were y'all thinking?
Oof, I wonder what god awful point the writer might have been making about these man murdering women from the planet Drahva. #DoctorWho
This story is starting off...ok. I like the cliffhanger and the realization that there' only one day before the planet is destroyed, but the Drahvins are too soon revealed to be evil spacejerks. #DoctorWho
Part 2! I kind of want to get through this season sharpish since I just calculated that 62% of the episodes are missing. Not that next season is any better. Season 4 is missing over 76% of its episodes. After that, the seasons become more and more complete, but cripes. #DoctorWho
Digging those dots, this is a design that could have been far more spectacular in color. #DoctorWho
You can't get more #DoctorWho than giggling when someone pulls a gun and points it at you.
Oh, I didn't know her name was Maaga. That explains some things. #DoctorWho
Vicki quoting back #DoctorWho's words at him to explain why she did something he found irritating only proves how great a companion she is.
I tried to watch the reconstruction of GALAXY 4 that's included on THE AZTECS dvd, but the BBC only included a truncated omnibus version of the story. I understand that it's not the most popular story, but that restricts the ways #DoctorWho fans can watch the story.
I'm very glad that the episode we got back is the one that introduces the Rill. #DoctorWho
Episode 3 of GALAXY 4, the one that came back! #DoctorWho
The Rill remind me SO much of the aliens that were in #Torchwood's CHILDREN OF EARTH, the strange forms hiding in the mists of their isolation tanks. It honestly makes this episode more effective than it has any right to be. #DoctorWho
Most of this story seems to be "#DoctorWho and Vicki hide from the most adorable and harmless robots in the show's history." Also, "outward appearances do not indicate inner behaviors."
Now I want to watch CHILDREN OF EARTH instead, except I don't want to be sad for the next two weeks. These decisions weight heavy on me. #DoctorWho
I feel like the costume designer went a little too....flight attendant with the uniforms here. #DoctorWho
Ok, she's selling me the speech here. What an awful person she is. #DoctorWho
Steven wakes up to Maaga waxing poetical about his death in the fiery destruction of the planet and looks pretty nonplussed about the situation. #DoctorWho
The Rill are, arguably, one of the most successful non-humanoid species in #DoctorWho. There's even a moment where they sync up their translating doodad to Vicki's speech instead of just instantly speaking English.
Maaga has become cartoonishly evil at this point. Since her lackeys are just cloned soldiers with no real personalities of their own, the only example of Drahvins we have is this one mad captain who kills her own troops. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho is pretty cheerful considering he was caught red-handed in the middle of trying to murder the Rill....which is only one episode after he told the Drahvins that he does not kill.
Steven is not only from some time in the future, he was a space traveler. He should know about the dangers of trying to stay inside an airlock. #DoctorWho
I LOVE that the Rill have started calling their robots "chumbleys" as well. It's a shame that the Rill will eventually become the 456. #DoctorWho
See! This is why Vicki is the best. On the spot, she comes up with a lie to trick the Drahvin soldier and does so with panache. Panache! #DoctorWho
All right, aside from the pretty strong ending of the third episode, I'm going to need a palate cleanser. Time to find a dreadful horror movie on Netflix. See you next time with Part Four of GALAXY FOUR. #DoctorWho
The cure for recon fatigue is, apparently, a tepid horror movie and sleeping in until 2:00pm. Time for Part 4 of GALAXY 4! #DoctorWho
As far as story titles go, this one is a doozy. Just really went for it. Sad I don't get to see more of the Rill in this episode. #DoctorWho
This looks like a still from a bad comedy scifi show from the 60s that bombed. It'd be called.....STAR STEWARDESSES. It would be loaded with sexist jokes about how women can't pilot a spaceship and comedy leans around the corner and Maaga mugging for the camera. #DoctorWho
I do like Steven questioning the Rill about their motives. As Steven points out, just because the Drahvin are bad, doesn't mean the Rill are good. That really doesn't come up as often as it should in #DoctorWho.
That was a cool moment in the story. Steven and the Rill had their own conversation about who to trust and why Steven should trust the Rill. It shows that the Time Team isn't just a unit that acts as one. #DoctorWho's companions can have their own doubts and worries.
In response to Vicki saying that the planet will soon explode into nothing: "No, not just nothing, child. Hydrogen gas that sprays itself out like molten silver against the other stars in the same galaxy." #DoctorWho
This story would have been much better as a three-parter. There's so much padding with the characters sneaking around chumbleys or wandering from the Drahvin ship to the Rill ship. Also, I just realized this is Hartnell's last full season as #DoctorWho.
And that's a wrap on GALAXY 4 and next time it's MISSION TO THE UNKNOWN, an amazing little sidestep for #DoctorWho.
While I'm waiting on the results of my poll (tinyurl.com/y2zeba4m), I might as well watch some #DoctorWho, specifically, MISSION TO THE UNKNOWN. This is a weird one.
I don't mean a weird one in terms of plot. It's a pretty straightforward science fiction story, but there's no #DoctorWho and it's the prequel to an epic story that's not even the next story.
That gun is amazingly rendered. I feel like more hours went into that gun then the rest of the animation for this scene. #DoctorWho
I feel like freeing him from the confines of the #DoctorWho format really helps Terry Nation. I've only seen the first episode of SURVIVORS and that was fantastic and I would never have known that it came from the same writer that wrote THE CHASE.
I would LOVE to see how this actually looked. This design is pretty horrific in animated form. There's a complete loss of humanity. #DoctorWho
Animated Daleks are always amazing. Also, that noise that indicates a Dalek ship, that "bum bum" in the background is so prevalent in the early years. Interested to see if it carries over in later seasons of #DoctorWho.
There are certain things in the animation (the laser guns, the circuitry inside the beacon) that look almost painfully realistic and then there's everything else that's far more stylized. I'm assuming that has to do with re-usability of certain objects. #DoctorWho
I feel like maybe he could have avoided walking into the seven foot high, bright white, spiked furry thing. #DoctorWho
I think the loss of MISSION TO THE UNKNOWN and THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN are less tragedies because of the overall story which was, let's be honest, a mess, but more because of all the small elements like the council of evil aliens. I want to SEE these dudes. #DoctorWho
Such a grim story as the last of the human characters is gunned down and the Daleks will continue on their plan for galactic conquest. #DoctorWho
Not sure when I'll revisit #DoctorWho, but for right now, it's time for the second episode of INSPECTOR MORSE.
I want to point something out before we begin this mad merry-go-round again and only because I have a problem and I like certain numbers. The last tweet on this thread was on 3/3/2019 at 9:12PM. Or 21:12. I feel like that was...auspicious given that I like 3 and its derivatives.
Anyway, we're back with The Myth Makers: Temple of Secrets! A recon, but it's ok, because I haven't seen a recon for almost three months. #DoctorWho
Within five seconds, my spirit is crushed. Recons are...the absolute worst. When I first went through every #DoctorWho episode, I listened to the audios while I worked and that was good enough. Now...
I loved Greek myths and legends as a kid and I especially loved The Iliad when I was older. So far this is...not...that, but God, I wish I could see it. #DoctorWho
Not...quite Troy as I imagined it, especially after 10 years of war, but it'll do. #DoctorWho
I'm okay with this version of Odysseus. He was kind of a creeper in general. #DoctorWho
I love this interpretation of the story. The idea that Agamemnon is not that interested in retrieving Helen, that it's Menelaus that's driving this war. #DoctorWho
So far, it's like "The Romans" without Nero constantly trying to have sex with Barbara. Dryly funny without the sexual violence. #DoctorWho
Ever since London, I've been craving ham because of their super salty, not that crispy bacon. #DoctorWho
I have missed you #DoctorWho. See you next time with Small Prophet, Quick Return.
Time for Part 2 of The Mythmakers! I love this era of #DoctorWho, but good lord, I wish more of it still existed.
The first #DoctorWho has no qualms about the parts he plays in these historical episodes. Although, we also see the Twelfth Doctor Who eagerly impersonating a God as well.
I am not really getting the feeling that this is a city that has been under siege for a decade. #DoctorWho
Cassandra warns her brother of the dangers of bringing in wooden objects left by the Greeks, though, in this case, not quite horse shaped. (It's the TARDIS.) #DoctorWho
Vicki is my favorite of the first #DoctorWho's companions and it's frustrating that her final adventure is lost.
When watching recons, I become desperate for any moving images and I'm sorely glad for these few little snippets that I'm assuming came from Australian censors. #DoctorWho
This version of Paris is...interesting. Honestly, I prefer him to Orlando Bloom. #DoctorWho
I love that the first #DoctorWho refuses to use the idea of the wooden horse to save himself and his friends because it's too ridiculous to be real.
On a related note, is there any theory that The Iliad and The Odyssey are the first and third parts of a trilogy where the second piece is missing?
Paris is a Monty Python character. Not really complaining. #DoctorWho
Steven has a LOOK on his face about this bit of playacting that we won't see until the greatest #DoctorWho story of all time; The Gunfighters.
Stay tuned next time for DEATH OF A SPY. I really wish we had this #DoctorWho story in the archives.
Uh-oh...could it be...am I bringing back my #DoctorWho thread from over five months ago? YES! Time for "Death of a Spy" part whatever of uhhh THE MYTHMAKERS. No clue what's going on! Let's get it going.
Wow, left myself in the middle of a reconstruction. Thanks, Dylan. Appreciate it. #DoctorWho
Damn it, Vicki. Seriously, she's close to being my favorite companion of the first #DoctorWho. If they only ever find one more story, I hope it's this one.
I love seeing (hearing) Odysseus and #DoctorWho interact with one another. I kind of dig this Odysseus as well, the experienced soldier rather than the trickster king. It's an interesting change.
#DoctorWho is out of control with his tampering of history. Holy gods, he gave them the idea for the horse!
Cassandra is chewing up that scenery like it was jammie dodgers. #DoctorWho
Tune in next time for "Horse of Destruction," the final part of THE MYTHMAKERS. Welcome back, #DoctorWho.
"Horse of Destruction" just reminds me of Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol. Oh, and welcome back to this twitter thread where I'm just watching every episode of #DoctorWho.
Cassandra is deeply unlikable in this retelling of the Fall of Troy. She's awful to Katarina. She hisses and spits. Instead of the deeply tragic woman of Greek mythology, she's so unpleasant that it's no wonder no-one wants to listen to her. #DoctorWho
Vicki's exit isn't great, but it is better than a lot of other companion exits. I'd rate it above Dodo and Leela, but below Jo and Susan. #DoctorWho
This reconstruction is a treat to watch because they've clearly photoshopped the actor's heads onto different bodies and didn't try too hard to size them correctly. #DoctorWho
I like that she gets this coda at the end of the episode. Good-bye, Vicki. You were one of my favorites of the First #DoctorWho's companions and you deserved better than this lout.
Oh Katarina. I don't consider you a companion, but that doesn't mean you had to die. And, honestly, better you than Vicki. #DoctorWho
I'd say tune in next time, but I'm going to roll right into THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN. It's my second favorite Dalek story....that's written by Terry Nation. Let's get this one started, since it's the longest #DoctorWho story.
I love this era of #DoctorWho, but, good god, the reconstructions kill me. Alright, this is a long, confusing, winding story. Let's try and burn through it in TWO DAYS. The Daleks' Master Plan, Episode One!
It's the Brig! I mean, not the Brig, but, you know, Nicholas Courtney. I can't wait till he enters the series proper. It's one in many reasons why the 3rd #DoctorWho's era is the best.
As I've mentioned before in this thread, I've only ever listened to the lost episodes. It's the first time I've watched the reconstructions. This is not how I imagined Mavic Chen looked like. #DoctorWho
This story starts very strongly, with #DoctorWho stumbling in on the Daleks' plan and we're all left in the dark about the full extent of the plan. NEXT EPISODE.
Episode 2 of THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN, "Day of Armageddon." I feel like this is a story that does well when you look back on it, rather than in the moment, but we'll see.
Oh my god, I forgot this episode isn't lost. Sweet merciful God, it's moving footage! #DoctorWho
I think this is the first time we have Nicholas Courtney with a #DoctorWho, even if he's not playing the Brig.
It's interesting that they have the same dynamic as The Brig and #DoctorWho would also have: the military man and the scientist.
This story starts off so strongly. #DoctorWho stranded on an alien world! Steven kidnapped by the handsome Not-Brig! Daleks planning to destroy time! Fantastic stuff.
Episode 4 of the classic #DoctorWho monstrosity, THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN. Not sure what shrieking madness made me say that I could do the whole thing two days. Lets take 'er easy.
I'm going to assume that the original broadcast did NOT have the opening visuals to #DoctorWho on the Dalek's viewscreens. If they did, please tell me, because that would be amazing.
Digging the alien designs, I just wish there was more footage of them moving around. It's nice that they're a little more out there some of the earlier alien designs on #DoctorWho.
This is the first episode that I've really felt the padding, with a fairly unnecessary stopover on a prison planet that's populated with what feels more like the cavemen from " An Unearthly Child" than future space convicts. NEXT EPISODE.
Episode 4 of "The Daleks' Master Plan" is THE TRAITORS. This story is feeling very much like a more polished version of "The Chase," which isn't saying too much. #DoctorWho
This just took a very dark turn. I've heard some back and forth on whether Katarina meant to kill herself and Kirksen or if she hit the wrong switch in a flailing panic. I'm going to say she did it deliberately to serve #DoctorWho, who she regarded as a god. Good-bye, Katarina.
First appearance of Sara Kingdom, probably the best thing to come out of The Daleks' Master Plan. I'm really enjoying the storyline so far as well. There's some obvious padding, but I'm digging the intrigue. It reminds me of "Frontier in Space." #DoctorWho
Two important characters dispatched brutally and without remorse in one episode. It's a sign of things to come by the end, in one of the darkest endings to a #DoctorWho story up to this point and for a long while...
Sara Kingdom: They must be shot on sight....but aim for the head.
Fantastic episode and a great ending. Heck with it, moving on to the next episode tonight. #DoctorWho
Oh blessed Christmas, we're in for more moving footage. No offense to the First and Second #DoctorWho, but I can't wait till we get to the Third #DoctorWho and I don't have to sit through a slideshow presentation of the Doctor's adventures.
I find it frustrating that Terry Nation was clearly capable of writing solid drama and great characters, but it felt like he was never really fully invested in his #DoctorWho scripts, except for here and there.
Mavic Chen is one of the great, unsung villains of #DoctorWho. I just wish they had not decided on making him Asian without hiring an Asian actor.
The pacing is, so far, so much better than "The Chase" or "The Daleks." I'm still captivated and invested 5 episodes in. Sara Kingdom is far more interesting than any Thal. Great work by Nation. #DoctorWho
We're about halfway through this story, and it's pretty solid so far. Some padding, but otherwise there's thrilling action and intrigue. But I feel we're about to enter a period of darkness. See you next time. #DoctorWho
And now for CORONAS OF THE SUN, part VI of "The Daleks' Master Plan." I don't really remember the bits and pieces of this story, so I'm interested to see what this reveals. Onward!
Mavic Chen might be one of the greatest, unsung villains of #DoctorWho.
I think this might be the point in the story when the plot starts to get well and truly muddled. Getting a little bleary-eyed. #DoctorWho
And tune in next time for a true classic....#DoctorWho
Ahh, The Feast of Steven. I've only listened to this one and honestly, it's a confusing mess to just listen to. I'm hoping some static images will help clarify what's happening. #DoctorWho
I wonder how long Sara Kingdom would put up with the first #DoctorWho if they weren't being actively pursued by Daleks.
By this season, I feel we have a fully realized #DoctorWho, with all the warts and blemishes we might expect from a regeneration. He causes mischief, he fights Daleks, he's inscrutable for no reason.
#DoctorWho: What's with the funny accent?
Steven: Everyone else is doing it!
Steven in a crisis and panicking is maybe my favorite thing from his tenure as Doctor Who's companion.
I feel like the only lesson Terry Nation learned from THE CHASE was to condense all the wackiness into a single episode, rather than spread it out over multiple episodes. #DoctorWho
Real cute, Loose Cannon. #DoctorWho
"Happy Christmas to all of you at home," #DoctorWho. Aww, thank you, Doctor Who. A happy Christmas to you as well.
Only five episodes left and Dennis Spooner takes over the rest of the writing duties. Aside from a few....hiccoughs, I've been enjoying the story so far. Let's see how the second half fares. #DoctorWho
After writing over 3000 words today, I think I'm going to completely burn through the rest of my night by finishing THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN. Let's do this. #DoctorWho
Pretty sure we only saw the Daleks for a split second last episode in a story called, once again, THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN. #DoctorWho
Whoa, looks like a MOCAP suit that's gone out of control. #DoctorWho
I always forget that this is a part of this episode and not THE FEAST OF STEVEN. They were just....up for anything back in those days. #DoctorWho
Bless, I love the Meddling Monk. Not...not sure he belongs in this story, but I love him just the same. #DoctorWho
This central chunk of episodes has had a fair amount of padding, with THE FEAST OF STEVEN being nothing BUT padding. To be expected with a story this long. NEXT: THE GOLDEN DEATH #DoctorWho
The excitement continues as THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN basically turns into a better version of THE CHASE in...THE GOLDEN DEATH. #DoctorWho
I think it's a little funny that the concept of Daleks having a time machine becomes terrifying in later years of #DoctorWho, but in the first few seasons, it's just a thing that happens.
It's bad enough that they covered a bunch of pasty Brits in bronzer to make Egyptians. I would have rather they didn't do the wildly inaccurate accents on top of that. #DoctorWho
Sara Kingdom is not as much of a presence in these episodes as I remember. She had a fantastic entrance and will have a devastating exit, but not a lot in between, so far. #DoctorWho
Ahh, the Monk is a fan of sonic sunglasses. Not surprised. #DoctorWho
I wonder if messing with each others' TARDISes is something all Time Lords do, and not just #DoctorWho and the Monk.
Moving footage! We must have entered the territory of the next episode, the last non-missing episode for this story and the last non-missing episode until THE ARK. #DoctorWho
The story is moving again (both in terms of footage and plot progression), but Christ, we're on a hell of a detour. Tune in next time for ESCAPE SWITCH. #DoctorWho
We're approaching the end of this 12 part story and I have to say, I feel like this kind of marathon watching really kills some of these stories. When I'm just trying to burn through a story quick as I can, it really hurts the enjoyment. MOVING ON. #DoctorWho
I think it's moments like these that you can really see #DoctorWho coming to life. The abrasive, almost cruel scientist from the first episode is now, more or less, the trickster figure s/he will be forevermore.
I love that Sara and Steven are just continuing with their planning while the Monk postures in front of the camera. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho is still being referred to as a human. I think I need to fill a plothole, so here we go: I think, prior to Dr. Who's onrushing into the universe, the Time Lords were so far removed that no one knew they existed. It's only Dr. Who's insistence they help in the universe
that leads to their presence in the universe. And because we see time as it unfolds and prior to the Time Lords' intervention, we can see the history untouched by their machinations. In the first few years of #DoctorWho, we see history without their presence. But NOW...
we see the universe and time with the Time Lords being an active presence from start to finish. #DoctorWho's own interventions in history are, of course what cause the numerous continuity issues throughout the show, including, perhaps, the loss of her own name.
I think I take back what I said about The Monk in an earlier tweet. I think he could be useful in #NuWho. There's a place for another Time Lord who's not malicious like The Master or amoral like The Rani (who also should come back). #DoctorWho
Also, there are like three Daleks within hearing range of them while they're talking about how they tricked the Daleks. Sound traveled less far in those days. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho, in this small brief window before William Hartnell began to suffer from a crippling illness and after they learned how to write Dr. Who, was a boss.
I think from this point forward, the Daleks will always have someone acting as their point man or their intermediary, even if it's a boss Dalek. Technically, even in PLANET OF THE DALEKS, The Master is the one who brings them on board. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho does not back down from his demands. He is firm in the face of Daleks and Mavic Chen. Definitely not cowardly.
The sheer delight everyone has at condemning The Monk to a death sentence is a little disturbing. #DoctorWho
And now, the penultimate chapter to THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN. Thing went from 0 to 60 over the last two chapters.
Now it's time for THE ABANDONED PLANET. I think my opinion of this story has largely stayed the same. I knew there was padding. I knew there were some great moments. And I knew the Monk had no business being there, but he was still fun. #DoctorWho
More and more, I think the relationship between #DoctorWho and Steven was needed. Steven and Vicki were the companions who had no ties to Susan and then, with Vicki gone, there were no ties to the past at all. It was finally Dr. Who on his own.
Steven and Sara would have made a great pairing. I hate the turnover of the next year or so. #DoctorWho
And the inevitable attempt to betray the Daleks that I'm sure will go well for everyone involved. #DoctorWho
This is gripping stuff right here. I wish we had this story, but I know there are other stories I wish we also had. One more episode, which we'll watch tomorrow. See you tomorrow, #DoctorWho
Cripes, I don't even know what I was trying to say with my last tweet. Anyway, last part of THE DALEKS' MASTER PLAN. Excitement! #DoctorWho
I'm trying to remember if this is the first time that the Daleks have employed a humanoid accomplice who is SO certain that the Daleks need him to succeed and I'm pretty sure it is. Not what you really want to get into the history books for, Mavic Chen. #DoctorWho
This is the episode I would have liked to see back in the archives. Chen getting more and more ramped up would have been a joy to watch. Good luck ordering that Dalek around, buddy. #DoctorWho
Jesus, Sara Kingdom's death does not really lose any impact, no matter how it's viewed. #DoctorWho
The omnipresent ticking of the Time Destructor is effectively chilling. Great sound design this episode. #DoctorWho
"What a waste...what a terrible waste." This is probably the darkest #DoctorWho story and episode up until this point. There is a through-line of tragedy throughout most of the story, but then, they immediately top themselves with the next story...
Next up, The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve! I've only listened to that story once, and I enjoyed it. Well, "enjoyed" might not be the right word. I liked it, but it continues the overall tone that Daleks' Master Plan set up. #DoctorWho
I think I have just enough time for at least one episode of THE MASSACRE tonight. #DoctorWho
The First #DoctorWho gets so excited when he's in France during one of its horrifying tragedies.
I honestly believe that #DoctorWho would do well to bring back the pure historical in some way, shape or form. Especially for these events that are a little more obscure than the French Revolution.
This is a good story in a way we don't see anymore. I genuinely don't think we'll ever see it again. Tune in tomorrow for the next part in The Massacre. #DoctorWho
Part 2 of THE MASSACRE. I'm excited about this one. It's barely science fiction. Steven could just be some yokel who wandered in from Kentucky and is completely unaware of the situation he's found himself in. #DoctorWho
I feel like a good historical should feel like they're travelling to an alien world. #DoctorWho and her companions are venturing into unknown territory. I feel like THE AZTECS does that well, with them constantly blundering around.
I love how even Steven is unsure if #DoctorWho is playing some kind of game and pretending to be the Abbot or is something else is afoot. It really puts everything even more on a slant.
I actually lost track of myself during this one. This might be one of my favorite #DoctorWho Lite stories of all time, #NuWho or #ClassicWho. NEXT EPISODE.
Part 3 of THE MASSACRE, the most grimly titled of all #ClassicWho. I think. Now I'm worried there's something grimmer. THE DEADLY ASSASSIN is just silly. #DoctorWho
I think the intrigue is deftly handled and the fact that I can more or less follow what's going on while watching a slideshow version of the story is a testament to John Lucarotti's writing. #DoctorWho
Even at this late stage, Steven is convinced that #DoctorWho is pretending to be the Abbot....which leads to a shocking revelation....
The back and forth between the King and his mother is fascinating, as she outmaneuvers him at every turn cutting him down while he gets more and more emotional. #DoctorWho
This is some fantastic television. It's one of the few times I'd tell someone, "Listen, I dig that it's only still images, but you gotta check this one out." See you tomorrow for the conclusion. #DoctorWho
And now time for the final part of THE MASSACRE. The tone almost lightens exponentially at the very end of this episode and we're also back to a moving storyline! But first...grim, violent depression. #DoctorWho
The handle the concept of #DoctorWho having a double in this timeline very well. I love that Steven genuinely believes that Doctor Who was killed in the middle of some scheme and now must go on alone. I mean, I don't wish ill on Steven, it just makes for a good story.
It's #DoctorWho! Just back from a stroll and completely unaware of what's going on. Bless you, first Doctor Who.
I am curious to know if this was an event that was regularly taught in schools at the time. I know that over here, in AMERICA, we didn't learn about the massacre, but would the average English school child know what was being referenced? #DoctorWho
I do not know how the original broadcast handled the slaughter, but this was probably the best Loose Cannon could do: still images of the characters we've come to know with the cries of the dying in the background. #DoctorWho
This scene is powerful. Steven wanting to know the fates of the people he had met, demanding to know, furious that #DoctorWho could not, would not help. If you are a fan of the show, but shy away from the reconstructions, give this one a try. It's hard, bitter stuff.
#DoctorWho, alone, in so many ways. "None of them could understand..." The roots of how latter #ClassicWho and #NuWho view the Doctor as someone above and apart, can be seen here.
Annnd we're back to normal with Dodo barging in and Steven close behind and now it's back to ADVENTURES. #DoctorWho
Tune in next time for MOVING PICTURES. #DoctorWho
Today we're starting THE ARK with "The Steel Sky." I have a small fondness for this one, which does some interesting time traveling within the plot itself, which we haven't really seen the likes of since THE SPACE MUSEUM. #DoctorWho
Wow, just leading with the shot of the Monoid. Bold choice there, #DoctorWho
Steven is such a cautious old man about time travel. Of course, his last two trips have been especially brutal. And he spent most of his time in THE MYTHMAKERS locked in a Trojan prison. Dodo is a nice breath of fresh air so far, though. #DoctorWho
Looks like we have a pretty progressive society here. Monoids are treated as equals alongside the humans, or so it appears. They have a place in the court system. I'm sure everything is as it appears. #DoctorWho
These are the kind of moments I live for in science fiction. #DoctorWho and his companions are slowly discovering that this jungle is no normal jungle and then, that this jungle has a steel sky. Love it.
How can you not like someone who looks this happy about being told that, "I couldn't send you home, even if I wanted to?" Bless your heart, Dodo. #DoctorWho
I can't remember if they explain why the Monoids are there or why they're so integrated within human society. Fascinating look at one vision of the future. #DoctorWho
"You travel in that black box?" Wait...is the TARDIS actually a BLACK police box and we've been getting it wrong for over 50 years? This changes...everything. #DoctorWho
And a quick turnaround into trouble as Dodo infects everyone with the common cold and nearly causes the genocide of the entire human race. Not a bad start for her first journey. #DoctorWho
Tune in next time as the time team exterminates the entirety of TWO races with lax quarantine procedures in..THE PLAGUE. #DoctorWho
Part 2 of THE ARK is here with "The Plague." We've left our heroes in dire straights. How will #DoctorWho get them out of it this time?
In a remarkable turn from how he would have handled this situation in the first season, #DoctorWho accepts all blame for Dodo's cold infecting the crew of the Ark and Steven brings up the point about the possibility of this happening again. Love it.
The trial is a bit odd. I would have assumed they would have tried them for being careless, especially since the first episode opened with a trail for someone carelessly endangering the ship. Instead we get some weird conspiracy charge. #DoctorWho
Woof, not a good look buddy. He just comes running in yelling about a disaster saying that, "One of OUR kind has just died from the fever." I'm sure the Monoids, who are dropping like flies, really like this distinction. #DoctorWho
So apparently the solution for our time team was to just give the Commander a microphone. He was more or less on their side the entire time, so it didn't even seem like the trial was needed to convince him. #DoctorWho
I love watching the first #DoctorWho take charge. He does it with the utter belief that he should always been in charge and delivers orders as if it had never been otherwise.
Everything is moving at a nice clip and it looks like #DoctorWho has solved this story's problem with an uncanny rapidity. Guess it's just a two parter. OR IS IT???????
I like how, even after everything, the security dude is happy that everyone is getting better, showing his extreme prosecution of the time team was entirely out of concern, rather than malice. #DoctorWho
I wonder if, somewhere not far from that incinerating planet Earth, the ninth #DoctorWho and Rose are listening to Toxic with a piece of talking skin stretched like canvas.
I feel like #DoctorWho should have known the moment that they re-landed on the Ark that SOMETHING was guiding the TARDIS, like the TARDIS itself.
Such a fantastic twist in the middle of a story. This moment alone is worth the price of admission. See you next time with THE RETURN. #DoctorWho
It's time for part 3 of THE ARK, "The Return." You're welcome for me not making a "I have returned with The Return" joke. Except I just did. #DoctorWho!
Poor humans forced to slave under...what look to be pretty decent working conditions actually. I wish there had been more suggestion that the Monoids had been mistreated prior to their overthrow of the humans. It reads very....pro-colonial as is. #DoctorWho
Uh-oh. The production team cracked out the sashes again, concerned the audience couldn't follow along. That was the goofiest thing they could have taken from The Sensorites. #DoctorWho
I am starting to think that there is some sort of pro-Colonial message going on here. The kindly humans brought up the Monoids to their level with technology and then the Monoids immediately turned on them. Just can't trust them Monoids. #DoctorWho
I think it's a little funny that the primary way that the Monoids seem to have enslaved the humans is to put them to work in their kitchens....but they haven't really shown how a Monoid eats. #DoctorWho
These costumes are about as revealing as a William Theiss piece. I don't expect that as much on #DoctorWho.
I feel like Dodo is very similar to Mel: very cheerful in the face of danger, ready and willing to jump into the adventure. And probably as equally popular with fans. I think she's a good contrast with Steven though and I like her. #DoctorWho
I am concerned that the future of humanity was defeated by an alien race that considers "smashing vases" a declaration of war. #DoctorWho
Each episode has a crackerjack ending. There are some goofy moments sprinkled throughout, but overall, I think this is a solid little story and a good introduction to Dodo's character. SO FAR. Last part coming up soon. #DoctorWho
It's time for Part IV of The Ark, a story that's rare in that's it's exactly how I remember it. Let's go! #DoctorWho
All of this intrigue is pretty low level after watching The Massacre. This is probably the weakest of the four episodes, but it's engaging enough. #DoctorWho
I feel like at this point Steven and #DoctorWho have really come together as a team. Which means Steven will be gone soon.
Ahh, invisible aliens, the surest sign that the budget has run out for costumes. #DoctorWho
I like her a lot. She's one of those characters that I wish we had gotten to see develop over the course of the full four parts, but because of the nature of this story, we only had two stories. #DoctorWho
As this episode progresses, it's more and more tragic as the Monoids die one by one. They were in a similar position as the humans and now, their race is at risk for extinction as well. Also, why are all the Monoids men? #DoctorWho
Pretty sure that's one of the last Monoids in existence. #DoctorWho
#DoctorWho claims the Monoids were treated as slaves, but we didn't see that actually portrayed! We saw the Monoids working side by side with the humans, the humans learning the Monoids' sign language to communicate with them!
I love this moment, where they talk about the Time Team being a legend to their people. It's that much more poignant because we saw the time team interact with their ancestors. I wish #DoctorWho did this more often, playing the long game with a civilization.
I'm going to try VERY HARD to give "The Celestial Toymaker" a chance. But no promises. #DoctorWho
Until next time....#DoctorWho
Alright, let's chip away at THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER, starting with..."The Celestial Toyroom." #DoctorWho
Dodo looks super cute. I don't know what Steven is wearing or why. And I feel all kinds of ways about #DoctorWho being invisible because I know what's going on behind the scenes and I don't like it.
This is such an interesting baseline concept. I'm a little miffed that they whiffed the execution. #DoctorWho battling a bizarre trickster figure who loves to play games should have worked like gangbusters.
The first time I watched this story, I was on my way to my friend's wedding while taking the Bolt Bus. Oi, @liang3 I know you aren't really on twitter anymore, but I suffered through this to be at your wedding. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I love the little touches Loose Cannon brings to the precedings, like the little squirt of water from the flowers. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Seriously though, why is Steven dressed like a Menoptra? #DoctorWho
@liang3 I'm getting some real John Kramer vibes off of The Celestial Toymaker. #DoctorWho #Jigsaw
@liang3 Woof, this is rough. John Wiles, the producer at the time, was not a fan of Hartnell and tried to have him removed during this storyline, starting with making Doctor Who invisible. Luckily, we still have Hartnell for a few more stories after this. #DoctorWho
@liang3 This story is actually putting me on edge. It's very uncomfortable the way the clowns keep changing the rules. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The Celestial Toymaker has a very strong start, I feel. Which makes me concerned for the next three parts....#DoctorWho
@liang3 Part 2 of THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER. I really enjoyed the first part, but I don't really remember liking this story, sooo let's see how this plays out. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I kind of like the idea of these incredibly powerful beings taking an interest in #DoctorWho. It shows that, in spite of her win/loss ratio, she is NOT the most powerful being in the universe. They don't need to be malevolent either, like in "It Takes You Away."
@liang3 Annd now #DoctorWho can't speak. Fantastic.
@liang3 Not sure where we're going with all of this, except that #DoctorWho has been nullified and we're stuck with talking playing cards instead.
@liang3 I do love the attempts Loose Cannon does to add some motion and life to these reconstructions, like the animations for the chairs as they destroy the dolls. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The games are getting more and more esoteric and harder to understand, which doesn't help the story. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I'll see you next time with Part 3 of The Celestial Toymaker. This is definitely a story that's withering on the vine. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Alright. I realize I said some hateful things about this story yesterday. I'm going to try and keep it positive. In honor of #DoctorWho, I'm going to be kind. I'm going to try to be kind.
@liang3 Dodo still looks super cute. I feel like, even as ridiculous as her jester outfit was in THE ARK, Dodo's costuming suits her. She looks adorable in THE GUNFIGHTERS, from what I remember. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The music is very much of its time and it very fitting for the story. It's a very comforting soundtrack. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Dodo is doing very well in this episode, adapting to the circumstances and getting the information she needs for the game to continue. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I don't know what it is about this story, but it stresses me out. All the arguing and plates breaking and arguing from the "fake" people, gah. #DoctorWho
@liang3 There's something deeply cruel about The Celestial Toymaker as he taunts his creations with "a chance at life." I think a lot could be done with him now, especially with the 13th #DoctorWho.
@liang3 This might be the best linking text I've ever seen from Loose Cannon. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Yeeshk, this image of the cook and the sergeant after they basically sacrifice themselves to the dance floor is pretty ominous. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I. Do. Not. Like. This. BUT. That's the creator's intent so that's....positive. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I will see you tomorrow (today, actually) with the concluding episode of THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER. And then after that....one of my favorite #DoctorWho stories of all time.
@liang3 Time for the fourth and final episode of THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER and since this is the last time an individual episode will have its own title until #NuWho, I'll name it this time: The Final Test. Good-bye named episodes! #DoctorWho
@liang3 I don't think I quite know what the Toymaker is about. I know he wants to play his games, but he stacks the deck so heavily in his favor, I guess I don't see the overall point. Although given his generally malicious behavior...#DoctorWho
@liang3 Finally, #DoctorWho can speak again. At least he gets to run rampant in the next story.
@liang3 God I hate Cyril. He's the exact type of character that rubs me the wrong way. Lousy cheater. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Wow. That got dark very fast. Pretty satisfying end to Cyril though. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Yeah! It's #DoctorWho! Very happy to see him back again.
@liang3 There are times in the 60's episodes of #DoctorWho where the solution to the story is...very odd or feels very slapped on. THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER is feeling very much like that.
@liang3 I only vaguely understand how #DoctorWho beat The Celestial Toymaker and I don't care. Let's wrap this one up!
@liang3 That's interesting. The next episode has a title, but I'm pretty sure that THE GUNFIGHTERS doesn't have individual titles. Anyway, see you tomorrow for #DoctorWho's birthday when I try to do a single, four part story in one day.
@liang3 Happy #DoctorWhoDay! In honor of the 56th anniversary of #DoctorWho's premier, I'll be watching what I would have been watching already: THE GUNFIGHTERS. I'm going to try and get it done in one sitting. Shouldn't be too hard as it is one of my favorite first Doctor Who stories.
@liang3 Also, I'm so dumb. I saw there was a title for this week's episode and thought, "That's weird they didn't do individual titles for this story. What a weird mistake they made." Sigh. THE GUNFIGHTERS is the last story with individual titles. Not THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The accents in this story vary wildly. They're not ALL bad, but there are a few problematical ones. Also, Star Trek's Spectre of the Gun is more historically accurate than this, so let this be the last tweet about historical accuracy or accents and just enjoy the ride. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I adore that the first #DoctorWho decides that if he's going to have the tooth out, he might as well get it done in 1880's America on the frontier.
@liang3 I think I prefer Dodo's costume from the last story, but this one is cute too. Steven went the Marty McFly route with his costume. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Wyatt Earp is a fascinating historical figure and he's, from what I remember, one of the more interesting characters in the story as well, though he gets overshadowed by the amazing Holliday. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Look at that smile! I've really grown to like Dodo over the course of these stories. She's a goofball, but she's fun and invested in the adventures and she's a good counterpoint to the sometimes dour Steven. #DoctorWho
@liang3 #DoctorWho: "And lastly, sir, your humble servant, Doctor Caligari."
Bat: "Doctor Who?"
Doctor Who: "Yes, quite right."
Hartnell is on point in this story and I love when he gets to use his comedic chops.
@liang3 #DoctorWho: I never touch alcohol!
Doctor Holliday: Well, I do.
More people should love this story!
@liang3 Rolling right along into the next episode as #DoctorWho walks into almost certain death!
@liang3 And time for Part 2 of THE GUNFIGHTERS, a rollicking good time. #DoctorWho
@liang3 This story has everything you could possibly want in a #DoctorWho story. There's singing. There's dancing. There's an untold amount of murder at the end. Fun for the whole family!
@liang3 Hartnell is in full force here as he wanders into a nest of vipers and says he'll be gad to share a small glass of milk with them. #DoctorWho
@liang3 By golly, this is a fantastic moment in #DoctorWho's history and I'm glad Hartnell got a chance to display his comedic abilities one last time before they gave him the brush.
@liang3 Steven has fallen in with a real bad crowd. If there is a complaint to be made about THE GUNFIGHTERS, it's that Steven doesn't come out of it looking like the brightest. #DoctorWho
@liang3 This is the start of when the story starts to take an edge and events take a darker turn. #DoctorWho
@liang3 And on to Part 3, with #DoctorWho and his time team in real trouble now.
@liang3 Part 3 of THE GUNFIGHTERS, entitled "Johnny Ringo." I was reading about Donald Cotton and I was a little heartbroken that both of his stories with #DoctorWho were ill received by the producers at the time and they used Gunfighters as a reason to stop creating historicals.
@liang3 Cotton does a good job of shifting the broad comedy of the first two episodes into something a little darker for the final two episodes. #DoctorWho
@liang3 "Doc Holliday is a great friend of mine. He gave me a gun. He extracted my tooth. Good gracious me, what more do you want?" #DoctorWho
@liang3 Ringo's a fairly effective villain in this piece, especially considering what's about to happen. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The cold blooded killin' of Charlie the bartender is just another marker on the way to the massacre at the end of the story. #DoctorWho
@liang3 "I shall try not to kill you. I shall aim for your arm." I love Dodo. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I know I said I wouldn't say anything about accents, but why is Kate talking like a 1930's moll? #DoctorWho
@liang3 We end on a somber note as Warren Earp, who was not in Tombstone at all prior to the gunfight at the O.K. Corral, is slain by the Clantons. It's less funny from here on out. #DoctorWho
@liang3 It's time for "The OK Corral" the fourth and final part of THE GUNFIGHTERS. Also the last titled individual episode in #ClassicWho, for real this time. #DoctorWho
@liang3 From here on out, I'm pretty sure things get aggressively dark. Not THE MASSACRE dark, but definitely not the fun and games of the first two episodes. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Random fact: If you watch TOMBSTONE, a flawed, albeit amazing, classic, the dialog spoken during the shooting at the OK Corral is historically accurate, as well as most of the actions taken. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Yay! Dodo's back! I wish someone would explain to me why Dodo is so mistreated. Probably for the same reasons that THE GUNFIGHTERS is maligned: stupidity. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Much like in "The Reign of Terror" #DoctorWho doesn't have a huge part to play in the final, bloody denouement.
@liang3 FUN FACT: There's a lot of conjecture about what happened to the real Johnny Ringo, but it's likely that he committed suicide as a result of a lifelong battle with depression. #DoctorWho
@liang3 With that, good night everyone and a happy #DoctorWhoDay to you all. I'll see you next time with THE SAVAGES. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I've had a lot of coffee, so let's see how far I can get into...THE SAVAGES, a story I don't remember so well. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Steven should really know better at this point than to leave Dodo by herself. Also...#DoctorWho should also know better than to just wander away at this point.
@liang3 The idea that #DoctorWho is known by these people because they're watching him on a sort of timescope is...weird. Not sure how I feel about it.
@liang3 So far, there's an interesting plot developing here and I can dig it. Primitive peoples hunted by the elites, but for what purpose?!?!? #DoctorWho
@liang3 Man, it's not even the end of the first episode and they're already spilling the beans on how their society is so awesome. All they do is steal life force from other living things. Nothing bad here, #DoctorWho.
@liang3 It's actually a cool way to show just what's going on here. The elder explains about the life force stealing, intercut with scenes of the guards capturing the primitive peoples. Makes it pretty clear whose life force is being stolen. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Dodo: I hate conducted tours!
She's a damn near perfect companion and I don't get the hate she always seems to attract. Sometimes, I think it's just down to her name. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Meanwhile, Steven has a bad habit of not listening to Dodo or Vicki and dismissing them out of hand. Steven has dropped in my estimation somewhat. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Good first episode! #DoctorWho is learning that this society is basically a race of vampires. Steven is being lured by their beautiful city. Dodo is about to be straight up murdered by a man drained of all his lifeforce. See you soon with Episode 2 of THE SAVAGES.
@liang3 Time for Part 2 of THE SAVAGES. I don't think this story has a terrible reputation, but it certainly doesn't have a good one. Let's see how episode 2 carries us forward. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I find it odd that everyone else is being so cagey about what they're doing to the people outside. The elder straight up told #DoctorWho that they're using higher lifeforms to improve themselves. It's not hard to connect the dots!
@liang3 Steven is aggressively negative about Dodo. I don't appreciate his tone. Won't be sorry to see the backside of him out the TARDIS door. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Why would this weird, totalitarian society welcome the time team with open arms and then get their backs up the moment they go in through the wrong door? If you're going to light beam your own people for letting Dodo wander away, maybe don't let in #DoctorWho in the first place!
@liang3 #DoctorWho is much more cagey in these later seasons, preventing Dodo and Steven from speaking before getting out of the city and trying to get back to the TARDIS.
@liang3 And now he's standing his ground against...uh...Guard Dude in order to help the outside the city dude. #DoctorWho has come a long way since the first season.
@liang3 Steven's now crabby because #DoctorWho "wandered away again." He can't have always been this bad. He was like this in THE TIME MEDDLER, but that was his first adventure.
@liang3 Episode 2 holding it up! We're getting more invested here. What will become of #DoctorWho now that he's in the transference machine? And what of Dodo and that jerk, Steven? See you next time.
@liang3 Episode 3 of THE SAVAGES starts now! Really been enjoying this story, more than I remember enjoying it, but I think this is when things start to get...weird. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I do like all the little touches Loose Cannon do with their reconstructions. Whether it's animating the Dalek lights or adding a misty fog, they do make the effort to try and give something visually stimulating. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I somehow doubt that Jano's intentions are so honorable when he decides he wants all of #DoctorWho's energy...
@liang3 This episode is a little...not padded, but the action that happens here doesn't seem to happen with enough energy. I don't fee any urgency to the proceedings. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Frederick Jaeger, now possessed with the...something of #DoctorWho, is doing a pretty good impression of Hartnell's Doctor Who.
@liang3 Again, Dodo brings up a good point about it being too easy to break in and AGAIN Steven brushes off her concern. She's been right about everything this entire story! #DoctorWho
@liang3 Well, that's pretty horrifying. #DoctorWho
@liang3 And that wraps up part 3 of THE SAVAGES. We're rapidly approaching the conclusion and I'm still enjoying the story. It's not fantastic, but it's also no bad. Moving on! #DoctorWho
@liang3 Part IV of THE SAVAGES. Time to see how #DoctorWho and his companions are going to get out of the obvious trap that Dodo spotted, but Steven refused to acknowledge.
@liang3 I can't remember if this is true or not, but I believe Jano being imbued with #DoctorWho's personality was another failed attempt to replace Hartnell and that Jano was supposed to carry on as Doctor Who.
@liang3 We're rocketing toward the end at this point. Steven is able to take lead in a way he hasn't since THE MASSACRE. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I like the idea of #DoctorWho's conscience infecting Jano, causing him to rethink his society and what they are doing to the people outside the city.
@liang3 There's nothing more exciting that the sounds of a set being struck down while a series of still images plays. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I do like that the exact moment that Steven decides to stay behind is caught on film. Good-bye, Steven. I grew to not like you, but it's still sad to see you go. #DoctorWho
@liang3 That was a satisfying bit of #DoctorWho. Nothing world shattering, but not a bad departure for Steven. Next up, Dodo's departure and one of my personal favorites....
@liang3 Now up: THE WAR MACHINES. This is one of my first #DoctorWho guilty pleasures. Also, I just realized, I'm almost done with his era. Just two more stories after this one.
@liang3 I love the opening titles to this story. They don't do it that often and I'm not sure why they decided this was the time to change it up. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Definitely not the first time #DoctorWho has returned to contemporary Earth, but I believe this is the first story truly set on present day earth since the first episode.
@liang3 If you were to show the third season #DoctorWho to a #NuWho fan, I think they would recognize him unequivocally as Doctor Who and not just some crabby, murderous old man.
@liang3 It's Polly! I forgot she worked for the company that created the war machines. Spoilers. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I feel like #DoctorWho nowadays would be pretty riled up if WOTAN knew what TARDIS stood for. It would be part of a series long story arc. Here's it's just....peculiar.
@liang3 Lord, Dodo barely has any lines. Most of the time she's not included in the shot. Polly's friend obscured Dodo for a solid minute. Sigh, not much a goodbye for her. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure BOSS also used the swirly hypnotic wheel to control people. This just proves that all super computers learned their evil ways from Looney Tunes. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I keep getting caught up in the firsts with the first #DoctorWho. It's strange watching him insinuate himself into situations and trying to solve a mystery.
@liang3 "#DOCTORWHO...IS...REQUIRED." In episode evidence of Doctor Who's name. Done and dusted.
@liang3 This story has to accomplish a lot. They're introducing two new companions and getting rid of another. One of these tasks they do...very poorly. Let's find out next time which one! #DoctorWho
@liang3 No sleep last night and plenty of time before work this morning, so why not start the day with THE WAR MACHINES Episode 2! #DoctorWho
@liang3 I know I harp on this a lot, but there are a lot of fan contortions to explain why WOTAN and the scientists refer to #DoctorWho as...well, Doctor Who. The simplest explanation is that it's her name, so I'm going with that.
@liang3 Polly is in action, not wanting to sit on her backside. This is, so far, a good introductory story for Polly. Less so for Ben, but maybe he'll get there in the end. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The first of many downtrodden, lower class folks to be brutally murdered after stumbling across some sinister conspiracy in #DoctorWho.
@liang3 Dodo is doing well as WOTAN's sinister agent. Annoying that this is how we'll see her before she disappears. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Fantastic bit of acting from Hartnell after nearly being taken over by WOTAN. I'm glad to see his abilities are strong even so close to the end of his time as #DoctorWho.
@liang3 And episode 2 ends with Ben about to get womped by a War Machine. Dodo is gone for good, bundled off to the country. Good-bye Dodo, you've been mistreated by the show and by the fans. You were better than they say! #DoctorWho
@liang3 #DoctorWho! Episode 3 of THE WAR MACHINES. This episode has my favorite cliffhanger of the Hartnell era. Let's get to it!
@liang3 Evil Anneke Wills is a pretty chilling sight to behold, but...BUT...I'm going to say that I liked Jackie Lane's switching from evil to not evil more. I miss Dodo. #DoctorWho
@liang3 #DoctorWho has been sitting this episode out so far, hanging out with his new best friend Sir Charles, which is...weird. The show seems to ache for Doctor Who to have contacts on Earth that he can go to.
@liang3 This is fascinating to me. This sets up so much of how #DoctorWho (the show) will handle Doctor Who (the character) when he's dealing with crises on Earth for years to come: Stuffy bureaucrats, ineffectual military and scientific zealots and only Doctor Who to save them all.
@liang3 I love it. #DoctorWho standing tall in the face of the war machines. Perfect. See you next time with the final episode of THE WAR MACHINES.
@liang3 And let's finish off THE WAR MACHINES. It's not a GREAT story, but I still think it's a lot of fun and it shows #DoctorWho in a fantastic light.
@liang3 I love it. #DoctorWho stands there, in spite of the fear and the confusion and the chaos and tests his theory about the war machines.
@liang3 The first #DoctorWho has a cheekiness about him that I love and I don't think is talked about enough. Too often he's talked about as being crabby or unpleasant.
@liang3 #DoctorWho standing amongst the destruction and death as a result of a plan he has enacted and about five seconds away from hightailing it off into the sunset.
@liang3 I'm not going to lie; while it's definitely some BS that Dodo said good-bye offscreen....that doesn't really feel out of character for her. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Aww, Polly and Ben. Alright, I'll accept these scamps. Let's have some adventures. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Whoops, got so excited about starting THE SMUGGLERS that I didn't do my usual ending. Time for The Smugglers! #DoctorWho
@liang3 BBC, you done us wrong by wiping all these episodes. Ben and Polly (Polly and Ben) should get their rightful place in the TARDIS, but I believe most of their episodes are gone. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Pretty sure this is the first time that #DoctorWho has admitted that he has no control over the TARDIS.
@liang3 I'm loving the intrigue that's being built up here. There's so much stepping around an unseen issue. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Oooo, Ben wears thin sometimes. I don't like how he talks to Polly. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Whoops, zonked out in the middle of the episode and restarted to find a shirtless Ben. Not really a win, in my book. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Not the most violent thing on #DoctorWho, but I'm guessing too much for the Australians. I still feel the fight between the cavemen was the most vicious thing I've seen on #ClassicWho.
@liang3 Ben is like a fiercely loyal, but yappy little dog. I appreciate how quickly he's taken to #DoctorWho and defending him from ruffians and the like.
@liang3 I love the stories where #DoctorWho and his companions just kind of blindly wander into the middle of intrigue with no real awareness of the trouble they've gotten themselves into. See you soon with Part II of THE SMUGGLERS.
@liang3 Part 2 of The Smugglers! That's all I got. Let's get the ball rolling here. #DoctorWho
@liang3 This one isn't clicking with me and I can't quite figure out why. It feels....empty. After an intriguing first episode, listening to five minutes of Cherub threatening #DoctorWho is getting tedious.
@liang3 This Tom guy feels like a proto-Jamie. I'm...reaching for things here. #DoctorWho
@liang3 You don't often see the first #DoctorWho as a flatterer and a charmer. Love seeing him talk about the pirate captain.
@liang3 Ah. Jamaica. I don't have a good feeling about where this is going. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I feel like had Ben and Polly actually done this is in the real 17th century England, Tom would have burned them right then and there. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Ben is growing on me. His cocky, cheeky attitude is a nice change of pace from Steven's rather dour outlook. #DoctorWho
@liang3 It's funny how often the historicals would just ditch #DoctorWho and his companions and just follow random characters as they go about their historical business.
@liang3 Captured within an hour of escaping: such is the fate of the new time traveler. Tune in next time for the thrilling penultimate chapter of THE SMUGGLERS. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Episode 3 of THE SMUGGLERS. Listen...I don't hate this story. It's just...kind of there, for me. This is definitely one of those times where I'm just trying to push through though. #DoctorWho
@liang3 I like the turn that Blake is on Polly and Ben's side. It's a nice change of pace. #DoctorWho
@liang3 It's weird that Polly and Ben talk about #DoctorWho as if they've been on many adventures with him. Not sure when Bryan Hales knew he was writing for two new companions.
@liang3 Woof. I'm sorry Jamaica. He was an unfortunate character at a time they really should have known better. #DoctorWho.
@liang3 And we end on a cold blooded murder and our companion are in real trouble now and I'm still not a 100% engaged. Oh well, can't love every #DoctorWho.
@liang3 And now time for the last part of THE SMUGGLERS. I wanted to like this story more. The stakes just feel very low with this story. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Cherub is one of the more unseemly character in the series up to to this point. Can't remember his comeuppance, but I hope it's coming soon. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Definitely one of the more violent episodes of #DoctorWho to come along in a while, but I notice I don't have much to say about Doctor Who or his companions so far. They're just onlookers to a fight between scoundrels.
@liang3 While I wasn't a fan of the overall story, I did enjoy the development of Polly and Ben, and there were several moments when I think #DoctorWho got to shine, which is nice considering we are almost to the end....and the end was...not really well prepared for.
@liang3 We've arrived...at THE TENTH PLANET. The first regeneration story, though it's not called that. Regeneration won't even be a thing for quite some time. I'm...actually a little sad to be here. But we must move forward...#DoctorWho
@liang3 I've been in Tennessee and out of service for the last week, but that doesn't mean I haven't been watching #DoctorWho. I watched THE TENTH PLANET while I was in a cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains and drinking sulfurous water. Here are some notes.
@liang3 And we begin with Part 1 of THE TENTH PLANET, William Hartnell’s last regular story as #DoctorWho.
@liang3 After the grotesque caricature of Jamaica in the last story, it’s great to see a character of color on #DoctorWho who’s a realized person and also played by an actual actor of color.
@liang3 I wonder if this is the first time that anyone has directly referenced #DoctorWho’s wardrobe. I know Dodo mentioned something during THE GUNFIGHTERS, but I can’t remember 100%.
@liang3 I love how the first #DoctorWho was never afraid to mince words with anyone. If he felt he was in the right, boy howdy, he’d let you know.
@liang3 Do not adjust your dial, that’s not Earth, that’s MONDAS. The idea of a planet that revolved around the Sun, but on the opposite side was a popular one in sci-fi for a while. Sadly, not possible. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Digging this multicultural space program. Shades of UNIT here, but the 80’s version of UNIT. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The very first shot of the Cybermen. I love the Cybermen, but I don’t know if they have ever been used well on #DoctorWho. Maybe in SPARE PARTS.
@liang3 The fact that the Cyberman disguised himself by wearing a cloak over his seven foot tall shiny metallic frame and it WORKED is amazing and adorable. #DoctorWho
@liang3 This change to the credits and the opening title screen feels very ominous, but maybe it’s just the foresight of knowing what’s to come…see you next time with Part 2 of THE TENTH PLANET. #DoctorWho
@liang3 And now Part 2 of THE TENTH PLANET. So far our time team hasn’t had much to do, except that #DoctorWho got to thunder around a research facility, which was nice.
@liang3 With WAR MACHINES forward, there seems to be a greater and greater attempt to tie #DoctorWho to present day Earth, as if they realized that the audience needed something grab onto the show. Even though this story takes place in 86, it feels enough like 66.
@liang3 The original Cybermen design is certainly a bold choice. They look utilitarian to the extreme and they’re definitely creepy as all get out. They’re creepy because they’re not “cool”. They’re faceless, weird and inhuman enough. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The way they talk, with the open mouth that in no way syncs to their speech is unsettling. Their mouth is just a vestigial organ they haven’t bothered to remove. #DoctorWho
@liang3 His movements feel like something propelled, as if what’s left of the humanity is being worked by the machinery. I like these Cybermen. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Like most historicals, #DoctorWho and his companions have been relegated to an observational role for a good chunk of the proceedings. We’re almost a third into the story and so far, they’ve only been captured by the good guys.
@liang3 And the Cybermen have chosen to lock Ben in the editing room for safe keeping. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The Cybermen continues his attempt to conduct his census in spite of the angry, frightened shouting of everyone in the room. They will never again really be this chilling or implacable. #DoctorWho
@liang3 And so ends Part 2 of THE TENTH PLANET. Tune in next time for PART 3 as we get ever nearer to the end of the first #DoctorWho……
@liang3 Part 3 of THE TENTH PLANET begins now! #DoctorWho are starting to get more involved in the action, but not enough to suit my liking. Let’s see if that changes any here…
@liang3 And #DoctorWho goes down with an illness. I believe this is pretty much it for William Hartnell and his participation in this episode.
@liang3 “Impossible is not in my vocabulary, Dr. Barclay!” Ahh, the American can do attitude in full force on #DoctorWho.
@liang3 General Cutler has ramped up to a fever pitch, even more riled now that Ben said he should wait. It’s an interesting dynamic as this man is being pushed further and further toward his breaking point. #DoctorWho
@liang3 This is the first of the notorious “Polly makes coffee” moments, but she comes up with the idea as a gamble to stay in the control room after #DoctorWho has passed out and Ben is dragged away by MPs.
@liang3 Both Ben and Polly get their moments to shine during the story, which is important since they’re the only through line from the first #DoctorWho’s era to the second’s era. Polly convinces Dr. Barclay to try and delay the dreaded Z-Bomb.
@liang3 I just realized, they call it a Z-Bomb, not a Zed-Bomb. Probably because Cutler is an American and it’d be odd for him to call it anything else. #DoctorWho
@liang3 We’re headed for a rip roaring finish as the Z-Bomb is about to be launched toward Mondas, dooming both worlds! Tune in next time for the final part of THE TENTH PLANET. #DoctorWho
@liang3 This is the final episode of the final story with William Hartnell as the first #DoctorWho, not counting his appearance in THE THREE DOCTORS and it’s missing. Luckily, we get cartoons over a slideshow, so let’s get started.
@liang3 You know, after my re-watch of the first #DoctorWho’s run, I am seriously debating rearranging my Doctor Who Ranking Tier. Even animated, he’s a force.
@liang3 “This old body of mine is wearing a bit thin” is the only explanation we get for why #DoctorWho regenerates the first time. I think the general consensus is he’s very old at this point. God only knows the mischief he got to leading up to AN UNEARTHLY CHILD.
@liang3 Cutler has, by this point, truly lost his mind and is obsessed with the fate of his son. His descent into madness seems a bit rapid, but we only have four parts here, so let’s roll with it. #DoctorWho
@liang3 The one thing I think the animation fails to do is include the Cybermen’s eyes. There’s something genuinely horrifying about seeing human eyes peering out from that mask. #DoctorWho
@liang3 While Polly had one or two good moments, this is really Ben’s story. He’s been driving most of the action, especially now that Cutler is dead. #DoctorWho
@liang3 “It’s far from over…” prophetic words from #DoctorWho.
@liang3 Good-bye, William Hartnell. Hello, Patrick Troughton. The first #DoctorWho doesn’t get enough credit these days. I will miss him as I move forward, but all is not lost. It is, after all, far from over.
@liang3 From what I’ve heard and seen, William Hartnell could be a hard man and a cold man, marred and defined by his own prejudices and attitudes. #DoctorWho redefined his legacy as a kind man. For better or for worse.
@liang3 Well this was a new way to start an episode. The animation team for POWER OF THE DALEKS added a cold open to the first episode, tying it together with THE TENTH PLANET. #DoctorWho
@liang3 There we go. Can I just mention that it's BANANAS that the only reason we even have the audio for the missing episodes is because of fans of the show who had no other way to record episodes? #DoctorWho
@liang3 Patrick Troughton is not my favorite #DoctorWho, but he's up there with Hartnell and Colin Baker.
@liang3 #DoctorWho wakes up with the sound of drums in his head. Wait a minute...
@liang3 So much of what Troughton is doing here is what every #DoctorWho will do upon regenerating. The commenting on the physical changes, the peculiarity in behavior; it's all being written here.
@liang3 Really, really glad they didn't go with goofy hats for the rest of his tenure as #DoctorWho. Also really glad they didn't go with Troughton in blackface, something he wanted to do as well.
@liang3 It's fascinating the way they decided to handle his regeneration. There's literally no explanation and #DoctorWho barely even discusses it with Ben and Polly, in spite of how uncertain they are.
@liang3 I'm terrible at recognizing faces, especially these type of animated faces that are shooting for realism, so I really appreciate the name tags. #DoctorWho
@liang3 Troughton's reaction to the Dalekanium is perfect and honestly, should have been the proof audiences needed that he was the new #DoctorWho.
@liang3 The second #DoctorWho's first adventure HAD to involve the Daleks. It was the best way to continue the continuity from the very beginning.
@liang3 What a fantastic start to a story. I go back and forth on whether this or INVASION OF THE DALEKS is my favorite #ClassicWho Dalek story, but in the end, I know it's really DAY OF THE DALEKS. Tune in next time with the new #DoctorWho and Part 2 of POWER OF THE DALEKS.
@liang3 I just went through this thread and realized it broke about three or four times. I guess I should have realized the hubris of making an unbroken twitter thread lasting several years. Sigh. PART TWO OF THE POWER OF THE DALEKS. #DOCTORWHO
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