No niche more profitable than make money online
U know how much easier it is to sell income than literally anything else?
So easy
If you get results they’d be dumb not to buy
If all of these courses are so bad, and you have real, valuable experience that you could share with people, do things the right way, and you willingly choose not to
Ur the grimy one homie
I know I can make myself and also collaborate with guys on info products that are better than 99% of them out there
There are thousands of people who were in the same position I was a year ago
It’s my duty to sell to them
He has a wife and 4 kids
He’s now making more in one day than he did in 2 weeks at his job
And you’re telling me you don’t owe it to the world to help people achieve shit like this?
You absolutely CAN do the info products business right
Partner with sharks like @EcomSHARKSunny @EcomSharkAman if u need to
But I’ll tell you what
Nothing more fulfilling