2016. *sags*
2017. "We got him. We really got him. He is not gonna get away. I mean. Again."
2016. "That's it for you, '18. You're done."
DOOR. *knocks*
2017. *gulps*
2016. "Get the door, will you?"
2017. "Nuh-uh. YOU get it."
DOOR. *knocks again*
2017. "Do we have to answer it? You know the rules, do we HAVE--"
2016. "Yes."
2017. *takes deep breath, holds out hand* "Together."
2016. *takes hand* "Together."
DOOR. *is clumsily nailed back together from 2018's explosive entrance*
2016 and 2017. *take deep breaths and open the door*
2016 and 2017. *look hesitantly at each other*
2017. "Are -- are you --"
2016. "2019? You're not what we were expecting."
2019. "No." *sweet smile* "I'm not what anyone's expecting. May I come in?"
2019. *surveys everything -- beer bottles everywhere, mounds of cocaine, a furiously struggling 2018*
2019. "Oh, wow. You guys!" *a little headshake* "We have so much to do. But this'll be fun! I'll just rest up from the trip and we'll talk in the morning."
2017. "She seems... nice!"
2016. "I know, right? That's what I was thinking! Really nice. Not like him."
2016 and 2017. *turn to look at 2018*
2016 and 2017. *freeze*
2018. *is white-faced and fucking terrified.*