TBH that would probably sound a lot creepier if he didn't hate being around ALL people.
Except when he asks the stationmaster when the train will be coming in, he's told it already has
Matthew pretty much doesn't know what to do and desperately wishes Marilla was there. He is Very Uncomfortable and does not wish to be in charge, lol.
And also because he wants to go home, which you know. I get that.
Seriously, Montgomery's got descriptions on lock. They're so strong.
Matthew, who is actually described as an introvert here, decides he doesn't mind listening to her talk, especially because she doesn't expect him to respond overly much
There's also a mention here of him not approving much of how "well-bred" Avonlea girls are raised, because they always act afraid of him.
And Matthew is dreading the idea of having to tell her that she can't stay. He compares it to when he has to kill lambs or calves.
And that's the end of the chapter. Not a ton happening in this one plot-wise, but the descriptions are amazing. You truly get a sense of how beautiful Prince Edward Island is.