1. Talk to people to find their most painful problem
2. Create a unique solution to solve that problem
3. Make sure people love the solution and recommend it to others
4. Get your solution in the hands of more people with the problem
Don’t skip any steps.
Start with your strongest muscle 💪🏽
Like to talk? Do sales before product
Like to write? Start marketing
Like to build? Build something fast
Find your fastest path to conversations!
We’re talking about product/market fit.
People loving your product so much that they can’t live without it and can’t help but tell others is the holy grail of product/market fit.
The steps look like this every time:
Build > Measure > Learn
Codifying this process is what @ericries did with #leanstartup 🙏

- It spreads by word of mouth. People tell others about it privately and publicly.
- When asked @seanellis’ question, “How disappointed would you be if this product no longer existed?” they say “Very disappointed”