
sciencedirect.com/science/articl… FYI @gemma_learmonth @ZsoltTuri blinding fails here too... authors discuss this, which is unusual for the field

@guestrin doi.org/10.1093/gigasc…

@NicolettaAdamo and co thelancet.com/journals/lanps…

@dora_matzke @EJWagenmakers. With lecture content provided by @chrisdc77, @blhoutkoop and @richarddmorey 🤩😍

A call for funders to ban institutions that use grant capture targets blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocial…

Preregistration Is Hard, And Worthwhile psyarxiv.com/wu3vs
Solid and reassuring advice from @BrianNosek @EmorieBeck @LorneJCampbell @JkayFlake @Tom_Hardwicke @EvoMellor Anna van 't Veer @siminevazire

distributions in medicine 🤯 doi.org/10.7554/eLife.…
@ipoga Schneider @reshmajagsi Nielsen


Annoying TMS scalp discomfort can in part explain changes in RTs on commonly used tasks, and is dependent on scalp location

(I say knowing I’m working this bank holiday weekend)

Thanks @Gen_Pov Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda @mcxfrank

Testing baseline differences between groups then using these to inform what covariates you use is a contentious debate in RCTs. This paper is a nice intro into the whole drama jstor.org/stable/2987510…

Preliminary evidence that R is as easy to pick up as SPSS, *when reading outputs*. More research needed for difficultly in using R

Interesting argument by @DanielleBRice__ @dmoher
With a nice response from @chrisdc77:

Likelihood of Null Effects of Large NHLBI Clinical Trials Has Increased over Time
‘Prospective declaration of outcomes in RCTs, and the adoption of transparent reporting standards...may have contributed to... null findings’

Preprints are valid research outputs for REF2021 asapbio.org/preprints-vali…
@KingsLibraries @SGDPCentreKCL @KingsCollegeLon @KingsIoPPN

On the value of preprints: An early career researcher perspective
@SSarabipour @schwessinger @humbertodebat @edemmott
Nice thread here

Amy R Taylor @MarcusMunafo

There’s no silver bullet in #OpenScience to combat the #ReplicationCrisis but @RegReports come pretty damn close!


Wise words from @lakens, make sure to see the thread he retweets as there’s interesting points about the re-analysis!

psyarxiv.com/9g5wk/ via @OSFramework
by Michael Dougherty & Zachary Horne

Solid work written in clear prose by
@Tom_Hardwicke @GustavNilsonne @mcxfrank @ajhmohr @EricaJYoon @mhtessler @brialong and more

Brilliant critique of the (in)famous ‘false memory’ paper by Shaw and Porter. Fantastic work @kimawade @drlambchop Kathy Pezdek
Wonderful achievement 👏

’Default Bayes factors are legitimizing the fallacy that not-significant=> null is true’.
Enjoying the blog series on Bayes by @uri_sohn
Great piece by @tebartl with mentions of the absolutely scurrilous ‘data thugs’ aka @jamesheathers @sTeamTraen 😜
The editor in chief of Criminology, David McDowall, sounds like a right bellend

‘We find large variability in test-retest reliability perfor- mance across the different tb-fMRI paradigms and rs-fMRI metrics, ranging from poor to excellent’ 🤔😱
@DukartJuergen et al

Thanks @saltysifter for bringing this to my attention (idling through twitter has its uses!)

Transparent review in preprints

unnamed on most grant applications even though 60% of UKRI’s funding goes to their salaries’!
Long overdue policy revision that aims to protect postdocs! #CONCORDAT
@mcallister_d @UniversitiesUK @IoPPN_postdocs


It’s an understatement to say this a hugely important paper by @lakens @katiecorker @farid_anvari @MALMvanAssen @FredHasselman
@page_gould @nicebread303 and co

A straightforward, no nonsense solution in animal/ preclinical work to stop the unethical cost of resources and animal welfare is to confirm your results before you publish! Simple
Jeffery S Mobil @Maclomaclee

attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder—outcome measures
beyond symptom control and clinical trials
@CorteseSamuele and others on behalf of the European ADHD Guidelines Group

Treating ADHD With Suggestion: Neurofeedback and Placebo Therapeutics
@rt_thibault @samuelveissiere Jay A Olson Amir Raz

Edmund Pigott, @rexcannonPhD, and Mark Trullinger

@rt_thibault @samuelveissiere, Jay A. Olson, and Amir Raz

Great call to equip students with the necessary skills to drive #openscience and help them through the period of upheaval that will follow
@nicebread303 link to materials on academic job offers here 👉 osf.io/7jbnt/

Great paper by Vaidya, Pujara, Petrides, Murray, and Fellows
Wonderful to see #triangulation in neuroscience (with a nod to @MarcusMunafo @mendel_random!)

mistakes to watch out for when
writing or reviewing a
Tamar R Makin & Jean-Jacques Orban De Xivr
Great resource for students and academics of any stripe and level @KingsIoPPN @Kings_HSDTC @KCLDocStudies

Measurement Schmeasurement: Questionable Measurement Practices and How to Avoid Them psyarxiv.com/hs7wm/
via @OSFramework

By @EikoFried also featuring work by @JkayFlake @mijkenijk @andrewang91 and Scott Lilienfeld


Interesting article on the future of university presses, a discussion that will grow more and more intense with the prospect of ever unsustainable open access fees
By (in no order, and among others) @talyarkoni @uri_sohn @EJWagenmakers @BrianNosek @stuartbuck1 @chrisdc77

Careless citations don't just spread scientific myths – they can make them stronger natureindex.com/news-blog/misc…

Great stuff from Richard Ramsey, with acknowledgements to @AnnaHenschel @brain_on_dance
Advocating for the credibility revolution

Recommendations for Increasing the Transparency of Analysis of Preexisting Data Sets
Spot on recommendations by Sara J Weston @StuartJRitchie @dingding_peng @ShuhBillSkee

That’s a market share and a half! Also, nice to see the disruptive force of @biorxivpreprint
Great article by @researchremix @jasonpriem & Richard Orr

Ransacking data until statistical significance magnifies the negative impact of publication bias.
‘Our theories are not just being wagged by the tail of the distribution, but by the tail of the tail’
Thanks @chrisdc77 rediscovering this!

Preregistration is redundant, at best psyarxiv.com/x36pz/ via @OSFramework
Brief paper reinviting us to think again about whether we’re too distracted by statistics when we should be focused on theories
@IrisVanRooij @djnavarro and co

@MarcusMunafo researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-uk-vie…
Great see @UofGlasgow leading the way in changing research culture by focusing on vital changes to incentive structures
@tanitacasci @researchdreams

A refreshing take on The Value of Preregistration for Psychological Science: A Conceptual Analysis: daniellakens.blogspot.com/2019/11/the-va…
IMO - yes, we need a tightly worded definition focusing on questionable research practices that are standard practice but shouldn’t be dacemirror.sci-hub.tw/journal-articl…

@HannahFilmer1 Jason B Mittingley @PaulEDux
IMHO - I hope for more assiduous criticism of tES research, but I get the authors’ take

@Tom_Hardwicke and John P. A. Ioannidis
Refreshing review with constructive criticism of @RegReports, with calls for greater transparency on IPAs

Less is more, so embrace simple statistical analysis over fancy complicated analysis. Your effect - if robust and analysed parsimoniously - will shine through

@CorteseSamuele and Luis Augusto Rohde

‘I spell out three reasons for thinking that replication in the humanities is not possible and argue that they are unconvincing’
Sadly rare arguments made from the humanities!


Despite increasing use of CIs, many still focus on statistical significance.
Replacing p-values with CIs may not solve bright-line thinking...
Adrian Gerard Barnett @Jonathan_D_Wren

Universities preach meritocracy but, in reality, bend over backwards to protect toxic personalities
For all you ECRs out there who need feel good news on a Friday night 😉

🚨 When I was hired, I had proudly...one paper, and 10 years later I had...28 publications, none highly cited. I would have no chance today
A scientists reputation...will be built on their best publications and lessened by weaker ones

‘...chaperone effect...the ability to publish in certain venues is something that junior scientists learn from senior colleagues..’
@vedransekara @prdeville @robysinatra @suneman and others

A Review
‘...conflation of statistical association and predictive accuracy is common [100 studies identified by searching ‘fMRI prediction’]
@russpoldrack Grace Huckins Gael Varoquaux

‘Many studies have evaluated how well SRs adhere to the PRISMA Statement, and the pooled result suggests reporting of many items is suboptimal.
@mjpages @dmoher



It’s Time to Broaden the Replicability Conversation: Thoughts for and From Clinical Psychological Science

