As a guy who knows a bit about humanitarian crises and how the USG handles them:
HELL no.
So what's the shock in this case?
This is the logic of extortion - throwing a rock through a shop window, then forcing the shopkeep to pay you protection money.
But that's baloney too - and even if it were true, it wouldn't really help their case. Here's why:

But imagine for a second it were. Then what?…
Which is more than a little at odds with saying this is a humanitarian crisis.
It ain't by building a wall.
The Trump administration is doing none of these things.
And they are refusing the migrants entry into the US to claim asylum forcing them to stay unsafely in Mexico.…
Instead of a wall, there's a pretty straightforward way to handle this manufactured crisis: implement a humane asylum policy, in line with US law and treaty obligations.