You can waste your entire career on one. You can waste an entire academic discipline and billions of dollars of research funding on one.…

Cox’s Theorem, e.g.: once you begin to characterize uncertainty in terms of real numbers, inevitably you fall into probability.…

• Decision theory
• Function approximation
• Objective-function maximization
• State-space search
• Kalman filters
• … add your favorite here?
“You’ve reinvented Kalman filters!” they said about my thesis, despite there being no continuous quantities in either the system’s domain or the AI agent.
If you fall into the pit, you apply your pet framework well outside its formal domain, by wishful thinking & metaphor.
Hallucinating Kalman filters in discrete systems.
Someone who actually understands the situation needs to decide whether you have nails, rails, snails, or pails.
This is what “meta-rational competence” means.
They don’t teach it in STEM school.…