Well, you're only halfway right! Buckle up kids, I'm gonna take us on an overly-detailed steelman of MBTI.
Only kind of right. You can expect to see a basically even distribution of astrological signs across everything - GPA, big 5 personality test, jobs, cities - but information from all of these categories is predicted by MBTI type.
And a chart of how they stack for each type: 66.media.tumblr.com/3480bd5a39e0c9…
I sorta hate Enneagram.
So actually understanding Jung's ideas and how they relate to function stacks takes a while to do, and involves a theory of mind that focuses a lot on modes on internal and external sliding scales. This is why advanced MBTI stuff says you can't figure out your type based
For example, there's a rule that one type of function must be followed by a certain type of other function (e.g., no "Ni-Fi-Se-Ne"). I don't understand.