This is about US oil production, which has surged. Fox...
There have been three elements of deregulation in the oil industry. Two of them - oil and gas fracking rule...
So, now that we dealt with the deregulation issue, let's deal with the fundamental, jaw dropping economic ignorance here. Oil production always....
But here..
Thanks, Obama.
In 2015, Obama lifted the decades-long restrictions on export of oil..
Of course, there are business and..
OPEC has been wrestling with this ever since, and their uncertainty - and attempts to flood the market in order...
Wrestling with this has been the biggest challenge for OPEC. But last month, OPEC decided to finally give up on the idea of attacking the American producers by flooding market and go back to...
But notice the problem? In Fox/Trump world of lies , you can some it up: "Trump dereg cut prices"....
Reality - new tech helped shale production, and opening up the....
That is why we are in a post-reality world.