“No Homo, Bromo: Jungkook’s big fat gay awakening” where jungkook thinks he’s straight so he succs jimin but it’s okay cause they’re homies and it’s no homo
artwork by @Kuro_Mochi_Hime

🌼try to quote instead of commenting in the thread uwu
🌼crack, slight angst? but with humour ☺️
🌼lastly; i’m super excited to finally be posting this! it’s like my baby.. me and @hobimangs put a lot of work in to this so, i hope you like it as much as i do!
some more light tweets to end the updates // i’m tired, ill continue tmr // 😪🙏// thank you to everyone who has been reading so far uwu

/taehyung the real mvp 😔✊🏻 doing the gods work/ so i got a cc, just in case someone wanted to show me some love 😔💖 curiouscat.me/softparkjimi / thank you for reading! ☺️💖