Last December, you asked me for feedback on your recruitment process.
Here's my public response to your unethical, biased, and racist recruitment process.
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT

I'm deeply disturbed.
So deeply disturbed.
Last year in August, I applied for a Communications Associate (Writer/Editor) position at One Acre Fund.
The interview process took almost 3 months!!!
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
I didn't get the job, and after the long interview process you chose to send me a very vague regret email.
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
My intuition hit the roof.
Did you want me to work before the job?
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
And this is what I found out:
• A healthy interview process should NEVER take that long - 3 Months!!!
Why do you take people through such unreasonably long interviews?
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
An organisation like yours that keeps interviewing people and re-advertising the same position either has unreasonable standards or is extracting information from interviewees.
What are you hiding?
#SoneoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
Your interviews felt like consulting sessions because I was literally working.
So why exactly did I have to help you produce ready stop publish content and share expert advice with you during an interview?
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
My friends who are seasoned professional writers read my op-ed article (interview assignments) and couldn't fault it.
These are BBC journalists and writers who've penned for Forbes and Entrepreneur magazine.
What more did you need?
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
Many more are now sharing their stories on Twitter, WhatsApp groups, and Facebook.
You might want to read up!
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
Your own employees have privately confirmed that your organization was started by a group of white friends at an Ivy League school who got some serious funding and are now hiring their friends.
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
Despite the directive to hire more Africans as managers for more impact on the ground, it still seems as though those jobs are being secured for the "white expat friends" most who are fresh college graduates. (Experienced huh?)
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
Some of your advertised jobs for African managers ended up being given to white expats with barely any experience and lower qualifications.
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
Many of the jobs for African managers have soon been re-advertised.
The one I applied for was re-advertised a month ago.
Are your standards really that high?
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT

My Facebook & Whatsapp posts asking fellow East Africans to privately share with me if they've applied for OAF jobs and what their experiences were like...
As we speak, loads of messages are flowing in from highly qualified people
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
Your organisation is just one of these "social enterprises" that are taking advantage of local expertise through interviews. @uber_kenya, @theCloudFactory and @MowgliTweets and @OxfamEAfrica have been mentioned too.
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
We didn't work hard to build our careers and our parents didn't work hard to afford us great education...
Only for our knowledge and expertise to be extracted for free during interviews and handed over to foreigners.
Not on my watch.
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT
#SomeoneTellOneAcreFund #KOT