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May 24th 2023
Update Klankbordgroep Gouda noord

Nu het isolatieproject zijn einde nadert, start de klankbordgroep een bezwaarprocedure tegen de huurverhoging.

Informatiebrief en huisbezoek waren perfect georganiseerd.

Gezegd dat ik liever mijn eigen weg bewandel maar we gaan samenwerken🚀
Bedankt voor de likes @Thuisop24 @thevandijks Dit is een project om je vingers bij af te likken. Dit is participatie!

De hele buurt zwaait naar elkaar, het gaat toch om 23 euro/maand huurverhoging. Voor de woningbouw een strop van honderdduizenden euros's.
Die doen nu even of hun neus bloedt maar de nationale prestatieafspraken zijn duidelijk: geen huurverhoging voor isolatiemaatregelen die na 1 januari 2023 worden opgeleverd.

Als vanzelfsprekend heb ik wel een andere kijk op de aanpak: je hebt nu een huurspecialist nodig.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
mRNA vax mostly remains in the injection site, right?🤔
Moderna’s new Relaxin vaccine (MRNA-0184) is designed to use LNP to encase code for Human Relaxin-2 protein that’ll be delivered directly into the heart to counteract oxidative stress, fibrosis & inflammation
I guess… LNPs are designed to travel to several organs after all🤷🏽‍♂️🤣
Read 8 tweets
Jun 3rd 2022
Those in authority are responsible and will be held accountable for the misinformation, confusion, and extremism that has spread from DH’s online hate. Let all who claimed he was studying under Hanafis and under their supervision reconsider their stance.
It is the sacred duty of the Islamic scholars and those in a position of authority to verify the Islamic credentials, ideology, and piety of every speaker that they give a platform to, no matter how insignificant. “Examine who you take your religion from.”
The spiritual harms of giving a platform to just one deviant, unqualified, ignorant, non-practicing speaker to the Muslim community are absolutely unimaginable if only we knew!!! The trend in North America is to pick speakers based on popularity over real qualifications
Read 5 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
[#VeilleESR #LRU] Emmanuel Macron expose une réforme «systémique» de l'université

Il s'agirait donc de la troisième étape après la réforme systémique des formations (ORE 2018) et de la recherche (LPPR 2020). Ça vaut bien une analyse.…
Le discours a été tenu devant le congrès de la CPU désormais appelée @FranceUniv qui représente « un nouvel élan, qui rappelle le rôle de partenaire essentiel des pouvoir publics / force de proposition et de transformation pour l'ESR » d'après M. Macron.

Le discours commence par des banalités : « concurrence pour les talents », « décloisonner pour favoriser les synergies », « Shanghai / Saclay »...

Mais surtout « conjurer notre histoire » avec « le vent de face en raison de la démographie ».
C'est important pour la suite.
Read 57 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
😂🤣😂 he took the bait I told him I will link his conversation to prove my point anyways(remember I said crypto Noah was the only smart one out of them?? I was setting the trap) WE ARE THE PACK #SaitamaWolfPack #saitama #WolfCaster #SaitaMask Image
I haven't said a word or trolled or attacked FUD on his page..I knew what i was doing everything I've said I've said on my page AND I still didn't tag him 😂🤣 then I threw the Noah bait at him so he could follow Noah footsteps if he was dirty #ArrowsUp #saitama #SaitamaWolfPack
FUD Jjust bought some #saitama out of the blue to try to counter what he knew was coming....oh and now he trying to save saitama 😂😂🤣🤣 #DamageControl WE ARE THE PACK Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
Disband the #FBI | July 28, 2021
- The FBI needs to go away. It should happen in an orderly and thoughtful process, over a period of months. Congress should authorize and create an investigative division in the U.S. Marshals Service,…
'- we have learned that the October 2020 #Michigan governor #kidnap plot was largely a creation of the #FBI; a "senior FBI official" was on the take from media organizations; and another assistant director was in a "romantic relationship with a subordinate",'
Read 8 tweets
Sep 7th 2019
#TRAUMA: #medthread on the coagulopathic changes in severe trauma.

This is the WHY behind trauma resuscitation efforts.
#traumaanesthesia #damagecontrol #resuscitation
@UABSurgery @UAB_Anesthesia @uabmedicine 1/ Image
Post-trauma hemorrhage and hypotension leads to a unique physiologic derangement called Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy. Resuscitation requires management of both hemodynamics and coagulation status. 2/ Image
Why does this happen? If you were to simply cut your finger, your body would sense the injury and begin clot formation (platelet>factor signaling>fibrin net>more platelets). But to restore blood flow, it would need to break down that clot. 3/ Image
Read 19 tweets
Mar 29th 2019
"I'd rather shoot myself," says the CEO of a major financial institution when asked if he'd take the Wells Fargo job. -->
We did something weird in looking at the choices Wells faces in picking new CEO — we asked a customer. Her advice:
And we just got word that Wells has taken out a full-page color ad in @nytimes Sunday editions. #damagecontrol
Read 3 tweets
Apr 16th 2018
Fox News has to fire Hannity. You can't have a host who interviews his own lawyer on TV without disclosing it, and who interviews a politician he's regularly advising on policy without disclosing it, and not become state television rather than a "news outlet" measured by Nielsen.
2/ UPDATE: Cohen has represented to a federal court that Hannity is his client, and Hannity has admitted he called Cohen on a semi-regular basis for legal advice.

But Hannity also implies Cohen lied to a federal court—as Hannity claims Cohen is not his attorney. #damagecontrol
3/ ANOTHER UPDATE: I should be clear that Hannity's argument will hold no water whatsoever with the federal courts or the New York Bar. Cohen was his attorney. Look at this quote from Hannity's radio program. Hannity's up to his eyeballs in gunk this time.
Read 3 tweets

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