6 years ago, 8 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
I'm not mad at #DianneFeinstein nor the young people that spoke w her. I am disappointed that this episode was turned into soemthing that it wasn't. I am glad that more young people are getting engaged in the process. But I am bothered that there are those who...
...seek to craft a narrative that isn't real; those that WANT a controversy. Can you argue that #DiFi could've been more patient during the front end of the video? Sure. She should've been. But to make this into a situation where she needs to resign is absolutely ridiculous.
I have absolutely zero doubt that #DianneFeinstein believes that #ClimateChange is real & is a significant threat to our planet. I also know that she won't be an inhibitor towards getting solutions to address it.
Trying to weaken #DianneFeinstein doesn't make it more likely that the GND would pass. I think it would make it even less likely, given that Republicans control the Senate & there surely aren't enough Republican votes for it to get 51 or 60 votes.
As an advocate for common sense gun reform, I can appreciate those that have little patience & are demanding action on climate change. Hell, I'm w you on the issue. I won't attempt to tell you how to advocate & I respect your courageous efforts.
I hope that when the issue is gun violence prevention and the legislator is one of your favorites, that you will be willing to stand for the issue vs apologizing for them should they be on the wrong side of it.
I firmly believe that Democrats are the party of supporting common sense gun reform, addressing #ClimateChange and a host of other progressive policies. I want to get more Democrats elected in both chambers of Congress so that we are able to usher in bold new policy agendas.
I sincerely hope that more young people will get engaged in the democratic process and do the work to get their voices heard. I hope this episode doesn't inspire them to become cynical. In the words of @Common, "We need the wisdom of our elders & young people's energy".
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