The Only problem I envisage will be His celebration after Winning. While others run and stop, dude will probably run into the audience and give them celebratory bites.
it's not even her I blame. It’s the yeye PHE teacher, Mr. Kunle Amudara. (If you’re not igbo you definitely want to know the meaning of this, as it was a source of eternal laughter for us)
“steve care to join me?
Me who didn’t like salad, in my mind I was like
“Lean on me, no mean say u go press me die”
if I was one, Na hunger go kill me last last. Amean
This for me is the one that hits close to home. What serious mad man out there is not in beard gang?
Who will take a baby faced or stubble sporting mad man serious?
Like they say in game of thrones, what’s dead may never die
With love
(Not crazy) Uncle Stephen