1) Universal voter registration
2) No disenfranchisement of felons
3) Accurate census that counts prisoners in their communities, not in prison locations
5) Treatment protocols that redress racial disparities.
6) Public disclosure of clinic & hospital performance by race of patient
8) Affordable Child Care, with subsidies, not credits and refunds that people cannot afford to front
9) Affordable housing
10) Reparations for redlining to be paid by banks and fed
12) Affirmative fucking Action
13) Use of Force guidelines that prohibit firing on fleeing suspects, require effort to de-escalate.
14) Eliminate the 48 hour rule that gives police time to concoct a story
16) Reparations..yes, I know it's unlikely
17) all the economic justice things that benefit everyone
20) Black history/Asian History/Native American history integrated into our curriculum all year round
21) Funding for Black-owned businesses & homes in neighborhoods that are being gentrified
23) Allow people to sue malicious summoners like Ronald Ritchie
24) Public data on stops/arrests/indictments
OK, those are just off the top of my head in no particular order, but those are all issues of a greater or lesser chance of passing. They are substantive changes that can ameliorate the effects of the problem of racism.
Public database of police violence complaints
Police oversight committee not staffed by police with displinary power
Repeal the bankrupty bill that only allows super rich to unburden their debt
Loan sharks charge less interest.