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Apr 24th 2020
We are living through a time of national trauma that demands empathy and expertise and rapid response. But right now, @senatemajldr is musing aloud that it'd be fine for state and localities to go bankrupt and Trump is holding pressers suggesting people ingest bleach. /THREAD
We've got one party that controls the presidency and the Senate, with no compassion for human suffering and no basic competence. That's why we *need* @HouseDemocrats to fight -- as they fought back against TrumpCare and the #TrumpTaxScam in 2017.
You helped build the largest midterm margins in American history in 2018 precisely to give Democrats this power to negotiate in times like this. And we're hearing from folks across the country that they want Dems to lead.
Read 18 tweets
Dec 17th 2019
The #TrumpTaxScam two years later: a thread
Corporations paid 11.3 percent tax rate last year, in steep drop under Trump’s law…
How FedEx Cut Its Tax Bill to $0…
Read 11 tweets
Oct 11th 2019
(1/7) So @RandPaul just went on @TheView and claimed that the rich are suffering under the current tax code....

Um, we beg to differ. And herein is a thread to correct Rand Paul and explain why we must #TaxTheRich
(2/7) @RandPaul wants us to believe that those who earn less than $50,000 "don't pay income tax anymore."

That's simply not true. Just ask the people we met on our national #TaxTheRich bus tour this summer.
(3/7) @RandPaul touts the progressiveness of our tax code, meaning that people who make more money pay more in taxes.

But that's not the whole story. In reality, most state tax systems are regressive, meaning lower-income people are taxed at higher rates than top-earners.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 8th 2019
1- I’m hearing from a # of Trump voters that their taxes are higher now. Higher tax bills, lower refunds. Everything else he’s done is “ok” or “just fine”-but this hurts THEM, so they’re mad. It’s frustrating, but whatever works. They have come to understand that Trump knew when
2- he was standing at the podiums at his rally’s saying that the Tax Bill was for ‘middle income people’ that we’d all owe more $ if it passed.
He knew-he did NOT CARE. And he doesn’t care that we’re in pain NOW.
3-Trump. Doesn’t. Care.
Trump lied to their faces. This, they take personally. This, they won’t forget.
Over & over again, I am hearing that they won’t be voting for Trump again. #FridayFeeling #TrumpTaxScam
Read 3 tweets
Feb 6th 2019
The countdown to tonight’s #SOTU goat rodeo feels like a good time for a refresher on who the “Trump economy” is working for (folks with multiple yachts)....

and who’s getting screwed (Trump’s very own “forgotten man and woman”).

Push even a bit beyond the headline statistics Trump will lift up—like the official unemployment rate—and you quickly see a very different picture...

widespread economic hardship and instability, while those at the top get richer (and richer, and richer still).
So here are just a few Facts of the Trump Economy (TM) to keep in mind before the curtain goes up.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
I made the mistake of looking at @WhiteHouse to see what content they were putting out ahead of #SOTU.

I can't get those five minutes of my life back (please spare yourself!), but I can provide some FACTS on the actual state of our union:
FACT: The gap between the richest Americans and everyone else has grown under Trump’s watch.…
FACT: Last year, the stock market had its worst year since the 2008 financial crisis.…
Read 22 tweets
Jan 1st 2019
@jett2017 I’m not sure what Trump contributed to the economy beyond massive deregulation (& rollbacks of laws BO enacted to prevent another recession like the 2008 too-big-to-fail recession). There’s a lot of evidence indicating Trump sold rollbacks to corporate donors (quid pro quo).
@jett2017 —Oh, and the #TrumpTaxScam (which was great if you’re a billionaire, a Trump, a congressman or their heirs). For the rest of us it was a massive con job that created a short-term stock market boost and a ballooning deficit that will burden the middle-class for decades.
@jett2017 But, blowing up the deficit with corporate welfare is part of their plan and gives them a reason to destroy Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security, etc., —most of which do not contribute to the deficit, but they’ll blame “entitlements” anyway.…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 12th 2018
Trump: Day 568
-144th Day at Trump Golf Club
-187th Day at Trump Property
-Sz Sessions is Scared Stiff & MIA
-Calls Omarosa Manigault "Low-Life"
-Trying 2 Deport Adopted Toddler
-Has 0 Nominees for 166 Positions
-Carrier Factory at Risk of Closing
-Charlottesville 1 Year Later
Day 673 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 525 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Read 57 tweets
Jun 27th 2018
While we're waiting for the polls to close (and doing last-minute GOTV!), we're going to tell our story of the past year and a half. Win or lose tonight, we think it's a story worth telling
We got started in November 2016 (before @IndivisibleTeam existed!), with help from the amazing organizers at Syracuse Peace Council, @WorkersCNY, Black Lives Matter Syracuse, and others
By Dec 2016, we were writing and calling @repjohnkatko to request a meeting. After weeks of frustration, #WheresKatko? was born
Read 46 tweets
May 11th 2018
Trump: Day 475
-Calls DPRK Labor Camp "Excellent'
-Berated DHS Secretary Nielsen
-Pence Uses Nixon's Talking Points
-Holds Campaign Rally in Indiana
-Official Mocks Health of McCain
-AT&T Paid Cohen 2 Help w/Merger
-Merkel Sz Europe Can't Rely on US
Day 580 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 448 since Donald Trump held a news conference.

Trump’s first and only solo news conference was on February 16, 2017.

What is he afraid of?
Read 63 tweets
Apr 25th 2018
THREAD: The new tax law is a raw deal for the middle class. 83% of the benefits go to the 1%, and it blows a $1.5 trillion hole in the deficit. But don't just take my word for it, here's 42 examples of how the #TaxScam hurts working families as well as a vision for #ABetterDeal:
A plurality—42%–think the tax cuts favor the wealthy most of all. Only 29.6% say they favor the working and middle class.…
The Great Snake Oil Slump…
Read 53 tweets
Mar 1st 2018
Today, March 1st, a minimum-wage worker catches up to what she made in 2009--the last time Congress raised the poverty-level minimum wage (as my colleague @rwest817 shows in new @amprog analysis)…
In 2018, a worker earning $7.25/hr must work an extra 41 days—more than 2 additional months!—just to earn the same amount as she did in a single year when the federal minimum wage was last increased. 2/x
As a result, a full-time minimum-wage worker will lose a staggering $2,370 in purchasing power this year.

That's more than ***47 times*** the average tax cut she gets under the #TrumpTaxScam. 3/x
Read 11 tweets
Feb 6th 2018
Know how Social Security and Medicare are referred to as the “third rail” – because cutting them is understood to be political suicide?

Well, it turns out it’s not just Social Security & Medicare.

Follow along for details on a new poll the GOP should pay close attention to. 1/x
Trump and Congressional Republicans learned the hard way last year how immensely popular Medicaid is, when in many ways it saved the ACA.

New polling shows a whopping **80% of Americans** oppose cutting Medicaid.

And it’s not just Medicaid folks don’t want to see cut.

Americans overwhelmingly—and across party lines—oppose President Trump and Speaker Ryan’s proposals to slash nutrition assistance, affordable housing, disability benefits, energy assistance, and more.

Read 19 tweets
Nov 29th 2017
⚡️ RT for the 99%!

A thread of on-the-nose cartoons that illustrate how the #TrumpTaxScam is going to screw YOU.

Senators tagged.👇🏽 /1
Read 8 tweets
Nov 27th 2017
11/27 ☎️ #CallToAction:

*45 & friends took off for TG ⛳️🦃 but they are set to return to push the #TrumpTaxScam.

Tell senators to stop this bill that'd devastate ACA, Medicare & Social Security, all so that a tiny sliver of wealthy allies make bank. 💰

#LoyalO THREAD⬇️
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House Republicans have passed tax legislation and the Senate now is considering a bill which a bipartisan analysis projects would immediately raise taxes for almost 14 million middle income Americans.…
Read 11 tweets
Nov 21st 2017
Thanksgiving is just two days away. Are you ready to talk to your family about the #TrumpTaxScam?

Whether you plan to bring it up or just want to be ready when someone else does, I hope these tweets might help. 1/
Your uncle says: "My taxes are high enough! It's about damn time Trump gives us a break!"

You: "Actually, 94 million families will get a tax increase under this plan. Non-partisan analysis shows the cuts are heavily tilted to the top."… 2/
Then your uncle says: "Those analyses are fake news. They show what happens AFTER tax cuts expire. Congress won't let that happen."

You say: "Actually they're done by non-partisan experts, and, Congress just let health insurance for 9 million uninsured kids expire so..." 3/
Read 15 tweets
Nov 18th 2017
Yesterday, I spoke on the phone with a top elected official in Congress.

We talked strategy for stopping the #GOPTaxScam bill. This bill is moving fast. Here is what the person said. 1/x

#NotOnePenny #TrumpTaxScam
(I repped for @MoveOn. Was joined on the call with leaders from allied orgs. Here's what the elected official shared (with their permission)): 2/x
Now that the House has passed their #taxscam bill, we have no time to lose.

Senate is next, but we need to go all out on both Senate and House, can't pick one first. No time. 3/x
Read 26 tweets
Nov 9th 2017
These are the faces of the Republicans that just voted (after 0 hearings) to give massive tax cuts to the rich and corporations, paid for by the rest of us👇👇👇#TrumpTaxScam
.@RepKevinBrady: He's a driving force and key salesman behind the #TrumpTaxScam. The top 1% of Texans get a tax cut 3x as big as folks in the middle, as % of income.
.@SamsPressShop (Rep. Sam Johnson): He voted for #TrumpTaxScam even though it will RAISE taxes on nearly a quarter of middle-class Texans.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 2nd 2017
Good morning! It's #TrumpTaxScam day. Here's what to expect. 1/
At 9am, W&M Chair Kevin Brady will walk the rest of the House Rs thru the #TrumpTaxScam via PowerPoint. We'll know more shortly after. 2/
Rs (and the rest of the world) went to bed last night w conflicting info, unsettled details as to what's in. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Oct 25th 2017
🚨 There is a small fissure in the House Republican caucus RIGHT NOW that is holding up the #TrumpTaxScam. Let's blow it open. 🚨 1/
The House is supposed to vote *tomorrow* on the Senate budget resolution, which sets up the #TrumpTaxScam. 2/
But 1st Rs from NY & NJ want assurances the state & local tax deduction (SALT) will be preserved in #TrumpTaxScam. Leadership won't do it 3/
Read 7 tweets
Sep 27th 2017
Let the fact-checking begin #TrumpTaxScam
Fact-check: it is the biggest tax cut for the *wealthy* #TrumpTaxScam
Health care fact-check: There are NOT the votes for #GrahamCassidy
Read 20 tweets

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