1. You're not alone.
2. It may be simply a case of misunderstanding. They speak their own language, the beauty of which lies in its simplicity.
This dictionary helps you translate SJW talk into English and achieve word peace.
A wonderful, equal, just and fair political system. Every good person wants to live in it. (The only exception are the people who actually live under socialism. They usually try to escape from it, the ungrateful bastards!)
1. preferential treatment
2. quotas to ensure preferential treatment
3. suppressing others to ensure preferential treatment
4. I don't care why I'm behind. I shouldn't be.
5. equality
See also: socialism, communism, feminism.
1. difference in capabilities
2. difference in persistence
3. difference in work ethic
4. any kind off difference
5. inequality
See also: privilege.
1. intact, loving family
2. innate capabilities
3. hard work
4. achievement
5. privilege
See also: inequality.
1. the idea that women are weak and stupid
2. hatred of men
3. hatred of babies
4. hatred of women
5. hatred of self
6. intersectionality
See also: equality, inequality, intersectionality.
reproductive rights
1. abortion
2. abortion
3. abortion
4. everything else
See also: feminism.
1. anything mathematics says
2. anything science says
3. anything common sense says
4. anything decency says
See also: racism.
Western Civilization
1. The root of all evil. As an act of self-sacrifice, all SJWs live there, constantly resisting the temptation to move to a better part of the world.
2. The civilization with these words on its headstone: "We deserved our fate".
unconscious bias
It doesn't matter what you say or do, we know you're a bad person.
At the time of writing, this word is missing from the SJW language.
1. The ability to take offense even at the most benign words or actions of a person, often on somebody else's behalf.
2. I'm offended. I'll figure out why later.
See also: unconscious bias.
safe space
1. a kindergarten
2. a place with the same functions as a kindergarten for adults
body positivity
The idea that every woman should like her body, with the exception of the thin and the attractive. Also, men should be attracted to unattractive women. Furthermore, biology and medical science should be banned.
See also: feminism.
The idea that society should be hierarchical, and your place in the hierarchy should be determined at birth by your race, gender, class, etc.
Important: you're not allowed to criticize those above you.
See also: victim index.
victim index
Your place in the intersectional hierarchy. A white male is at the bottom. A white female is higher. A POC male is even higher. A POC female is even higher, etc.
But: a conservative is always at the bottom.
See also: intersectionality.
free speech
A harmful environment where everybody is allowed to talk, irrespective of their victim index. Therefore, an open revolt against intersectionality, and equality.
See also: victim index, intersectionality, equality.
1. a well-known statistical fact we don't like
2. any fact we don't like
3. something you're not supposed to know
4. stereotype
See also: feminism, racism, intersectionality.
cultural appropriation
The idea that members of the Western Culture shouldn't adopt elements of other cultures. (An idea shared by SJWs and white supremacists alike.)
See also: racism, multiculturalism.
To support a woman's right not to see the human face in the ultrasound image.
See also: reproductive rights, feminism.
systemic racism
A notion, according to which, POC can't (and shouldn't) succeed in life without outside help. And if they do, it's a kind of impoliteness towards the SJW community.
See also: racism.
the right side of history
The side of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and the other comrades.
Their 100 million victims might not agree. But you can't argue with utilitarian ethics just because you ended up on the wrong side of the calculation, can you?
1. something that makes you hurt or ill
2. something that makes you think
Examples: some very harmful books, especially for SJWs
Solzhenitsyn: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Koestler: Darkness at Noon
Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita
50-50 rule
The solid argument that women, being half of the population, should have at least half of the jobs in certain occupations, selected by the feminists.
Women and everybody else only have to comply.
See also: feminism, equality.
TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist)
A feminist who is not aware of the fact that transgender people sit higher in the intersectional hierarchy than women, therefore she isn't allowed to criticize them.
See also: feminism, intersectionality.
A person who has the irresistible urge to constantly prove their loyalty towards those above them in the intersectional hierarchy.
It requires a healthy mixture of servility and self-importance.
See also: consensual feminism, intersectionality.
(positive) atheism
The strong conviction that other people shouldn't believe in things they can't prove.
See also: humanism, reason.
A group of very humble citizens (they cover their faces in public) whose aim is to smash fascism, capitalism, sexism, racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and people they don't like. They also seem to be in some disagreement with trash cans.
cancerous tumor
blob of cells
uterus squatter
In certain cases, the SJW language is rich in synonyms.
All the expressions above refer to an unborn human being.
See also: feminism, humanism.
Uncle Tom
A friendly reminder that a conservative black person loses their place in the intersectional hierarchy and for all intents and purposes, becomes a straight white male.
See also: racism, intersectionality.
Men sitting with their legs spread wide.
Is complaining about it a subconscious longing for a bygone era when men knew not just how to sit properly, but also that a gentleman doesn't sit while a lady stands? Or is it just feminism?
new pronouns (zie, ve, per, etc.)
The old pronouns (he, she) show gender. The new ones show how easy it is to force the other 99.4% of the population into submission if you sit sufficiently high in the intersectional hierarchy.
See also: equality.
Any deviation from the following generous list of utterances available for men when talking to women:
(listens attentively)
(listens more)
"Yes, ma'am"
"I quite agree with you"
"That must've been hard for you"
"I'm so ashamed to be a man"
1. treating everybody equally, without regard to their race, sex, class, etc.
2. refusing to believe it's 1860
3. being white
4. having borders, laws, rules, a culture
5. racism (if it's against POC)
See also: anti-racism, intersectionality.
This isn't just a word, but a test too. Which of these statements do you agree with:
1. There are only 2, and they must be eliminated.
2. There are many, and they must be celebrated.
(Hint: if you don't choose both, you're a bigot.)
Good luck!
The idea that one group of society must pay for the injustice their ancestors (or others) committed. And another group must be compensated for the injustice their ancestors (or others) had to endure.
See also: racism, justice.
Worked hard to support his family.
Loved his wife and she loved him.
Was immensely proud of his children.
Fought for his country.
Never suspected that he oppressed and exploited women.
No doubt, the world is a better place without him.
An enhanced version of the acronym POC, illustrating the fact that blacks and indigenous people sit higher in the intersectional hierarchy than other people of color. Further changes are expected in this field, as the ranking process progresses.
1. an act of war such as bombing a city
2. intentionally misgendering transgender people
3. raping women
4. aggressively not "Like"-ing marginalized people's tweets
5. a terrorist attack
6. not always believing what women say
hate speech
Speech that attacks a person or group based on their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Unless the attacked is white (maybe Asian), or male, or Christian, or straight. In this case, it's called intersectional feminism.
Boy Scouts
Another fallen bastion of the patriarchy: at long last, girls are allowed to join the organization.
Fortunately, there's no need to change the Girl Scouts: they've always been inclusive of girls.
See also: feminism, equality.
marginalized people
People who have the right to tell others when and where they're allowed to speak, what they're allowed to say, what they're allowed to wear, and what they're allowed to form an opinion on - the classic signs of being marginalized.
The feeling inspired by being attracted to your own sex, or not identifying with your own sex.
A reminder: there's now a K in the acronym LGBTQQICAPF2K+. Remember to change your passwords accordingly.
A person who is stupid, but identifies as smart. They face a lot of discrimination: IQ tests, ACT, SAT, etc. They're vastly underrepresented in STEM and practically forced to enter the much more inclusive fields of social sciences and media.
Donald Trump
A racist, white supremacist, sexist chain tweeter, a Russian bot, not my president, not xyr president, not zer president. And he keeps his enemies in a hypnotic state in which they can't help campaigning for him laboriously every day. Sad?
1. less whites
2. less men
3. less straight people
4. less white men
5. less straight men
6. less straight white men
7. less Asians
8. less Asian men
9. less straight Asian men
10. diversity
See also: racism, anti-racism, feminism.
Black Lives Matter
Not to be confused with the racist variant "All Lives Matter". Or even with "All Black Lives Matter". It only refers to the lives of black people killed by police.
Therefore, the correct translation is "Certain Black Lives Matter".
every child deserves to be wanted
A somewhat peculiar way of saying that unwanted children should be killed in the womb.
See also: pro-choice, humanism, feminism.
The irrational fear of Islam. Irrational since Islam will never conquer the West. True, the West will fall very soon, but only because the Western man fails to perform his primary duty to defend his family, country and culture.
A reason given for or against a matter under discussion. Common examples:
You're wrong because
- you're a male
- you're a breeder
- you're cis
- you're white
- you're Asian
- you're not an American
- you're like Hitler and should be silenced.
democratic socialist
The person who lives upstairs from the rational feminist, right next door to the friendly nazi.
See also: Yeti, Bigfoot.
Critical theory
Pure mathematics builds a world of its own. Its theorems are eternally valid whether they have any relevance in the real world or not.
Critical theory is much like that, only without mathematics' beauty, elegance, and, of course, logic.
classical music
The heart of Western culture. It's racist, sexist, full of toxic masculinity and white privilege. You should avoid it at all costs because you might realize it's one of the greatest achievements of humanity.
women should always be believed
Since women don't lie, if a woman accuses a man he should be convicted without proof. Yes, sometimes we'll end up punishing the innocent. But it's a price a good feminist is always willing to pay.
See also: feminism.
all cultures are equal
The postmodernist idea that all cultures are of the same value, therefore Western culture should be destroyed.
See also: multiculturalism, progress, equality.
open borders
The idea that it's a basic human right to live in the West, so these countries should open their borders for everybody. It probably will happen, and if you don't know what it'll be like, just imagine a dam opening its floodgates.
The only acceptable state of mind for POC, women, and anybody else ranking higher than straight white men in the intersectional hierarchy. It not only guarantees constant failure, but also provides a perfect excuse for it.
See also: racism.
Stereotyping or discrimination based on people's age.
In other words: "the young people think the old people are fools -- but the old people know the young people are fools." (Agatha Christie)
nobody is illegal
Translations for those who want to see how well this phrase works abroad:
Spanish: nadie es ilegal
Arabic: لا أحد غير قانوني
Turkish: kimse yasa dişi
Chinese: 没有人是非法的
Hungarian: senki sem illegális
Report back if you can!
1. fewer whites
2. fewer men
3. fewer straight people
4. fewer white men
5. fewer straight men
6. fewer straight white men
7. fewer Asians
8. fewer Asian men
9. fewer straight Asian men
10. diversity
See also: racism.
"People with a grudge against the world are always dangerous. They seem to think life owes them something. ... It's what's in yourself that makes you happy or unhappy." (Agatha Christie: A Murder Is Announced)
5. hatred of self
Before and after images:
3. being white
Ashleigh Shackelford, cultural writer:
Western Civilization
2. The civilization with these words on its headstone: "We deserved our fate".
Stefanie von Berg, serving on Hamburg's City Council, on Germany abolishing itself: das ist gut so!
1. anything mathematics says
Rochelle Gutiérrez, a professor of education at UIUC: "on many levels, mathematics itself operates as Whiteness." "Things cannot be known objectively" (citing Anzaldúa).
3. being white
Robin DiAngelo, expert on whiteness: "The jig is up: all white people are racist".
See also: ally.
"Dear Woman" - this surreal video inevitably evokes the question: whom do feminist allies despise more, themselves or women? We might never know.
critical thinking
personal responsibility
These words and expressions are yet to appear in the SJW language.
See also: decency.
1. the idea that women are weak and stupid
Dr. Victoria Bateman, fellow and lecturer at Cambridge University, on why she protests naked:
new pronouns (zie, ve, per, etc.)
"A person who intentionally and repeatedly refuses to use an individual’s preferred pronoun would be subject to fines (that could reach as high as $250,000 for multiple violations)"
new pronouns (zie, ve, per, etc.)
"In a world where transgender pregnancies are increasingly commonplace, only women emoji are allowed to be pregnant."
Debating abortion:
Debating racism:
conversational health work
The shadow banning of bad people on Twitter. It can't be censorship since it's done with AI, machine learning, rocket science, and intersectional theory. See a full explanation in SJW language here:
shadow banning
Twitter's definition: surreptitiously making somebody's tweets undiscoverable to everybody else. They never do this - you can always read the tweets of the accounts you follow if you go to their profiles.
1. a well-known statistical fact we don't like
classical music
The healing power of Bach's music:
To support a woman's right not to see the human face in the ultrasound image.
Or the results of abortion.
open borders
Jeffrey Miron, director of undergraduate studies in the Department of Economics at Harvard University: "time for the U.S. to have open borders". "Immigrants will not flood into America".
Fighting racism, especially by:
treating everybody in accordance with the racial hierarchy of intersectionality,
treating all white people as racists, and
destroying Western Civilization in general.
See also: racism, intersectionality.
democratic socialist
Meagan Day, staff writer at the socialist magazine Jacobin and a member of DSA: "in the long run, democratic socialists want to end capitalism".
1. the idea that women are weak and stupid
The fight for the one-piece swimsuit emoji:
all cultures are equal
Tolerating the Hindu caste system in Britain:
Uncle Tom
There are no respectable black Trump supporters:
3. being white
A poster for white college students: you must unlearn your racism.
5. hatred of self
When you realize what your life could be like without constantly hating men:
How to ruin your life if you're black by living in a permanent state of victimhood. Main requirements: self-pity, resentment, hatred. A tragicomically absurd article:
An unjust, oppressive economic system that rather inexplicably makes many people live well. Of course, it should be overthrown anyway because it's much better if everybody but the party leaders is poor than if some people are very rich.
conversational health work
Benjamin Franklin: "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and a shadow ban on Twitter".
1. preferential treatment
E. Oliver Whitney, culture critic: cis actors shouldn't play trans roles, trans actors should play cis roles.
free speech
Lisa Hofmann-Kuroda, writer, teacher and political organizer: free speech activists want the same thing as neo-nazis.
Treating children as collateral damage: "gender confusion is a small price to pay for social progress."
Western Civilization
As an act of self-sacrifice, all SJWs live there.
Kate Morgan, critic, writer, filmmaker, teacher: the US is not much better than North Korea.
body positivity
Jill Andrew, writer, speaker, on the dangers of the "thin epidemic":
new pronouns (zie, ve, per, etc.)
Judge: "students do not have a fundamental privacy right to not share school restrooms, lockers, and showers with transgender students whose biological sex is different than theirs".
2. hatred of men
Suzanna Danuta Walters, a professor of sociology and director of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Northeastern University: "it seems logical to hate men".
A nerve-racking video from 1988: people trying to escape from East Berlin by swimming across the Spree river.
the right side of history
Grover Furr, English professor at Montclair State University: "I have yet to find one crime that Stalin committed".
women should always be believed
Catherine Comins, assistant dean of student life at Vassar College on unjustly accused men: "They have a lot of pain, but it is not a pain that I would necessarily have spared them."
Involuntary celibate: a straight man who is unable to find a sexual partner. They say they just want equal access to sex. They don't understand that nobody owes them anything.
The word has no equivalent in the female world.
See also: feminism.
2. hatred of men
Andrea Dworkin, radical feminist and writer: "under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman".
1. The idea that the interests of 99.4% of the population should also be taken into account.
2. The idea that we shouldn't quite deny biology.
See also: feminism, racism, heteronormativity.
women should always be believed
Unless, of course, the accused is a valuable feminist ally.
1. There are only 2, and they must be eliminated.
Biology confirming what everybody but the feminists knows: women are different from men.
4. hatred of women
Maria Popova, writer on motherhood: "what does it say about a culture when its only national holiday celebrating womanhood celebrates women’s uterine capacity or adoptive aspirations?".
Western Civilization
2. The civilization with these words on its headstone: "We deserved our fate".
Barbara John, German politician: "the trend towards the rapidly growing proportion of migrants is irreversible".
victim index
Being black is more important than being queer.
Hari Ziyad, editor-in-chief of RaceBaitR:
5. racism (if it's against POC)
Fortunately, you can't be racist against white people.
5. racism (if it's against POC)
A succinct explanation:
2. hatred of men
Sofie Hagen, comedian: it's really hard not to hate men.
political spectrum
The number of all possible political positions is relatively small: you're either an SJW, or a conservative (aka Christian, aka right-wing, aka bigot, aka alt-right, aka white supremacist, aka nazi, aka fascist).
all cultures are equal
An Indonesian court has sentenced a woman who complained about a noisy mosque to 18 months in prison for blasphemy.
5. racism (if it's against POC)
Tiffanie Drayton, freelance writer: you can't be racist against white people.
1. the idea that women are weak and stupid
2. hatred of men
4. hatred of women
"We think serious feminists have no choice but to abandon heterosexuality" - Leeds Revolutionary Feminist Group.
safe space
2. a place with the same functions as a kindergarten for adults
Amber Ly, Youth Radio: "schools should be required to provide these spaces for their students."
Biology should be banned.
Julie Bindel, feminist author: "Gender roles are made up . . . We develop traditional masculine or feminine traits by being indoctrinated, not because we're biologically programmed to behave in those ways".
new pronouns (zie, ve, per, etc.)
Edinburgh University's guide to pronouns: "it’s important to challenge the idea that pronouns are an indicator of gender, or vice versa".
utilitarian ethics
If you think people are just machines that doesn't leave much space for any kind of morals. So you define "right" as "useful", "wrong" as "harmful".
Is this ethics useful? Nobody seems to ask. But it certainly was useful for Stalin.
There's a new tool to help achieve gender balance in movie scripts. Now they just need to make it intersectional and every film will be a politically correct masterpiece.
The strict enforcement of the intersectional hierarchy.
See also: equality, socialism, anti-racism, feminism, 50-50 rule, intersectionality, victim index.
Kim Tran, Ph.D in Ethnic Studies: it's frightening that many Asian-Americans don't feel oppressed.
. . . True, the West will fall very soon, but only because the Western man fails to perform his primary duty to defend his family, country and culture.
hate speech
. . . Unless the attacked is white (maybe Asian), or male, or Christian, or straight.
Louis Farrakhan, religious leader: you have to kill white people.
Donald Trump
. . . And he keeps his enemies in a hypnotic state in which they can't help campaigning for him laboriously every day.
Michael Moore compares Trump to Hitler in his new documentary:
There's good science and bad science.
Bad science seeks the truth. And the truth often hurts.
Good science doesn't bow before the facts. It's about power. It's feminist. Marxist. Anti-racist. Proudly biased. And it spares you from thinking.
Trans discrimination: the vast majority of cis people (straight or gay) wouldn't date a trans person.
Western Civilization
As an act of self-sacrifice, all SJWs live there.
Jim Carrey, actor: "we have to say yes to socialism".
Saturday Night Live, Election Night: America is racist.
political correctness
Avoiding language that people with a higher victim index than yours might find insulting.
See also: intersectionality, victim index calculator, hate speech.
4. hatred of women
Femininity is dying out (mainly among white women).
Pew Research Center report:
Western Civilization
1. The root of all evil.
Anne Hathaway, actress: “Let’s tear this world apart and build a better one.”
Children can be very useful as props.
Kristina Womp-Wong, comedian:
It's OK to terminate even lives that are worth living, so maybe you should've been spared from existence - says a Dutch philosopher to a person with Down syndrome.
See also: negative eugenics.
replacement migration
The international migration that the West needs to offset population decline. The motto of this solution is often attributed to Angela Merkel, but it was first used by another German Chancellor in April 1945: "Wir schaffen das!"
US Senator Mazie Hirono: "men in this country, just shut up! And step up."
If somebody could go ahead and pay for my gender studies degree, that'd be great.
See also: socialism, communism.
According to the American Sociological Association, sociology is very good science.
Good, intersectional science: "Beyoncé Feminism, Rihanna Womanism" course by Omise’eke Tinsley, Professor of African and African Diaspora Studies at UT. "A rigorous introduction to black feminism."
replacement migration
Peter Sutherland, then UN special representative for migration: the EU should do its best to undermine the homogeneity of its member states.
replacement migration
Japan needs to embrace multiculturalism too:
To support a woman's right not to see the human face in the ultrasound image.
Warning: this video of an actual abortion procedure will probably make you pro-life. Watch it at your own risk.
A person who can menstruate. They used to be called "women", but by now science (good science, of course) has proved that some men can menstruate too. (Which should be obvious by the name itself, anyway.)
See also: gender, science.
Stereotyping or discrimination based on people's age.
Old white people are evil:
The only acceptable state of mind for POC, women . . .
Jessica Valenti, feminist author: America hates women.
women should always be believed
Theresa Searcaigh, published author: defending the falsely accused is equivalent to stealing #metoo.

1. the idea that women are weak and stupid
2. hatred of men
women should always be believed
. . . Yes, sometimes we'll end up punishing the innocent. But it's a price a good feminist is always willing to pay.
Bill Prady, executive producer, The Big Bang Theory:

1. the idea that women are weak and stupid
2. hatred of men
4. hatred of women
5. hatred of self
Elizabeth Weitz, writer, humorist:

For a transman: to feel and behave like a man.
For a feminist: to feel and behave like a transman.
For a man: to feel and behave like a feminist.
See also: cycle of progress.
hate speech
. . . Unless the attacked is white (maybe Asian), or male, or Christian, or straight.
Brian Krassenstein, editor at HillReporter.com:

A person who has the irresistible urge to constantly prove their loyalty towards those above them in the intersectional hierarchy.
Literally constantly:
Western Civilization
2. The civilization with these words on its headstone: "We deserved our fate".
A YouGov poll from 2017 (UK): 43% think a socialist government would make the country a better place to live:
To support a woman's right not to see the human face in the ultrasound image.
An open heart surgery on an unborn baby with half a heart:
hate speech
. . . Unless the attacked is white (maybe Asian), or male, or Christian, or straight.
Catherine Adell, comedian:
To support a woman's right not to see the human face in the ultrasound image.
The story of a miscarried baby. (Warning: beautiful photos!)
2. quotas to ensure preferential treatment
Quotas work (Australia):
replacement migration
United Nations Migration Agency: "migration is inevitable, necessary, and desirable".
1. the idea that women are weak and stupid
Kristen Bell, actress: the prince shouldn't have kissed Snow White without her permission.
To support a woman's right not to see the human face in the ultrasound image.
Vicki Bloom, "abortion doula":
Who could blame them?
Western Civilization
2. The civilization with these words on its headstone: "We deserved our fate".
My land is yours - Swedish Children's TV.
. . . a healthy mixture of servility and self-importance.
And that's what often makes allies so entertaining.
George Yancy, Professor of Philosophy at Emory University:
To support a woman's right not to see the human face in the ultrasound image.
MRI of a baby in the womb at 20 weeks gestation:
equal opportunity
The similar treatment of everybody, except when it wouldn't increase diversity.
See also: diversity, equality.
Western Civilization
1. The root of all evil. As an act of self-sacrifice, all SJWs live there, constantly resisting the temptation to move to a better part of the world.
Protesting the national anthem of the US:
SJW racism (or hipster racism)
This is a controversial term. True, white SJWs usually see racial minorities as their pets. But can you really be called racist if you despise white people just as much?
See also: racism, anti-racism, ally.
A social phenomenon we don't like. Its root cause is always the cisheteronormative white supremacist patriarchy. And if eliminating the phenomenon creates even more problems, no matter: we know the root cause of those too.
Smashing fascism, one SJW at a time.
A stubborn devotion to one's prejudices, e.g. when a straight man isn't necessarily attracted to a gender-fluid person on the days said person identifies as a woman.
See also: transphobia, gender, sexual orientation.
every child deserves to be wanted
A somewhat peculiar way of saying that unwanted children should be killed in the womb.
The Agenda Project, hinting at infanticide?
grievance studies
A new umbrella term for the intersectionality-aware academic disciplines (aka good science), coined by three well-published researchers. In this respect, it's the Social Theory of Everything.
See also: science, intersectionality.
check your privilege
What it means: "My victim index is higher than yours so shut up!"
What it never means: "You live in the West and belong to the richest and freest 10% of the world. If you can't appreciate what you have, you can always leave."
Steven Clifford, former CEO: straight white males should be prohibited from voting.