I observe that every Consultant struggles with DNACPR because of the negative framing. We (I?) must change the framing
You are not dying now
Your health is frail
One day your health will deteriorate badly and
We will know you are dying and
What should we do for you then?
Patient usually answers
Let me go, Doc
Sounds like you said
Me, #IWantAPeacefulDeath?
Then in this crazy UK culture you need a Red #DNACPR Licence for a Peaceful Death
‘Oh no, Doc, I’m not going to be #DNACPR’
We must reframe the whole ‘Near End of Life’ conversation @JohnLauner @TheIHI
At least 85% of people who die at end of living have progressive failure of the vital organs and pass slowly from living to dead. CPR then cannot work - incorrect treatment for Ordinary Dying. @djbeckett
In Ordinary Dying the vital organs progressively fail, the heart stops last and #CPR cannot work.
Doctors shouldn’t do what cannot work
Poor patient then has to cope with impending dying of cancer & DNACPR in a few minutes