The war against theft is not an Uhuru vs. Ruto contest as @jaindikisero & co are under instruction to spin.
All thieves must fall incl those protected by Namba 1.
NB: KVDA covers EMC, Baringo, West Pokot, Turkana, Marsabit, Samburu & yes, Nakuru counties.

What will instead come into sharp focus are the thieving cartels (energy, transport, health) that he prefers to protect incl his loss-making SGR. . .
The same noise being made about the dams should be made louder about even more high stakes, high value thefts that drive us daily into deeper poverty.

Neither @ketercharles nor @DrNjorogeJoseph @EnergyMinK were ever investigated.

CMC di Ravenna is just another version.
Even the land purchase/sale story is an age old NLC scam.
And towels.
So do investigate the dams but @UKenyatta should know that his day is also nigh.