6 years ago, 5 tweets, 1 min read Read on Twitter
Another hopefully successful asylum interview here in Seattle, WA for a family forcibly displaced by political violence.
We have to protect this system. One of my clients is a little girl who had to watch agents of the ruling party manhandle her mother, then pregnant with her baby sister, so aggressively she fainted from shock.
Now in school, she's learned English and is picking up Spanish, in addition to her two native languages. They left everything behind, and we filed approximately 1000 pages of evidence to prove their case.
We included political articles to news reports to some special treatises I was able to get from the Library of Congress. And an expert affidavit from someone who knows the founder of the party my clients supported personally.
I decided to run for office because I saw the entire system under attack, and change starts in your own backyard.

It could have been my little girl.

It could have been any one of ours.

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