It is reported that a man came to 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab _(radhiAllahu anhu)_ to complain about his wife's ill-temper. At time 'Umar was the Khalifa/Leader of all Muslims.
While he was waiting for 'Umar to come out of his house,
The man said, "It is the same with me, O leader of the believers."
(Adh-Dhahabi, Al-Kabâ'ir 194)
You cannot live perfectly happy married lives. This is not Jannah, that's the reason why you got together to achieve it.
You'll dispute, bicker and squabble. But in the end that's the point of it. You learn to live and you learn to tolerate.
Remember, You are marrying a human being, and human being make mistakes. May Almighty Allah ease our affairs.