-Is this that big of a deal? Do Passion Plays and Good Friday gospel readings actually cause significant anti-Jewish sentiment in 2019?
-But Jesus DOES criticize the Jews, so doesn't that have to be part of the conversation?
-But the gospels say that the Jews DID demand Jesus's execution--isn't that an important part of the story?
-Judas is one individual, not a Jewish mob, and is a great character--why is he a problem?
It was also DEEPLY uncomfortable.

...cool, thanks. I'm sure everyone felt much better.
-Is this that big of a deal? Do Passion Plays and Good Friday gospel readings actually cause significant anti-Jewish sentiment in 2019?
Oh, boy. This is one of those parts of Jesus's Jewish context that it's not okay for Christians to appropriate. The fact that you worship him doesn't automatically make all of Judaism yours.
...do they?
The whole Judas story is... oof. Like, this would be twice as long if I went into it, but basically, he's utterly superfluous as a character, and his name is suspicious.
You've already got a villain: the Roman Empire. And that sort of villainy is far more relevant today than one random Jewish guy without any authority who isn't even narratively necessary.
Because, like, look: the world doesn't need any more hate in it right now. And 2000 years of this shit--even if now it's unintentional, tacit, implications, etc.--is enough.
Why are there Pharisees in the dramatis personae for a Passion Play? Why AREN'T there priests/Sadducees? Stop.