They see human interactions solely thru a logical eye.
These people genuinely think that the nicer you are to others, the more they will like you.
The nicer you are to others, the more they will take advantage of you.
'How do you know?'
Because I was once the nice guy...
It is a needed stage in a person's life.
Because it gives you a crash course on human nature.
It's time for a social dynamics 101 lesson 👇
If you think about it, we have been learning thru a logical lens all our lives.
You study some subjects, do homework & take a test.
Sound familiar?
'Rarely, if ever.'
That is why you have a predominant logical lens in the first place.
Nothing is wrong with logic.
But understand, that there is always a time & place for everything.
Logic is awful for understanding humans.
'Why is that?'
Because humans are NOT logical creatures.
They are emotional creatures to the core.
-They have the right heart, but the wrong mindset.
They genuinely believe being nice & a pushover will earn them more praise.
In a logical world, it would.
But in the real world, it only earns them ridicule & resentment.
Subconscious mind - Illogical Feeling mind
The nice guy only speaks to a human's conscious mind.
So yes, they may technically be doing all the right things.
But the other human doesn't FEEL comfortable around the nice guy.
Somethings off
But humans don't work like that..
In order to understand humans, you need to lead with emotions & creativity.
This thread was meant to bring awareness into why you behave the way you do.
And that's because: You are 'nice' because you treat humans with a logical lens.
Once you understand the 'why' behind what you do, changing is much smoother.
Once you become aware, your mind rechannels to the present.
By being present, you will stop thinking so much & just interact.
Humans are social creatures to the core, so we are our best social selves when we think LESS.
The nice guy is not natural, it is the byproduct of overthinking.
Just keep staying aware & interacting with more humans & the niceness will melt away.
At that point, you'll know the nice guy is a thing of the past
You'll free liberated once more
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